
Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]

My, translator's synopsis is just below the one by the original author, which I don't want to change much, so read it once for a better... synopsis?! I got transmigrated to the Greece Age of Gods and that too as Jason. Wait, Jason? Do you mean that Jason, the one who has provoked the Witch of Betrayal Medea? Jason? You mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods? Jason? The very same Jason who supposedly lived a glorious life and eventually became a great hero, popular in future generations, but in fact, had a difficult life and eventually didn't even get a natural death? No, such a fate... I do not want it! Therefore ...... "Teacher Chiron, I want to drop out of this school; this kind of hero business, I don't want to do it!" ***** Translator's Synopsis First of all, this is not fanfic and not related to Nasuverse; but I kept the title same due to the author's original choice. Next, this is a story about a modern person trying to change his destiny in the Greek mythological period. And lastly, this has a lot of slice-of-life parts that might touch your heart. ***** It is a fan translation that I am doing just because of interest and nothing more. And just to be clear, I don't have the author's permission because I was unable to contact him and I didn't find a translation anywhere else; so if the author wishes for this to be taken down then just tell me. As for how good am I at English... then let's just say it is not even my fourth language but still, I believe myself to be fluent enough in both speaking and writing.

GlaiveIris · Derivados de obras
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103 Chs

Embodiment of destruction, Typhon!

[T/N: 4.0 x Chapter, this chapter was a little big so the update got delayed, also I had to go through the previous chapters once...]

"Teacher Hecate opens the door... Open the door, Teacher Hecate, if you don't open the door, I will...!"

Jason, who had been loudly knocking on the door for a while now, noticed that Hecate still isn't opening the door, so just when he was about to say a few more words...


Suddenly, along with a soft sound, the door was finally opened by Hecate, who is visibly gritting her teeth.

Then, with her vermillion eyes staring at Jason in front of her, Hecate said with a visibly angry smile: "You were about to do something, I want to know what it is! Say it now!"

After saying these words, Hecate stretched out her hand and pinched the cheek of embarrassed-looking Jason, then said in an angry tone: "My good disciple, as your teacher, don't I deserve some peace for a little while so that I can get time to do experiments?"

"Just when my experiments start making little progress, you create new trouble and I am forced to leave the temple.

"And it is not like you have done this only a few times, this is already...I have even lost the count of it!..."

As Hecate continued speaking, the angrier she felt.

Therefore, finally, Jason, who was just about to run due to noticing changes in Hecate's expression and tone, was finally dragged into the door Hecate, who then slammed the door shut.

Because Hecate noticed that quite a few idle residents of Underworld are gazing at this place with the intent of watching fun.

Although, soon enough, they heard Jason's screams even from outside the temple.

"Teacher don't, Teacher Hecate please stop! Aaaaaah!!!"

At this moment, in the temple, Hecate had covered her hands that are ravaging Jason with a few small bolts of red lightning, just for extra stimulation.

Then, after a while, looking at Jason's disheveled hair and red cheeks, Hecate finally felt that her anger had subsided a little, so she removed the red lightning covering her hands.

But then, looking at Jason's expression and pained screams, Hecate looked at Jason in exasperation and said in an irritated tone: "Now you are pretending in front of me, then continue, and believe it or not, this time I will start for real!"

As soon as the words fell, Jason immediately shut his mouth and removed the aggrieved expression from his face, after all, the red lightning covering Hecate's hands was just too weak to hurt Jason at all, and these red lightning bolts didn't do anything more than making Jason feel his cheeks slightly numb.

After all, as always, although Hecate did this to appear fierce in front of Jason and calm her annoyance, she obviously hadn't thought of hurting Jason, but when Jason over-pretended, she only felt more annoyed.

"Teacher, don't be angry, it is my mistake, I know, I am wrong! But, teacher Hecate...I really don't have many options..."

And while saying this, Jason used the clothes on his body to create the unquenchable flames and covered himself with them for a few moments, which consumed the few bolts of lightning still lingering on his cheeks and hair.

Then, Jason quickly told Hecate about what had recently happened.

