

At a busy train station, endless traffic of people coming and going, squeezing in close quarters.

Behind it, in the alley, two burly men are beating up a young man.

Nearby the three, a young couple, an arrogant man, and an indifferent girl looks on coldly.

"Ning Tao, let me warn you this time, An Yue is now my girlfriend, should you harass her again, I'll break you leg!"

The two burly men had continued beating him for several minutes, making sure the young man on the ground could not retaliate, the arrogant young man then coughed, and gave the signal to stop. He looked towards the young man on the ground with disdain, warning him triumphantly.

The arrogant man looks to be about 20 years old, head full of long hair, covers himself in branded goods, and a thick gold chain around his neck, making him look wildly inappropriate.

On the ground, covered in bruises, Ning Tao has been beaten up badly, and he struggles to deal with the pain. Not only is he also covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises, there was also blood flowing from his mouth, from his cut lips.

"An Yue, tell me, did Shao Wenlin force you?"

Unconcerned for his own injuries, Ning Tao stares at the girl standing beside that arrogant man, and asked agitatedly.

The girl looks to be about 20 as well, her tender young face covered in a thick layer of make up, a nice blouse tucked into a mini skirt. She is holding that man's arm, leaning onto his shoulder.

"Haha, Ning Tao, it seems like you won't give up until you see the yellow river? Anyue, tell him yourself, and let this toad wake up from his dream."

The long haired arrogant young man rested his arm around the girl's shoulder, turned and kisses her on her cheek, a display of extreme arrogance!

The girl blushes slightly, enjoying the attention and blissfully looked at the arrogant man, before taking a deep breath. She turned to look at Ning Tao, revealing a disgusted expression.

"Ning Tao, we're over. The man I love now is Shao Wenlin, I hope you behave and respect yourself!"

"But why?"

Ning Tao quickly loses all fight upon hearing her cruel answer.

"Sure, let me tell you why. We are about to graduate, but you have nothing to your name, how will you give me happiness?! Shao Wenlin buys me necklaces, newest phone models, and his Dad even got me a job! Why would I waste more time and effort on you, who can't give me anything?!"

Wu Anyue becomes even more agitated as she continues, looking at Ning Tao with even more disgust.

"An Yue, you didn't use to be like this."

"Yes, I didn't use to be like this. But I've realized my mistakes. Ning Tao, let's be real. I admit you were great to me, but we aren't compatible. Wenlin has already met my parents, and they have already given us their blessings!"

"Alright, I get it."

This girl that he used to know, suddenly felt like a stranger. Looking at her, his gaze becomes filled with disappointment.

"Now you get it? A bum like you wanted to have An Yue? Hah! I can easily crush you by throwing some loose change! Don't let me see you again, or I'll skin you alive!"

Shao Wenlin uses the corner of his eye and looks down, as if a victorious general, revealing a ferocious yet hideous demeanor.

As if he wasn't done, he looks towards Wu Anyue, and purposely said in a loud and clear voice, "An Yue, you did well in bed last night. Once we get to Donghai, we'll buy that LV bag that you been wanting to get!"

Ning Tao received a huge shock hearing that, immediately looks up and sees Wu Anyue blushing shyly. He finally understood, the Wu Anyue of the past is gone forever.

Having known her for four years, dated for two, they had only held hands.

It wasn't because he was being conservative or traditional, he knew that having sex was common, but he thought Wu Anyue was a conservative girl, and wanted to wait till marriage, but to think that she...

The three of them goes to the same school, and Ning Tao already had his doubts half a year ago, but he just couldn't believe it.

What kind of person is this Shao Wenlin? A well known playboy, the girls he bedded could easily fill a whole street. He didn't believe that Wu Anyue would fall for such a lousy man!

However starting summer vacation, Wu Anyue hasn't seen him, and wouldn't answer his calls nor reply to his texts. Even when visiting her house, she wouldn't see him.

As the school semester is about to start again, he bought a pair of train tickets, for the two of them to return to school together, and also talk about them.

After much persuasion, she finally agreed to meet him at the station, but he had never expected such an outcome.

"Looks like even love couldn't resist the power of money." Ning Tao had expected this to some degree, but couldn't help but feel his heart ache.

Ning Tao stared at Wu Anyue for a long time, his gaze slowly turned cold, and calmly said.

"Wu Anyue, you'll regret this!"

At this point, in his heart, he has actually had a proper closure for their relationship.

Being dumped like this definitely hurt him, but it wasn't as if he couldn't let it go.

He knew that Shao Wenlin doesn't actually love her, he is simply playing around with her, and there wouldn't be any good ending for the two of them.

To hang out with such a person, Wu Anyue has become utterly disappointing.

"Now I regret I haven't dumped you earlier, Ning Tao. I hope you will be able to be clear about this. Even after graduation you wouldn't amount to much! Without a good job, you'll just be like them."

Wu Anyue ridicules, pointing at the roadside stalls.

Being with Shao Wenlin for two months, she has finally tasted the life of luxuries. Even though she had sacrifices, being on the receiving end of envy has made everything worth it.

Now all she wants is to draw a clear line between Ning Tao and her, and to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Haha, Anyue is right! Ning Tao, as a fellow classmate, if you can't find a job after graduation, and don't have the money to set up a stall, I'll loan you a few thousand dollars!"

Shao Wenlin laughed presumptuously, patting Anyue on the head satisfied.

"Wenlin, we've made things clear now, let's go. I don't want to reach Donghai when it gets dark." Wu Anyue speaks sweetly while playing with her hair.

"Not to worry, my BMW is fast. With a professional driver, just enjoy the ride, rest well, you'll need it for later tonight!"

Shao Wenlin takes out the key to his BMW, and purposely talks about it.

"You're so naughty, let's go!"

Wu Anyue blushes, and playfully hits Shao Wenlin.