
Super-gym, Power Hierarchy!

After finishing a long day of work, the system introduces the power level system after he asks who the most powerful beings on the planet are, and where he stands on that hierarchy.

Dan carried on with work as he usually did, hero reports, more filming training. Near the end of the usual working day, Alejandro brought Luke in, and paired him up with Angela. The two of them then carried out a mock-combat scenario, and Dan's job was to try and keep up with the two of them whilst staying out of harm's way. It took him a couple of hours this time, only around 2x the time he took with Alejandro, to fully get the hang of it.

Dan was exhausted by the end of it, after all, he'd been constantly moving during that time, but he recovered in next to no time. The two heroes were also out of breath and looked over at him with envious expressions. Luke looked at Angela with a questioning gaze, and she nodded. Dan suddenly felt as if he was missing something here. "What? Is something wrong?"

Angela was quick to clear up Dan's confusion. "Almost everyone working here is aware of you having some kind of power at this point, the signs are just too obvious at this point. Rapid weight loss, Rapid recovery time, your physical and mental prowess have been improving by the day. It's all very noticeable Dan, most people just didn't bring it up with you since they didn't know if you wanted to talk about it or not."

"She's right Dan, when you first came here, you were almost the complete opposite in terms of physical appearance, and it hasn't even been a month. I remember seeing you struggle to lift any of the equipment back then, now you can run around with it like it's nothing."

Dan sighed, I knew they'd have found out sooner or later, but I guess that the signs were too obvious after all. Those boosters didn't help either, oh well, it's too late to think about that now. "Alright fine, I have my own abilities I guess, I'm just not sure about going into the details right now. That may change in the near future though, all I can really say is that my growth won't be slowing down too much, and that my ability allows me to get stronger all the time."

Luke nodded after hearing this, he seemed more impressed now than envious. "Endless physical and mental growth, that sounds amazing to be honest. Most of us with a power related to super-strength, agility, and so on struggle to get stronger. Which is mainly because there aren't really any gyms that have anything robust enough to handle our strength. Apart from Angela's gym of course, but we don't really have much time to train there regularly."

Dan had become a lot smarter recently, and his wisdom had seen major improvements. He'd been reading about subjects that would've confused him easily before now, but were super easy to understand at this point. He mulled over what Luke brought up and he quickly thought of a solution.

"Is there any way that you could make use of a more improvised gym to get stronger? Think about it, some of those abandoned docks and factories have tons of old steel beams and other parts that nobody want. Most of them probably weigh at least a few tons, just take a few of those over to one of those abandoned warehouses and use that as a gym. Of course, you'd have to make sure that said warehouse is safe to use."

Luke had been staring at Dan the entire time, as had Angela, he then heard a voice behind him. "That's not a bad idea actually, that could actually work, those beams might be getting a little rusty, but we can easily wear protective clothing for that. I know rust doesn't really affect you Luke, but not all of us are as 'thick-skinned' as you are."

It was Jessica who had spoken, she seemed very onboard with Dan's idea. They all chatted amongst themselves until the end of the shift; with Luke and Jessica making plans about the makeshift gym. After the shift was over, Dan headed home in his new car, once he parked the car in a nearby carpark, he started to walk back. He then began to think about the day's events and about the various heroes.

A question began to form in the back of his mind, and it quickly came to the forefront of his mind. System, who are the most powerful beings on Earth? Just give me an idea of who stands above everyone on the planet.


Top 6 most powerful Earth-based beings

1. Tiamut, the Dreaming Celestial

2. Franklin Richards

3. Jean Gray (Phoenix Force Host)

4. The Ancient One

5. Legion

6. Apocalypse


I don't know any of them apart from The Ancient One. Franklin Richards must be Reed Richard's son, I heard about him having a kid, but that's about it. Something tells me that it would be better to not know too much about someone who's called the 'Dreaming Celestial'. Actually, it's probably fine if I ask the system about this fella. System, who is Tiamut?


Name: Tiamut, the Dreaming Celestial

Alias: Tiamut the Communicator

Age: Unknown

Background: Tiamut is a Celestial, a powerful cosmic entity. He was trapped underneath the Diablo Mountains in California by the Second Celestial Host, becoming known as Tiamut the Communicator. Tiamut was later put to sleep and sealed under the Diablo Mountains by his fellow Celestials, earning the name the Dreaming Celestial.

Powers and Abilities: As a Celestial, Tiamut possesses immense power and abilities. Some of his notable powers and abilities include:

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Tiamut can manipulate and control cosmic energy, allowing him to unleash devastating energy blasts.

Reality Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate reality, altering matter and energy at will.

Size Manipulation: Tiamut can change his size, growing to enormous proportions.

Immortality: As a Celestial, Tiamut is virtually immortal and does not age.

Transcendent Strength: He possesses incredible strength, enabling him to overpower most opponents.

Cosmic Awareness: Tiamut has a deep understanding of cosmic forces and possesses vast knowledge about the universe.

Extra Notes: Tiamut, also referred to as Tiamut the Communicator, is a Celestial whose seed was planted within Earth. His growth was fuelled by the energy of humans living on the world.


Well, that answers that I guess, now I know that I won't potentially offend him by prying too much into his personal information. It's generally a bad idea to anger anyone who'd squash me like a Mite if they felt like it. Dan continued to walk home, all the while thinking about the idea of Celestials, he decided that he'd find out who Franklin Richards was in due time.

If any one you could think of a list of the Top 10 strongest beings on this version of Earth, please let me know, and I'll add them to the list I made here. I couldn't find a list anywhere myself

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