And although Hecate had already heard about this from Athena, when she again heard it in Jason's words that offering tribute to Ares required a battle against the hundred-headed dragon Ladon, she still felt that her head is starting to hurt a little.

So, Hecate directly informed Jason about the fact that Athena had told the gods to not help him this time, then Hecate couldn't bear but say in an annoyed tone: "It hasn't even been a month since you had created that trouble with Prometheus! Aren't you a little too..."

"Well, actually, teacher, it should already be a month...about thirty-five days, it's more than a month!" Jason replied 'honestly'.

As soon as the words fell, Hecate was once again unable to bear annoyance in her heart, so she pinched his face to pull Jason closer and ravaged him again.

"Okay, don't stall anymore, tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I had originally thought of a different plan, but since gods can't help... before I say it, teacher, can you promise me that you won't be angry no matter what you hear?" Jason blinked while looking at Hecate.

Hearing this, Hecate also blinked while looking at Jason and said with a neutral smile: "Don't worry, I know, I will definitely be angry, so you can speak freely."

Hecate believes that she has a very good understanding of Jason, so she doesn't want to give Jason such a chance at all.

Therefore, this pair of teacher and student shared a brief speechless look then...

"...Teacher Hecate, I hope that while hiding from the gods, you can let me meet Typhon, the ancestor of all monsters."

After Jason, who had slightly bowed his head, finished speaking, he noticed that the temple, which currently only has him and Hecate in it, has become a little colder now.

So, after being silent for a long while, Hecate covered her forehead due to feeling an unusual headache.

Then, with her vermillion eyes staring at Jason, who had bowed his head in front of her, Hecate heaved a long sigh.

"You should remember that I have told you to not communicate with that fellow... And don't forget, even if you have the left eye of God of Foresight that Prometheus had given you, it doesn't guarantee absolute security in matters related to peeping at fate!"

After all, thinking of the path of godslaying she had seen in Jason, Hecate obviously doesn't want to let Jason interact with Typhon, the ancestor of all monsters.

"I know." Jason softly replied to Hecate, although, he knows this is just a deceptive reason that he had prepared for Typhon: "But teacher, I really don't have any way to defeat the hundred-headed dragon Ladon guarding the tree of Golden Apple."

After being silent for a while, as expected by Jason, Hecate said with her expression showing she isn't buying this reason: "No way to defeat Ladon?... Even if this is the case and even if Typhon is willing to help you, there is no way, you could have neglected the possibility of Zeus and other gods noticing this..."

"So, what is the real reason?"

"Well, Teacher Hecate..." Jason honestly replied with an awkward expression on his face because Hecate had just told him, again, to not do so: "I want to see and understand Typhon's situation, so I think that defeating Ladon is a good superficial reason for meeting Typhon without showing that I am meeting him actually because of all the things about the destruction he had said to me."

Indeed, the main reason why Jason wants to meet Typhon is that, although he has been continuously ignoring Typhon's calls, he had always kept it in his heart.

After all, as Jason had written in Jason's rule of Survival, he really does believe that if he encounters a problem, he must deal with it as soon as possible.

It is just that before he had received the task of defeating Ladon, Jason had understood that responding to Typhon's call would clearly prove that Typhon had managed to tempt him.

Therefore, after learning from Chiron that Ladon is Typhon's child when Jason found that he had come across such an opportunity to clarify the situation, he obviously wants to use it to meet Typhon and understand the situation.

As for the matter of defeating Ladon, although it isn't the main goal, Jason doesn't mind getting Typhon's help in return for something to make the relationship with Typhon more controllable.

Because Jason believes that even if Hecate is willing to ignore Athena's words and directly help him, due to getting help from a Goddess, this tribute to Ares will undoubtedly fail and may even be regarded as him trying to deceive Gods.

As for directly fighting the hundred-headed dragon Ladon, in Jason's opinion, this is undoubtedly the stupidest way of doing it.

Even if Jason knows that no matter how the fight ends Hecate can prevent him from getting killed by Ladon, Jason doesn't think that engaging in a non-urgent fight without preparing is anything more than stupidity.

