
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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11 Chs

Issue #7

" Mom, look who it is."

Shogo yelled to the future Jubilee as she and the others arrived.

Rain looked up to see the woman staring at him in shock.

" Justin?"

Future Jubilee called out to the young man in front of her.

" How do you know my name. We've never told anyone else. We haven't even told those who figured our names out which one belonged to who. So, how do you know that is my name?"

Rain asked the woman in disbelief.

" You told it to me. When we first... I'm sorry I shouldn't say."

Future Jubilee said as she looked away from the young man. A single tear falling from her scared eye.

" I'm sorry if seeing my face brings you painful memories. I wish we had more time to talk about this. But we need to stop those rogues from doing whatever it is they came to do."

Rain explained to the woman as softly as he could.

" You're right. I'm sorry for getting distracted."

Future Jubilee said as she wiped away the tear from her face.

" What do we do now?"

Young Jubilee asked.

" It's simple. We send the kids away to safety and then we all go after the original X-men."

Rain explained.

" Wait, why are we being sent away?"

Fabio asked.

" Because none of you are ready for this fight. My brothers and I will make sure you are all escorted to safety and will join the others as soon as, we're sure."

Blaize said to the boy.

" Oh, man are we on guard duty?"

Tremor asked.

" We can vote on it if you'd like."

Blaize offered.

" No, It's simple. Shogo can take His younger self and Jubilee to safety. Illyana can teleport our team back to base. We can then pursue the enemy together."

Rain explained to his brothers.

" I like his idea more."

Tremor stated bluntly.

" Hmph, very well. Let's begin."

Blaize said to the group.

Shogo took his mother and his younger self and flew off into the distance, while Illyana teleported the younger X-men back to base. Once the X-men were sure that the children were safe they gathered around the X-mansion ready to go to battle.

" I don't like this. It was smart to keep the students out of this fight."

Scott said as he looked at the destroyed school.

" Yes."

Magneto replied

" They are nowhere near ready for what we are about to do."

Blaize stated.

" No, brother they are not."

Rain said in agreement.

" I don't think I'm ready, to be fair. Mutants fighting Mutants. It makes me physically ill."

Scott exclaimed.

" It is hard Scott. But this is the reality of our people. We were born into this world fighting for every inch we could gain and that's how we will leave this world. Unless we do something about it Things will never change."

Rain said as he looked down at the battle. Feeling the nostalgia from standing behind the three brothers, Future Jubilee began to reach out for her future Husbands hand, only to pull back at the last second.

Rain seeing the strife the woman was going through simply reached his hand out and grabbed hold of the woman's hand. He looked back to see her smiling

" They came here from the future, and they destroy a school? You're telling me the grandson of Charles Xavier, the grandson of the man who started that school... Would stoop so low as to bring harm to mutants on the hallowed ground of his grandfather's dream? For any reason?"

Scott asked in disbelief.

" Let's get down there and gut the son of a bitch."

Future Jubilee said as she pulled her hand free to release her claws.

" No."

Scott replied.

" No?"

Jubilee asked in disbelief.

" We don't charge in. We make a plan and stick to the plan."

Scott stated.

" They are... Scott, I don't think you are prepared for how vicious they are."

Future Iceman said to the man.

" Bobby, we've fought against the most demonic evil."

Scott explained.

" But they were not our friends that have long abandoned our rules. They were not a battle-damaged Jean Grey."

Future Iceman explained.

" Well, be that as it may, we."

Scott was saying before being cut off.

" Wait, somethings wrong..."

Tremor suddenly spoke.

" What is it brother?"

Rain asked.

" Three of us are missing. The two originals and Psylocke."

Tremor stated.

" Son of a bitch!"

Emma yelled.

" They know we're here."

Scott said.

A giant shadow loomed over the group and a giant metal structure was dropped on them.

" Thanks for the save wiccan."

Scott said as the group were moved by the man.

" What about the plan?"

Emma asked.

" The plan is we take back this school and rescue the original X-men! Magik get in there!"

Scott ordered

" Yeah, and there's that guy!"

Future Jubilee yelled as the Giant Iceman arrived.

" Scott, we said earlier that some sacrifices would have to be made for the future of our people. Until now everyone we've faced has been either an ally or an unliving being. This creature does live. These people are our enemies. Now, my question is simple do we kill them or not?"

Blaize asked.

" Do what you need."

Scott replied.

Rain nodded and lifted the giant Iceman up off the ground and pulled him towards he and his brothers. Blaize raised his hand and a spiral of flames erupted, melting the Giant Iceman into nothing.

" That's one down. Let's go. We'll leave the grunts to the others. We're heading straight for the problem."

Tremor said as he placed his hands on the ground. A giant stairway opened up letting those who were still behind pass through towards their goal.

" So, raze could go back in time but the original X-men can't? What does this mean?"

Future Jean asked as she yelled at future beast.

" Well... um. One theory is that our younger selves have created such a complicated space/time paradox by coming here and staying here that... That the normal laws of space and time no longer apply to them."

Beast did his best to explain.

" What does that mean?!"

Jean yelled again.

" It means you really screwed yourself."

Scott said as he and the rest of his group arrived.

" I told you already, time is like a stream always changing constantly. Every second another timeline is created. And perhaps. Just perhaps time doesn't want the original X-men to go home yet. You all however, well I can tell you this. I can see the future and you all aren't in it."

Blaize said to the future counterparts of the Brotherhood.

" You are powerful Blaize. Even now that fact is true. But you brothers were killed once and now you'll get to die a second time."

Future Jean Exclaimed.

She pulled out a grenade and threw it at the group.

" Easy."

Tremor said as the grenade soared toward him. He clapped his hands on the floor and a shield of metal and earth surrounded the group.

The mutants heard the grenade go off but felt no kind of impact from the explosion.

" Tremor drop it!"

Blaize yelled as he figured out what was happening. Tremor quickly dropped the dome barrier and much to his anger saw that the group was gone.


Blaize yelled as he smashed his hand into the wall.

" What now?"

Rain asked.

" Hank secure our school. Rachel, go find the bastards who took it from us. And Scott. You just keep all of your people right where I can see them!"

Wolverine yelled orders as he and his X-men marched into the room angering the already mad tremor.

Tremor grabbed logan by his throat and slammed him into the nearest wall.

" I AM NOT IN THE MOOD RIGHT NOW! Give me another order and I will tear the metal from your bones!"

Tremor yelled in the man's face.

" Tremor, Drop him."

Blaize ordered in a stern voice.

Tremor, grit his teeth before reluctantly dropping the man.

" We were played tremor. It happens, even to us. We aren't all powerful."

Blaize explained to his brother.

" I know. But still we came here and pulled their assess out of the fire. Then he's got the nerve to give us orders. Treat us like we're the bad guys. All of them looked at us like we were the problem. Had they listened to us in the first place this wouldn't have happened. But no! They think they know everything. They think they're better than we are and that pisses me off."

Tremor explained his anger.

" It happens man. We aren't exactly the most trusted guys on the planet even amongst our own team. But that's the reality we live. We were born alone, and we lost the only other person we could relate with. We have always suffered. But now we have a chance to make a difference. Not just for our sake, but for those who have yet to come. We got this brother."

Rain said to tremor as he placed his hand on the young man's shoulder.

" You're right. You're right."

Tremor said as he tried to calm himself down.

" Come on. Let's go outside and get some air. When you are all ready to act like adults and are ready to work together to stop these foes let us know."

Rain said to the others as he led his brother outside.