
Ji Min

"Ji Min!" a whiny voice complained from the doorway of the gym. "Let's goooooo!"

"Leave first... I want to practice my footwork a little bit more."

"But Jiiii Miiiin! I wanted to go home with youuu."

Ji Min shook off her friends offer with a wave. "See you Friday."

Pouting, her friend turned to leave before she quickly turned back and popped her head back through the gym door. "Hurry! They're coming to take down the nets. Promise me we'll hang out next time!"

"Definitely... now stop distracting me. I need to focus." Ji Min shouted back at her.

Hearing the promise of being able to hang out later in the week, Ji Min's friend smiled and waved back at Ji Min before she walked out of the gym.

'She's so simple...' Ji Min thought to herself as she returned back to her shuttlecock covered court. With a few kicks from her slender legs, she cleared the court out.

Gripping her racquet loosely in her left hand, she took a deep breath and she began practicing her footwork. Sounds of squeaking filled the empty gym as she dashed around the court, her specialized shoes allowing her to change directions in an instant.

She danced across the court as she chased after an imaginary birdie her tied black hair whipping around as she did.

"One... two... three..." Ji Min chanted under her breath as she lunged after an imaginary birdie. Gripping her racquet tighter, she cut the air gently before she backed up to the centre of the court once more.

'One... two... three... jump.' Ji Min chanted to herself as she arched her flexible body backwards.

"Back... hit... down." she chanted. With incredible force, she whipped her body around as she smashed her racquet through the air. Whomp.

Tap. Tap. Two taps in quick succession as her feet landed solidly on the floor below her. Recovering, she lunged forward once more and repeated the same movements as she did before.

With each rotation, her breathing got heavier. With each rotation, more and more sweat began to build upon her skin, eventually falling on to the court below her.

Minutes passed as she continued to practice her footwork as two workers entered the gym. Ji Min noticed them and stopped. Out of breath, she placed her two hands on her knees as she panted. Raising one of her hands into the air she waved at them.

Like the workers and Ji Min had some sort of conversation in an unspoken language, they proceeded to the furthest side of the gym and began to take the nets down.

Taking a few more deep breaths, Ji Min continued her dance of lunges of jumps. Whatever she did, she worked hard at it and it was clear that badminton was one of them.

Minutes later, Ji Min stopped.

'Out of time, huh.' she thought as she caught her breath and wiped her sweat covered forehead with her arm.

At the same time, the workers began to take down the net in front of her to make room for basketball practice which took place after badminton.

"Thanks... for all... your hard work." She managed to say through her panting.

A worker chuckled and replied. "It's our jobs, besides, I'm sure you worked harder than us."

Laughing too Ji Min stretched her back and wrists before she moved onto her legs. Sitting on the floor she stretched her arms over her pale slender feet.

After thoroughly stretching, Ji Min picked up her shuttlecocks and returned them into their container - their container and her badminton racquet into her badminton bag and her back onto her back.

"See you all Friday! Thanks again and have a nice night!" She shouted as she left the gym towards the changerooms.


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