After all, Jason had never considered himself a hero and neither does he want to become a hero, who is supposed to overcome hopeless situations just by sheer willpower or die trying.

That's why Jason had clearly written in Jason's law of survival that upon encountering an enemy, no matter how weak or strong it might be, he must use all his effort in defeating it.

Therefore, since he had been denied to get help from Gods, Jason decided to try using the powers of a Monster, Ancestor of all Monsters, the Embodiment of Destruction, Typhon.

After Hecate observed Jason embarrassedly looking at her for a long while, finally, she said in a helpless tone: "You understand what doing this means...right?"

Jason nodded in response.

"Accepting you as a student... was the worst decision in my life!"

Hecate sighed while standing up, then suddenly her Magic Staff appeared in her hand.

And the moment later, both were covered in a stealth spell and a teleportation magic circle appeared under their feet.

"But I feel that getting you as my teacher is the best decision I have made in my life."

Then Jason stretched out his hand to let one of the ghost butterflies flying out of the magic circle sit on his and while looking at the beautiful butterfly exuding deep blue light, he said softly to Hecate: "Teacher Hecate, I am glad, from the bottom of my heart, that I have become your student... And no matter what path I finally walk on, I will follow you until the end of time and world."

"Forget it." Hearing this, Hecate gave a supercilious look to Jason, then slightly turned her face and said: "If you can create less trouble for me, it will be better than everything else!"

Hearing these words, Jason smiled awkwardly while feeling a little speechless.

Then, the teleportation magic circle under their feet began glowing and both teleported out of the temple.

But exactly at the same moment that both were teleported out of the temple, the ghost butterflies flying around gathered to turn into the appearance of Hecate and Jason at the same place and began working in the temple.

Hecate had done this obviously because she knows she needs to hide the fact that she is taking Jason to see Typhon.

And Hecate had decided to take Jason to meet Jason not because Hecate felt soft-hearted in front of Jason's request.

But rather because Hecate thinks: 'If I don't help him with this, he will definitely try to meet Typhon on his own, which will absolutely create a whole lot of trouble for me.'

'After all, even after three years, his cautious but ironically decisive character has never changed...'

'So, rather than letting Jason go alone and create a big mess for me, it was better to keep him with me and let the situation develop under my eyes!'

Therefore, at least Hecate believes that she is helping Jason absolutely not because she is indulgent to Jason and is unable to deny Jason's sincere request...


Soon, Hecate and Jason quietly entered the endless abyss of Underworld, Tartarus.

But the moment both stepped into Tartarus, even though Hecate had already used the stealth spell that perfectly replicates the effect of Hades's invisibility helmet, God of Hell and Abyss Tartarus immediately sensed their arrival.

After all, the whole place known as the endless abyss of the Underworld in itself is the God of Hell and Abyss Tartarus, one of the five oldest primordial Gods born along with the birth of this world.

Therefore, soon, just after Hecate and Jason had walked a few steps into the endless abyss of Underworld, Tartarus built the body of an old man dressed in black, then appeared in their front and said to Hecate: "Well, aren't you the favorite little fellow of Goddess of the Night Nyx?"

"Child, why did you suddenly think of coming here, could it be... just like Nyx had said, are you really planning on settling down here?"

"But if you have this will, I welcome you, also, after you settle down here, you really don't need to pay attention to everything outside and nothing will be able to disturb you."

"Sorry, Great God of Abyss Tartarus, I do not have such plans for the time being." Even Hecate has to use the honorary title while facing one of the oldest gods and greeting him.

"Alright then." Tartarus obviously didn't think much upon hearing Hecate's rejection, after all, the only reason he had built a body to appear in front of them is to show that their actions are under his eyes and hadn't directly warned them because Hecate is indeed really loved by Goddess of Night Nyx, another one of five oldest primordial Gods.

Then, Tartarus glanced at Jason but before Jason could say anything, the body built by him began fading and he disappeared in front of them within moments.

Looking at Tartarus 'leaving', even if Hecate knows that this whole place is Tartarus itself, Hecate couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, then she said to Jason: "Let's go."

