
Ultimate Spider-Man System

After waking up in an unfamiliar room, Alex discovers that he has been reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, inhabiting the body of a young Peter Parker with Tom Holland’s face. Guided by the mysterious "Ultimate Spider-Man System," a robotic AI designed to assist him in his new life, he is presented with a choice: rise to greatness and leave his mark on history or remain an unnoticed nobody. Equipped with Spider-Man’s powers, the protagonist sets out to redefine what it means to be Spider-Man, free from the constraints of Peter Parker’s tragic destiny and stupid way of thinking. With access to a shop offering abilities and tech from other Marvel heroes and the Multiverse, he aims to forge a new path, a Path that a not brain-dead Person would also take. But with great power come great... Wealth, Influence, Lady's? Will he embrace his old role, or carve out a destiny entirely his own? (AN: He will carve out his own destiny) Tags: r18, overpowered, reincarnated, marvel- MCU, Spider-Man, romance, harem, superpowers, system https://patreon.com/Sparky20049 Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended for commercial use. All characters, settings, and intellectual properties related to Spider-Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and Marvel Comics are the sole property of Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Disney, and their respective creators and copyright holders. This story is a transformative, non-commercial fan project created out of love and appreciation for the original works. The author makes no claim of ownership over the characters or world depicted herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Sparky20049 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Playing with his Body

After some time, he heard how his aunt may drove off, and he could finally start thinking out loud without her fearing for his mental state of mind.

"Firstly, I want to test my limits, see if the system wasn't bullshitting me" He said while going into the System and looking at his Status again.


Name: Peter Parker

Active Powers:

- Spider sense (Passive/Special)

- Max Human Shock Absorption (Passive/Special)

- Max Human strength and durability (Passive)

- Max Human Speed (Passive)

- Max Human agility (Passive)

- Wall crawling (Active)

- Organic Web shooting (Active)

- Enhanced metabolism (Passive)

- Enhanced healing factor (Passive)

Sealed Powers:

- Superhuman Shock Absorption: (Passive/Special)

- Superhuman strength and durability (Passive)

- Superhuman speed (Passive)

- Superhuman agility (Passive)

- Superhuman senses (Passive)

- Invisibility (Active)

- Electric Discharge (Active)

- Venom Sting (Active)


"Well, I guess I somehow have to test my powers" he thought and went into his room, opening the window.

He made sure that all the cameras in the room would be turned away from him and then Pressed the Suit on Button.

"System, deactivate the Sealing of my Powers" he said.

"Host, affirmative" the system said, and his character sheet changed and all the Powers were Active now.

"System, How do I use my Invisibility? " Peter thought in his head.

"Host has to think actively or Subconsciously think about turning Invisible" The System answered.

"Wait, does that mean I stay invisible till I think I don't want to anymore, or will I stop being invisible when hit?" He thought.

"The latter, Host has to not get hit while being Invisible or the effect will vanish and has to be reactivated again." The system explained.

"Nice, I can't believe this is real" He thought.

"Then, let's see, think hard boy"

He visioned himself before a mirror and how he slowly fades away until not being there anymore.

"Wow, I can't see myself in the mirror, this is awesome" Peter thought.

"Now I need to get the heck out of here and finally try out my Powers" Peter thought and went out of the Window, clinging to the side of the house and crawled along the wall.

"Fuck, this is awesome" he thought while going down the house in a normal walking position.

He jumped over the back fence and got out on the street.

"Well, now what, what should I do, where should I go, and how should I test my Powers" Peter thought.

"I'm sure, there are some criminals somewhere around that I can beat the shit out of and try my super strength and speed, maybe some kind of badass villain that would be a good test for my durability" he thought.

"System, do I have a radar or something to search for Villains and Criminals"

"Host has no such ability" the system replied

"Host is also advised to not try out your Superhuman strength for the first time on normal human thugs, if the host wants to keep a good image for his alter ego"

"Okay, that's a good point, but how am I supposed to test my Superhuman strength?"

