
Ultimate Spider-Man System

After waking up in an unfamiliar room, Alex discovers that he has been reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, inhabiting the body of a young Peter Parker with Tom Holland’s face. Guided by the mysterious "Ultimate Spider-Man System," a robotic AI designed to assist him in his new life, he is presented with a choice: rise to greatness and leave his mark on history or remain an unnoticed nobody. Equipped with Spider-Man’s powers, the protagonist sets out to redefine what it means to be Spider-Man, free from the constraints of Peter Parker’s tragic destiny and stupid way of thinking. With access to a shop offering abilities and tech from other Marvel heroes and the Multiverse, he aims to forge a new path, a Path that a not brain-dead Person would also take. But with great power come great... Wealth, Influence, Lady's? Will he embrace his old role, or carve out a destiny entirely his own? (AN: He will carve out his own destiny) Tags: r18, overpowered, reincarnated, marvel- MCU, Spider-Man, romance, harem, superpowers, system https://patreon.com/Sparky20049 Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended for commercial use. All characters, settings, and intellectual properties related to Spider-Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and Marvel Comics are the sole property of Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Disney, and their respective creators and copyright holders. This story is a transformative, non-commercial fan project created out of love and appreciation for the original works. The author makes no claim of ownership over the characters or world depicted herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Sparky20049 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Important Help

"That doesn't change anything" she said with a red face.

"Wait, so you dreamt about this?"

"No" She said way too quickly, her face turning red.

"Really, you don't need to lie, I wouldn't be mad"

"Ok, maybe a bit, but only once, nothing bad, and you can't control Dreams"

"Oh, really, you dreamt about me" he said with a grin and went to the kitchen.

"What are you doing, come back here" She screamed and chased after him, but was too late and saw him climbing up the wall and hiding on the ceiling.

"Please come down" she begged, a mix of embarrassment and anger on her face.

"No" he said while sticking his tongue out.

"Why not"

"Because you said I need to prove that this isn't a dream, so now, I have to do something crazy"

"Fine, then stay there" she said angrily and left the kitchen.

Peter climbed down from the ceiling and followed her.

"Hey, wait, I'm sorry, please don't be angry"

"Then don't say such stupid things" she said and sat on the couch again, pouting.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you angry, can we still talk about what else happened to me?"

"Wait, there is more?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, It's not everything, my memories also seam to be a bit hazy lately, for the love of God, I can't remember clearly what happened even Yesterday. I still know the important stuff like about you, mom and dad and Ned, but not much about anything specifics, May I am pretty afraid here." He lied through his Teeth like a Master Actor.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. If there is anything, you know you can always talk to me, okay? Why did you wait so long" she said, her voice softening as she pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks, Aunt May," he replied, his cheeks burning as he felt her warm body pressed against his.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking, can you, like... do anything else besides sticking to the wall and ceilings and crawling around on them"

"Well, there is this one thing"

"What is it"

"Promise not to freak out"

"I won't, now tell me"

"I, uh... I think I can, uh... shoot webs," he replied, his cheeks burning as he averted her gaze.

"You can WHAT" she screamed, her eyes widening in shock.

"See, I told you not to freak out," he said, his voice wavering as he tried not to laugh.

"Oh, shut up, how the hell do you shoot webs, out your ass?" she said angrily and confused.

"I don't know, I hope not, till now they just came out of my wrists when I want the to"

"Can you show me"

"Sure, but only if you kiss me again"

"No can do" she said with a red face, shaking her head cutely.

He shot a web out of his wrist and pulled her into him, sticking them together.

"EEEEW, what is this, I can't pull away, let me go" she screamed in panic and embarrassment.

"You wanted me to show you, now look"

"What the Fuck, that's disgusting, please let me go" She nearly screamed in Panic again

"Not till you kiss me"

"What are you talking about, please, that white fluid is everywhere, really gross, and sticky, let me go"

"That's what she said" Peter said quietly and started snickering.

