
The beginning

"Heroes have been known throughout time, they have remained in history, great emperors and great Martial Arts fighters."

On Mount Tai Shan the sun rises representing birth and renewal on the other side is Mount Hua Shan where the sun sets representing death. A hundred years ago, two old wise men lived there, their power was unstoppable, but just like anyone else, they died, there is a rumor that on the day of their death, two shooting stars appeared and the world is waiting for two more heroes to appear. But no one knows how true it is.

Song Dynasty*

Girls' school in the Capital, Teacher Du had finished teaching the lesson, the girls in front of me had started giggling and putting their hands to their ears. One of them with the phoenix hairpin said:

-I heard that he participated in the first war when he was only 12 years old.

Another completes it:

-A maid told me that he always trains blindfolded.

They started laughing and giggling as if a miracle had happened, I was standing like a pillar behind them, I was thinking how to tell my mother that I had sneaked out again.

I finally arrived home, Bai-Xiu greeted me quite anxiously.

(Bai)-Finally you're back Your Highness, I was starting to worry, even if the women's clothes are comfortable and she did a pirouette, you have to be more careful.

Xiao-Wang was secretly smiling.

I always thought they were cute together.

- Her Majesty the Queen is here! came the voice of Eunuch Chen.

(Xiao)-Quickly, quickly change your clothes!

The doors of my room opened wide, but I hadn't finished changing, I was sitting with my robe in my hand.

-Greetings Your Majesty, may His Majesty live hundreds and hundreds of years.

(The Queen)-Raised!

I stood up with a sly smile, but when I saw the tiger mother's look I regretted smiling.

- What brings you here, mother?

(The Queen)-Do you have the courage to ask? she shouts.

He signaled the servants to leave, I wanted to leave with them but he grabbed my hand.

(The Queen)-You stay!

-Ha, ha and I smiled. Damn I'm dead I whispered.

He looked at me

(The Queen)-And you sneaked into that school?

He didn't let me say anything.

(The Queen)-Hua Li, you are a princess you should act like one, I sent you the best tutors in the kingdom and you still want to leave the palace.

-Mom...I want to see the world and people

(The Queen)-Hua LI, girl she is the Crown Princess you will ascend the throne of the country someday, you are their hope and you act like it.

- Mother!

(The Queen)-Tomorrow Second Prince Wei Lixin will come to meet you.

He left the room and ordered:

(TheQueen)-Send my Decree "The princess broke the rules of the palace and sneaked out, as punishment 15 lashes."

The day had come the maids were doing my makeup for the meeting with the Prince, I was sitting with my eyes closed, Bai-Xiu and Xiao Wang entered.



- Is everything ready?

(Yes) - Yes. Are you sure it will work?

- We have no other way to get rid of the Little Prince.

The meeting time also came, I was sitting with a slightly transparent silk curtain in front of me, the Prince entered the room, I couldn't see his face too clearly but he looked handsome.

He started pouring tea into his cup, his style was very elegant and perfect.

He took the first sip and smiled and said:

(Wei Lixin)- I would like to speak with the maid who prepared the tea.

(Hua Li)- I smiled, I think I will disappoint you but I prepared myself.

(Wei Lixin)- Interesting, may I ask how you made it?

(Hua Li)-Very easy, I picked mint leaves which I boiled in lotus root steam, then poured cold water with dew drops from cherry blossoms. Why? Don't you like Your Highness?

(Wei Lixin)-He smiled sly, on the contrary I really like it, but it disappoints me that a beauty like you wants to get rid of me so easily. He looked up at the bucket of mud that was hanging directly below his head, the moment it tipped over it was not mud but flower petals.

I stood up surprised.

(Wei Lixin)-Did I ruin your plan?

I turned my back and left.

(Hua Li)-Xiao? How did he know about our plan?

(Xiao)-I...I don't know, she knelt down, Your Princess please punish me for my impotence I have disappointed you.

(Hua Li)-Xiao picked up quickly! and I helped her, we have to be more careful next time.

I went to the front of my bookcase and pulled a book, and a secret room appeared.

(Hua Li)- Master, master! I was holding a warm Stuffed Bun in my hand.

A shadow near me trying to attack me, grabbed my hand.

(Hua Li)-Master I brought you a present.

-What brings you here?

(Hua Li)-My mother is determined to marry me.

-Maybe you should listen to her.

We both smiled at each other.

Xiao-Wang came rushing to me:

(Xiao)-Princess, the Queen is looking for you!

(Hua Li)-Do you know why?

(Xiao)-No, but she seems nervous.

She was waiting for me in the garden:

(The Queen)-I heard about your stupid plan to get rid of the Prince.

(Hua Li)-It was good if it worked, I whispered.

She turned to me and attacked , I didn't know where she got the sword from, I stepped back slightly and took the sword of a guard. In the air only the blows of swords could be heard, I managed to keep up with her but after 5 blows my sword had flown into the water of the lake, she smiled and opened her arms to embrace me, but never believe appearances because the sword had reached at my neck

(The Queen)-"Attack him where he's not ready, act when he's not expecting"

(Hua Li)-"Lure the enemy to trap them, stimulate disorder and bait" I filled it. I didn't finish saying that I had cut her sword to pieces.

(The Queen)-"Withered Flower" how do you know this technique? she grabbed my bloody hands, only one person knows this technique, she was full of tears, I had never seen her like that before.

(Hua Li)-I saw it in a book, I hesitated.

(The Queen)-In a book?..I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

She left barely standing, I also left to see the master.

(Master)-I told you not to use the Withered Flower Technique, it can be very dangerous, he sat and wiped my wounds.

I looked back:

(Hua Li)-I always wanted to win against her, I'm disappointed that the Heroine Hua Mulan no longer practices Martial Arts.

-You know she has her reasons.

(Hua Li)-Her reasons? she is much stronger but she lets herself be trampled on, especially by those old Foxes of Court Governors.

-Princess, the Imperial Decree arrived, said Xiao.

Eunuch Chen had the Decree in hand ready to read. We knelt and waited, what could it be? I was already punished, I wasn't allowed to leave my mansion. What could it be?

-"Princess Hua Li, heir to the throne of Liaoyang City will marry Second Prince Wei Lixin of Yingcheng City in the 7th month of next year," that's all!

- I accept the Queen's command, I had no other choice, the lightning had hit me with power. I was sitting and watching the Decree, but as every lightning comes and with an exit I already had a plan.

(Hua Li)-Bai-Xiu, Xiao Wang prepare the horses we are leaving!

- Are we leaving? Where? says Bai Xiu

-Wandu Citadel is too far and it is a difficult road, we will go to Yingcheng Citadel.

(Xiao)-But that's where the Prince lives.

- We will go to pay him a visit, send someone to inform mother of our leaving, I'm sure she won't object.

-Your majesty, your majesty The princess has left. Eunuch Cheng ran:

(The Queen) - What? She left? Where?

-In Yingcheng Citadel.

- Yingcheng? according to her nature she will go and talk to the Prince.

(Eunuch Chen)-Shall I send someone after her?

(The Queen)-No, I'm sure she has her plan, and we have ours.

I want to ask you if I should put the name of the speaking character at the beginning of a dialogue, like I did in this chapter

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