"Host has activated the former sealed superhuman level Powers, As such, these are some possible ways on how to test and train your abilities before facing Normal Humans:

1. Host can find a secluded place to test and train

2. Host can look for other Supers to test his abilities on (not advised)

3. Host can look for Monsters or Animals to test and train his abilities on (not advised)"

"Hmm, number 1 sounds pretty good, I can't have someone recognize me before I even had my first heroic moment. Also, if the Police recognized me from killing someone accidentally, they could put it in the police reports and make Aunt May worried as soon as I show her my suit." Peter thought and started looking for a secluded place.

"Where should I go" He thought and looked around.

He started jogging and soon saw the world flying by like in a car.

"This is Awesome, So this is what Super speed feels like" He thought and tried to run even faster.

After a bit of searching, around an already pretty abandoned area, he found an old, rundown, and empty factory.

"This should be good," he thought, grinning.

He jumped over the fence and ran inside the factory.

"Wow, this is creepy," he thought, a shiver running down his spine.

The place was eerily quiet, the only sound the gentle creaking of the old metal.

"First thing first, can I shoot Invisible webs?" He asked, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

He pointed his wrist and willed it to happen.

A stream of webs shot out of his wrist, hitting the ceiling and sticking.

"Well, I'm visible again, but still Awesome," he thought, a grin spreading across his face.

He pulled at the web and some part of the ceiling came crashing down onto him, triggering his spider senses, which was not falling fast at all, but still, fast enough to get a normal person in shock killed or badly hurt.

"Well" he thought as the ceiling part crashed down next to him, "I guess my webs are more durable than the roof, don't know if that's good or bad, but let's just test further"

He shot out another string of web, and this time, he made the web stick to the ground, and he tried to snap it by pulling on it.

The only thing that happened though was that he pulled out parts of the floor that flung very fast in his direction, only nearly missing him.

"Well, that didn't work out, guess it's stronger than the Floor, but I still don't have a real point of comparison" He thought, a bit disappointed.

He started jogging a bit around the warehouse, doing parkour while using his wall running ability and shooting strings of webs at metal poles and trying to swing around.

"I'm definitely going to enjoy swinging around and beating up some dudes that deserve it" he thought, his cheeks flushed as he imagined himself beating the shit out of some bank robbers, while their bullets just bounce off his suit.

After some time, he felt like his endurance was good, and he was able to keep going

"Okay, I should try the strength next, but I need something strong, like a boulder or a metal pillar or something" he thought and started looking around.

He eventually found a big chunk of stone that must have come down from the ceiling and a big metal pillar.

"Let's look how busted these universes Spider-man's Strength is"

He walked up to the pillar and grabbed it, his fingers sinking slightly into the cold metal, leaving a handprint as he pushed down.

The pillar slowly buckled, the metal groaning in protest, until it gave way, and Peter's arm just went into the thing.

"Well, I guess Spider-man's Strength compromised in this tiny Hand should pack quite a punch"

He looked around, his eyes landing on the boulder.

"How much may that weigh" He thought and used his wall crawling powers to get a grip and slowly lifted the thing.

"Well, except for the air resistance, I don't really feel any strain on my body"

He let the rock down again, his fingers leaving marks in the stone and cracks forming around parts that got more strain than others.

"I could throw this thing pretty far if I wanted, but I would rather not destroy the warehouse"

He speculated.

"Alright, let's try out the shock absorption" he thought.

And for that, just went outside and searched for a punch of empty grass field.

"And hop" He said and jumped into the air, propelling himself quite fast and quite high, before falling down again and attacking the ground with his Feet. The ground exploded under his Impact, but he didn't feel anything, like landing in sand, from a normal jumping height.

"Wait, does that mean I could jump out of orbit and still be fine" he thought, and the system directly answered his question.

"Host, you can only absorb Shock in the Superhuman range, so the force your body can produce, the calculations say that for such a feat you would have to have at least demigod level Shock absorption Powers and Super strength."