"What are you laughing about, how do we get this off?" She asks while getting more and more covered in my white fluids

"Maybe a Shower will help" Peter added, while getting slowly a hard one, watching her struggle in his net. He could swear in the back of his mind there just awakened some kind of animistic instinct to attack the prey in his net, but he shrugged it off mentally.

"Fuck, this is embarrassing, please let me go, or at least put me down, this is way too awkward"

"Not until you kiss me"

"No" She said now a lot more quiet than before.

"The shower together it is then" he said and started walking with her pressed against his body up the stairs, she still struggling in his net.

"Peter, please, can't we just talk about this" she pleaded, her cheeks burning as she tried to cover her exposed breasts and vagina.


"Peter, please"


"You're really stubborn, you know that"

"And you are a great tease"

"I am not"

They both discussed while he showered her and secretly pulled back the webs bit by bit, they were waterproof after all, but he really wanted to see aunt may naked.

"Can you at least turn around or give me a towel or something?" she pleaded, her cheeks burning as she tried to wash the webs off her body.


"You can't just watch me shower," she exclaimed, her cheeks burning.

"Says who?"

"Common sense"

"I don't remember such a thing, what's that" he said deadpan honest.

"Peter, please," she pleaded, her voice wavering.

He sighed, "Okay, fine. I will close my eyes and try washing you with only my sense of touch" he relented, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Peter, please don't joke like that, you're making this even more awkward," she exclaimed, her cheeks burning as she tried to scrub the webs off her body.

"I'm not joking. I promise I won't peek," he replied, his voice serious as he closed his eyes.

"Fine," she sighed, her cheeks burning as she tried to hide her nakedness.

"I also have Super strength, without that, you won't get these webs anywhere" he said, trying hard to not let her hear his smile in his voice.

"Oh, yeah, how many more Powers do you have" She asked annoyed.

"I have a Giant pointy thing that I can grow and that shoots some kind of fluid into the target that it's stung into" he joked, definitely talking about his fangs.

"Haha, very funny" she said while I could feel her eyes glancing at my dick.

"Don't worry, I know for sure it stops hurting after the first sting," he teased, his eyes still closed as he gently touched her body, pretty much just molesting her, instead of removing the webs, which she seemed not to really notice.

"You're not funny, Peter" she exclaimed, her cheeks burning as she sadly tried to avoid his hands in her special places.

"I'm hilarious, just ask my aunt," he joked, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he continued his 'assisted' shower.

"You're a dork, you know that?"

"Yep, but you love me anyway," he replied, grinning as he slowly rubbed the soap all over her Body.

"I never said that"

"You did" he said, grinning as he washed her hair and shoulders.

"You're ridiculous," she muttered, her cheeks burning as she tried not to moan from the feeling.

"I should massage your shoulders more often, they carry around so much weight the whole day" he said jokingly but may didn't react as she seamed to really enjoy his shoulder massage.

"mhm" was the only thing she could bring out of her, while her eyes slowly closed.

While she was feeling great from the massage, Peter opened up his eyes and tried to burn the image of his moaning and naked aunt into the very essence of his Brain and eyes. After some time, he could see her waking up from her trance and reluctantly closed his eyes again.

"I think that's all" He said, and he felt his aunt may get away from his touch and hear how she pretty much ran trough the bathroom slipped... and fell.

"Aaaah" a quick scream followed by hurt moaning filled the bathroom and Peter opened his eyes again, searching for the fallen naked maiden.

"Oh, my God, Aunt May, are you alright?" he exclaimed, rushing to her side.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just slipped on the wet floor and fell," she said, her cheeks burning as she tried to cover her naked body.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," she said, her cheeks burning as she averted her gaze.

"Here let me help you" he said and took her arm and lifted her up, pretty much pressing her into his chest.

"Thank you, Peter," she mumbled, her cheeks burning as she avoided his gaze.

"You're welcome, aunt may" he said and looked at her beautiful Body, now free from the sticky substance that covered her body a few minutes ago, and gave her a quick kiss she couldn't avoid in her position.

"Peter" she mumbled and blushed a bit while looking to the side.

"We are family, you don't have to be embarrassed," he said, grinning sheepishly.