"Yeah." Jason nodded.

Then, both continued to walk in the endless abyss of the Underworld while being accompanied by a few ghost butterflies flying around them.

But Jason soon noticed that he isn't able to hear any sound, see any light, or catch any end in sight, and he also felt like even the concept of time had disappeared, because although he had tried many times, Jason just isn't able to analyze that how long had passed since he had entered Tartarus.

And Jason is able to continue walking on this endless abyss only because Hecate and her familiar are by his side and guiding him.

Therefore, unknowingly and subconsciously, Jason began walking closer to Hecate, close enough to almost touch her.

And when Hecate noticed this, she didn't spread out with Jason or pushed him away, rather she reached out and grabbed his hand.


After an unknown amount of time.

Jason finally saw the embodiment of destruction that had been calling him from the depth of this endless abyss.

The ancestor of all monsters, Typhon.

Typhon is not a god, but a monster that represents destruction itself and had been given birth by Gaia through mating with Tartarus with the sole purpose of destroying Zeus.

However, even then, although Typhon is a monster who is actually capable of destroying the whole land of living along with Mount Olympus, he is not actually a demented insane monster, rather he possesses unparalleled evil wisdom.


"Child, I have said that one day, you will eventually come to me."

In this endless abyss, the voice of Typhon, the ancestor of all monsters, suddenly echoed in the ears of the Hecate and Jason.

Then, Typhon transformed his huge body, which is said to easily cover the sky, into that of a female with waist-long white hair and appeared in front of Hecate and Jason with this appearance.

Obviously, Typhon is not a female, but he is also not a male, rather he is the embodiment of destruction, a monster that can take the shape of both male and female, depending on whichever he feels is favorable for his goal.

And the reason why Typhon had turned into a female with a face comparable to goddesses, is because he knows that, compared to Gods, Goddesses are much closer to Jason, so he thought that in this form it may be easier to get close to Jason.

Due to the sudden appearance of Typhon, Hecate, whose eyes are now slightly widened, almost subconsciously walked to the front for protecting Jason behind her.

"You don't have to look so nervous, Goddess Hecate." Typhon said to Hecate with a perfectly copied charming but evil smile: "I have no ill will towards you."

Actually, Typhon doesn't have any hostility towards Hecate, because Typhon believes that unless he annoys Hecate on his own initiative, even if he kills Zeus or destroys the whole Greek Patheon, she will neither stop him nor support him.

Then, Typhon again looked at Jason and said with a smile in a soft voice: "Child, we have finally met."

Jason was silent for a moment, but then he walked out from the back of Hecate and greeted Typhon while saying: "Typhon, the great King of Giants, it is an honor meeting you."

But at this time, Typhon once again began observing Jason in front of him.

Therefore, although he obviously sensed the traces left by many gods on Jason's body, as the embodiment of destruction itself, even without seeing the path of Godslaying in Jason, he can clearly feel the aura of destruction from Jason's body and soul.

Due to this, Typhon couldn't help but subconsciously take two steps forward and leaned toward Jason, as if he want to touch Jason.

But he was stopped by Hecate, who once again silently walked and stood in front of Jason.

Therefore, Typhon stopped his steps and glanced at Hecate, then he said to Jason: "Is there a reason for you coming to see me, child?"

Typhon believes that Jason wouldn't come to him just because of the words he had spoken to Jason, after all, he had been trying to tempt Jason for more than three years according to the time outside Tartarus but Jason hadn't shown any signs of wavering even once.

Therefore, Typhon doesn't mind Jason and the intelligent Goddess beside him leading the conversation, because, for him, just Jason coming here is already great progress.

"Yes, the great King of Giants Typhon, I really do have something I want to ask you this time."

Jason looked at Typhon, who had turned into an adult white-haired woman, and said slowly, "I hope you can tell me... how can I defeat your child, the hundred-headed dragon Ladon!"

Do you know, in the older version of Greek Mythology, Typhon is actually described as the son of Hera alone, quite similar to how Hephaestus is born in the later versions of Greek Mythology.

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