"Well, good to know I guess, I seam to have a long way to go still" he realized as he heard about the Demigod level and whatever laid beyond it.

"Activate Venom Sting" he thought and suddenly, he felt a short tingling in his knuckles as per hand, two bony Fangs shot out of his knuckles, each dripping a Red poison from the tip, that could be blood if you wouldn't know what to look for.

"That's actually pretty creepy and cool" he thought, smiling, while thinking how it could sting right through someone, especially if his super strength is applied as well.

"Next, I should also look at the electricity, maybe it has a different effect than what I remember from the movies, I don't want to fry my aunt or something" He thought and started concentrating on his hands.

A yellow electricity started to gather and flow through his arms.

"Oh wow, this is so cool, but I should probably try it out on something first"

"Activate Venom Sting" he said.

Two long fangs, dripping a red substance, shot out of his Knuckles.

He aimed at a nearby tree, and let a wave of electricity travel through his Arms, and some smoke started coming from his fangs as the Poison evaporated.

"System, Is this smoke still Poisonous" He asked, happy that he maybe found a cool synergy.

"Host, yes, it has on anyone but the Host, but only when breathed in or with skin contact, it doesn't have the same effect as a direct injection would have as it makes the target Paranoid."

"Good to know" He thought.

He then went to a wall and aimed at it.

A ball of electricity started gathering in his palms, and jumping Slightly across his fangs before he aimed it at the wall, the electric charge, like in a rail-gun, shot into the wall and damaged some stone, till it flew down into the ground and vanished.

"Wow, this is so cool, I wonder how strong this thing would be with more charged Power" He thought and looked for another wall, and a big metal pillar.

He aimed at the wall first and shot a longer charged Electric ball, hitting and creating a hole in the wall.

"Well, the wall is definitely destroyed, but the Metal looks mostly okay, Metal is a pretty good conductor after all"

He then turned towards the metal Pillar and started charging.

"But with enough heat, I could maybe Melt it"

After half a Minute of charging, he released the energy at the Metal Pillar, melting a whole in it and destroying the Pillar.

"That's so Cool"

He looked around and saw the Boulder he used to test his strength.

"Let's try it on that" He said and started charging again, aiming at the big chunk of Rock.

As he released his strongest charge yet, a massive beam of electricity shot out and hit the Boulder, and the yellow beam continued until it hit the wall behind it and scorched that one as well.

"Well, guess that's why I need to stay out of the cities and use the open fields or forests for testing and not some Normal Humans, thanks again for the reminder system"

"Host is welcome"

"Now the last thing I want to test is the invisibility, what does it take to break out of it, and what does it do if I touch someone while invisible."

He thought about the last option for a bit, and after a short internal struggle, he decided to do it, and just touched a nearby tree with his hand still invisible.

"Seams like maybe you don't count as a living thing, we will see later buddy"

He then through a little stone into the air and tried to stand in its way as it fell down.

As it was about to hit his face, the invisibility broke.

"So, shortly before contact, it breaks the invisibility, good to know"

He looked around and found a nearby rock that was massive and heavy, and decided to throw it into the air.

He then decided to just take the bolder head on and not attack, to not trigger shock absorption.

"Oh fuck, that tingles" His muffled voice said as he lay down under the big Bolder.

"I Guess I'm also quite durable" he said as he rolled the stone to the side

"So, now I know my Powers and strengths, time to go back home and see what aunt may bought for food."

He turned Invisible again and went home in a flash, now having more control of his powers and climbing into his room without destroying something accidentally.

"Aunt May, I'm Back," he shouted, and aunt may came rushing into the room, a frown on her face.

"Where are you Peter" She yelled Right into his face.

"Right here silly" he said and hugged her from behind while pressing her back into his breast so much that her ass was right on his Dick.

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I’ve read a ton of Spider-Man fanfics, and since there aren’t so many great ones out there, I decided to write my own! This is my take on Spider-Man, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave some comments and critiques if you like, as I’d love to make it even better for everyone!

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