
Eyes wide open

I awoke in a dark room, four walls nothing more, nothing less. All I could hear in the background were the screeching chains, making my uncomfortable stay even more so. In this room, darkness was my only real friend. This is the room I knew I would finally achieve my greatest desire. I knew that in this room, I will die.

This is most certainly the reapers torture chamber. The air here is damp. There’s no doubt it’s connected to the sewers. This place reeks of death. Anyone unfamiliar with this stench would certainly throw up upon coming in here. Since this is yet to happen, I presume this place is well hidden. Or it just might be the opposite…

I hear steps echoing through the halls. Those loud steps fill me up with so much excitement you do not know Angel

Suddenly, I begin to see a light coming from under the doorway. As the door begins to creek, the chains also shake, that must be a fairly thick door.

As the door opened, all I could see was a thick dark silhouette of a man casting his shadow on the wall behind me. This was no one other than our very own mister reaper…

“Hello Angel”, I said while trying to hold back my excitement. But it seems like I won’t get a response. The silhouette calmly walked in, closed the door behind him, returning this room to its previous state, grabbed a chair and sit down right in front of me.

“Tell me Thanos, what’s your agenda?” the reaper asked in a calm tone.

“none”, I respond with a wide blossoming slime on my face.

“Why would anyone come after me directly instead of going straight to the police? That’s just plain stupid?” he continued with a question.

“Wouldn’t know”, my smile got even wider. I would tell that I was getting on his nerves. He’s going to snap any second now.

Here it comes, the first blow. Angel swung his fist directly at my face with sheer force so strong that he knocked me down along with the chair I was tied to. He stood up, came up closer to me and said, “no matter, you will talk soon enough”…

“You will talk soon enough”, said the woman as she turned away from my parents and began coming closer and closer to me. With each step, I could feel my heart tremble. For a faint split second it felt like my heartbeat began resonating with the sound of hr footprints. The closer she got to me, the more her footsteps began resembling the tics of a clock. Tic-tock, tic-tock, tic-tock. The sound of the impending hour of my death made me feel terrified. But then, as soon as she got close to me and looked me in the eye, it was as if everything froze. There was no fear or anger. I almost felt like her pitch black dark eyes swallowed me whole, never to release me again.

“Hello boy,” the woman said in a friendly tone, “I’m sorry for what I’m about to do to you, but you see, you are no longer a child, and as evil gives birth to evil, so do rotten people give birth to other rotten people. I sincerely want you to know that It is not your fault, you are not yet guilty in the ways of your parents, but I just can not accept to take risks in this already tainted world of ours.” she said while caressing my cheek before tuning her back to me and her face towards a masked girl I was yet to notice.

“Queen, bring me a scalpel, some fishers’ wire, alcohol, and some matches. The evil people wish to suffer for their crimes before admitting it, so they shall,” said the reaper in a careless tone.

While Angel was brutally beating our crazed lunatic, all Thanos could to do was repeatedly shout, “stop, it tickles” and maniacally laugh. Catching a pause between blows, Thanos swung his head and the face of his opponent, hitting him straight in the nose. He bled.

There was a time when all I could see was blood and all I could feel was pain. Pain that was so great it would slowly turn to pleasure. Even if I didn’t get it back, then I get it now. Pain is just a sign that something isn’t right. You don’t really have to listen to what it tells you. As that would only give birth to fear, and fear is the only thing that can make you a slave. The point when pain turns to pleasure well, that’s the same point when pleasure turns back into pain. There is no escaping it. Even before I got captured, suffering was all around me. I simply refused to see.

Five days passed in a blink. They feel like a dream. However, I am not sure if I may make that judgement, since I haven’t exactly woken up yet. My screams, they seem so distant. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching myself inside of a tv opera, like I’m the main character, bruised, beaten and broken and I’m about to reach some crazy insight into everything that I simply didn’t have before. This insight will rescue me and help me punish the evildoers who harmed me. Too bad it’s just a fantasy…

“Thane, I don’t mean to be rude, but you just can’t keep crying like this,” asked the reaper, knocking me back into a conscious state of mind. “You’re a smart boy. You must have realized by now that I am a horrible person. I mean you harm, your pleading and begging, well, It simply reassures me, It shows me that what I’m doing is effective.”, with each word she would make me more aware of what was really going on, I could no longer look away from my blood that was forming a puddle on the floor. “Thane, you are no longer a child. Your tears no longer serve a purpose. So instead of crying, laugh. Only by laughing the devil in the face can you bring out his weakness.”, the reaper concluded and looked at me with the same expression a loving mother would look at her child.

My frozen, beaten expression immediately shifted into a caring, loving smile. “You rotten bitch, I swear to god, I swear on my life, I will kill you. No matter how, no matter what, I will eradicate everything you love. I will make you suffer.”, I said with the same smile on my face. She wasn’t surprised. If anything, she nodded and smiled back at me as if she was waiting for someone to tell her this for a very long time.

After getting hit angel grabbed a rag and put it into Thanos’s mouth to prevent him from annoying him any further, then he pulled out his laptop and proceeded to watch a certain video after which, in a playful tone, he said, “I see, Thane was it? So you really do have a death wish.”

All Thane could do was shout with that rag still being in his mouth…

A day passed since then, yet again Angel came in to his chamber while Thanos was patiently waiting.

“So did your tongue ever become loose,” Angel said while trying to mock Thanos.

“Yes, quite so, Hey Angel let’s talk secrets,” I grinned while trying to keep myself from laughing, “why don’t you tell me about your mother, did she treat you the same way as all of her little friends or were you the odd one out?” Thanos said in response to Angles cracks at him.

Angel froze, seeing this Thanos continued, “Ah, you see being an honorable student of dear old mama has made you quite predictable, I’m more than aware that you don’t give a single fuck about Alice, that it’s papa who made you protect her all this time, I also know that you killed Ann for no other reason than to prove to her you’ve grown into a big boy. See Angel, me and your mommy had an agreement, an oath to be exact.”

“What was it?” Angel lashed out in anger.

“It’s quite simple. I slaughter her kin.”, I responded while feeling my face twitch with excitement.

“And how are you going to do that?” Angel responded with a slight smirk, taking over his face.

“Check your phone”, I said with anticipation. But even in my sweetest fantasies, I couldn’t have imagined the kind of face Angel would make upon seeing his younger brother hanging off a tree.

Sometimes I would see glimpses of a young boy and a tall man wearing a black coat and hat, the reaper’s family, no doubt. The man, he would often say what needed to be said to persuade her. It seemed almost like she was his weapon, a way to keep his hands from getting dirty. First, I thought he might be some sort of politician, but things just didn’t add up. You see, he was too crude to be a politician. He was sloppy and wasn’t all too self-aware. In truth, I didn’t matter who he was. There was one thing that I knew for certain: he will eventually raise that young boy into a boring blabbering idiot just like himself. Oh, would I like to see the irony of that?

“You see, my dear Angel, you are truly boring, your eyes are completely closed to the world, you simply don’t think things through. Right now you might think that I am in a cage and you’re looking at me from the outside, but in truth, there is an even bigger cage engulfing both of us, and you see, to that cage I am the key… It would be a lot more exciting if you somehow managed to open your eyes, but until then you’re just another boring blabbering idiot.”

After that mockery, the reaper tore out one of Thane’s precious eyes.