
Ultimate Power Holder

In every world we see that power is the source for everything Power is present in novels which have romance and power is present in novels and comics which are based on it. When power is devided it gave rise to certain loopholes. Those loopholes in terms gives rise to a a power check between the ruler and ruled. Everything the ruler says is right and the ruled are the ones to bow before the will. 'Secrets ' a mysterious word that is their in every world , the thing which make the rich more richer by giving them the power to control the rest . Planet Liva is no different from that game. The power abuse gave rise to a protestant class will their leader be able to turn tables or will he become one of them,The association that our protagonists will face and how their fate will entagle with each other further and many secrets will be revealed.

Meosi · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Mysterious Person: :

"I will not repeat , Tell me your purpose. " said Livioun again while clutching the jaw of that boy with his hands.

(The dark room- Royal palace Liva.)


Livioun used a little bit of magic to let the pain of fire rumble down the body of that injured boy and especially to his injured arm.

"Ah," , "Ah" shouted the boy he was feeling immense pain but that doesn't matter to The Crown prince because 

He is used to seeing people shouting like this while being tortured. 

"So , does it hurt or shall I increase the mana?" Said Livioun looking at the boy who was almost on the verge of death because of the inhuman pain.

"My prince , please! Stop ." Said that boy in a trembling voice .

He barely managed to speak under the torture but if he hadn't spoke ,then it might already be the end for him.

"Yo..High..ss, I..I just wanted to protect you." Said He , while his breathing almost stopped from the intense pressure .

"Protect me , can't even protect yourself." Smirked the crown Prince as he intensified his grip.

"I…I know but , protecting someone is a warrior's duty."said that boy as he somehow managed to get a grip of his breath. 

Suddenly the pressure started decreasing. Livioun's face just turned a bit pale and it seemed like he was suddenly reminded of something.



Two little boys were sitting under a tree while watching the scenery. 

"So, can I ask you something ?" Said Livioun while looking at the other one.

"Go ahead!" Said the other one .His face was blurry and only a cute smile could be seen there.

"Why did you help that deer?  You know you could have seriously gotten injured if I was not there." Said Livioun in a somewhat curious expression. 

"Um..maybe because it's our responsibility to protect the weak." Said that boy while smiling naively. 

A little spark was seen in his eyes and as he said those words something felt good inside Livioun.

Present moment ::

(The dark room -palace Liva.)

"You are lucky." Said Livioun while removing his mana.

There was something in the boy's eyes that made his cruelty go away for sometime.

"Th…Thank you ,Your Highness. " said the boy as he coughed.

"Don't thank me yet ,because you will have to stay here and more torture is waiting for you." Said Livioun while calling out his secret guards. 

"Your Highness. " wished them while kneeling down on the floor.

"Take him to treat the wound, and put him inside jail." Said The crown prince.

His power has evolved and everyone could feel that because only with a tiny bit of his power use he was able to create a dense atmosphere. 

"Yes, your Highness ." Shouted them.

They dragged the boy with them ,the boy has now almost lost his consciousness. 

"What was that ?" Said Livioun to himself as he felt something different in his heart after seeing that image .It felt like he had forgotten something very important .

"Livioun ," called sein .

"Yes , sein now do one thing: go to the announcement centre and declare everything is normal. " said Livioun while putting on his royal robe.

" Son , is everything okay ? I heard some weird noise." Said the king when he saw that the prince was walking towards the hall and guards following him.

"Your Majesty, everything went well ." Said the Crown prince while kneeling towards his father.

"Is it ? " said the king.

"Yes , your Majesty. " said the prince while bowing his head.

"Good,  now, show everyone your rank." Said The king while asking the prince to rise up.

The crown prince rose up and with his hand controlled the flowing gas 'mana' and that lit up the whole hall with reddish golden light and a monitor just came out.

The monitor showed the number:

Statistics- 9 th grade obtained.

Power faculty- infinite.

Label- Nirvana fire and blade holder.


     *Rank - supreme label fighter *.

Suddenly after that was shown firecrackers just lit up the sky and these firecrackers were all made from light magic and not original ones.

"All hail to His Highness , All hail to His Majesty. " said all the audience present there. Most of them were happy and excited. 

However,  one can notice that some high ranking nobles were not that happy because they couldn't control the prince and now the more powerful he becomes the more it would threaten their plan.

The crown prince doth stand there without expression but he could see their worries and he too knew that it's the beginning. 

"Your Majesty , you know I would like to leave now as I still have some work to do." Said The prince .

"Son , but your partner and your personal maid selection." Said His Majesty.

"Father , I trust your decision and I don't want a partner yet." Said the prince in a stern and determined voice.

Then he left the hall and walked out with his guards.

"The prince needed time to stabilise his power and then all the maids with exceptional qualities would be qualified. " said His Majesty. 

The ladies were disappointed because the prince had left and there was no work for them.

Some of them started complaining and others just danced with the other young nobles.

(The protestant base- livol island. )

Planet Liva.

" Your grace , you have sent the master to that mission. " said a female voice while kneeling down in front of a figure who was standing. 


"Yes and that has got nothing to do with you." Said that figure In a authoritative tone with a piercing gaze.

The lady was not able to further say anything and just after bowing took her leave.

"It's getting interesting,I guess I should see what's happening there." Said that man as he brought out a watch and signalled some message.

"I told you that I am alright here ,don't call me." Said a young man while talking via hologram .

He was wearing a hoodie and so it was hard to identify who he was but one thing was certain he was that man who tortured the knight.

He cut the call without saying anything .

I have already reached so far I can't back off now, he said while sitting.

sometimes a single blurry memory can impact our life in a huge way.

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