"Still," she muttered, her cheeks burning as she averted her gaze.

"Okay, but I hope we can do this more often, you're a great kisser" he teased her and gave her another kiss, this time she moved down her head though, and he kissed her nose instead.

"Let me just get dressed, okay" She said while pushing him away.

"Alright," he replied, grinning as he watched his eyes fixed on her perfect ass as he took off his wet clothes.

"Peter, what are you doing?" Aunt May exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked at his naked body and his obvious Boner standing Proudly, trying to reach the sky.

"I need to shower as well remember" He said and walked past her, his dick slightly touching the buttocks of the shocked aunt may that stood in his way like a reindeer in headlights.

"Peter, you're naked," she whispered, her cheeks burning as she stared at his cock.

"Well, yeah. How else do you expect me to shower?"

"But... but..."

"What's wrong?"

"Your... your..."

"My what?"

"Your... cock," she whispered, her cheeks burning as she stared at his rock-hard dick, while he started to shower.

He started soaping up, but this time he made it more of a show for his aunt as he started with his ass and Dick instead of his hair, slowly stroking it as he slightly moaned, watching her from the edge of his Vision.

"What about it?"

"It's... it's huge," she muttered, her cheeks burning as she continued staring at his cock.

"Yep, 25cm" he replied nonchalantly.


"That's how big my cock is," he replied, his voice muffled as he rinsed off the soap.

"25 centimeters... that's not possible," she whispered, her eyes wide as she stared at his massive member.

"Why not?"

"Because... because..."

"Because what?"

"Because you're a boy" she replied, her cheeks burning as she stared at his cock.

"I think I'm more man than most" he said and stroked his dick a little more to show what he meant.

"You shouldn't be hard" she said flustered and fake angry, "I'm your aunt, this is wrong"

"It's a normal reaction to a beautiful naked body of a woman for a 16-year-old Boy" He said Playfully

"What do you mean, Oh Fuck" She said and ran out of the bathroom having pretty much forgotten about her complete lack of clothing.

Peter grinned and went under the Water again. The soap on his Dick and the fact that his aunt just seconds ago stood there completely naked, watching him jerk of let him bust his nuts in no time. "Fuck Yeah, Aunt may" he moaned out as he came, and his body started spasming while squirting out waves after waves of cum, painting the Imaginary aunt may standing there completely white and dripping with his jizz. After a whole Minute of Moaning, he finally calmed down and his Dick went flaccid again.

"Fuck, that was a lot" he thought and started cleaning the place. "If that wasn't a fantasy, she would have to shower again" He thought, snickering to himself.

After finishing up, he got out of the shower and dried himself off, his stomach grumbling loudly. He dressed quickly and walked downstairs, his stomach grumbling even louder.

"Wow, Peter, that's loud" Aunt May said, laughing, seemingly playing it off like that right now never happened.

"Well, it seems like showering so extremely, like I did consumes countless calories" He said, loving every second of aunt Mays face as she began to understand what he meant.

"I guess as a young 16-year-old, that should be normal, but I'm not making you food again, I have to go buy some stuff" she said, lightly red in the face as she said that and rushing into her room.

"Oh, that's okay. I'll just make some spaghetti, don't forget to buy a lot more of the ingredients for a pasta, I have a feeling that with my new powers my metabolism also increased" He said while starting to do the necessary steps to boil some Water.

"Sure I will" A fully clothed aunt may said as she came running out of her room and next to the exit door.

"Anything else?" she asked and looked at him with hopeful eyes that he would say no, and she could finally flee these surroundings and process what happened just some minutes ago.

"Yes" He said and smiled sheepishly at her

"Come back safe beautiful and I love You aunt May" He said, and she just swung close the door with a flustered face, hearing his laughter through the walls. 

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I’ve read a ton of Spider-Man fanfics, and since there aren’t so many great ones out there, I decided to write my own! This is my take on Spider-Man, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave some comments and critiques if you like, as I’d love to make it even better for everyone!

Peace out for today,

Sparky20049creators' thoughts