2 Clinton :The hunt:

As the day came, so did the need to hunt. As the son of the blood pack leader, it's my job to help provide for my family which hasn't been easy. When I was only a pup my father, Klard, would steal a human's sheep and anything he could get his paw on. He was famous for the way he got his kills, but everything change when the human got its own dogs. Father calls them dog-pets and as they grew, so did I. I was raised to kill those who went against the rules of the pack, a wild wolf. The rules were simple and easy to follow.

1. What the alpha says is the law

2. Earn your rank

3. Mate in your faction

4. No contact with the humans nor its pets

The punishment for disobeying the rules was harsh. You could be beaten to death, left to starve for days, so on and so on. I never went against my fathers word..no one did for that matter. I think that's the reason the pack stayed together for so long. I was resting inside my own den just daydreaming when a voice broke me out of that state. "Big brother come on, Dad gathering the hunting party to go out today," said the voice. Opening my eye I was greeted by my little brother Garrus. He was always one to be up and ready before everyone else, even though he's was still a pup.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming" I stretched my way out of my home and towards the landslide, where all meetings and gatherings took place. When I arrived I dropped off Garrus with my mother who was sitting off to the side by herself and joined my father as he stood tall on a rock underneath the landslide. I sat and listened to his speech.

"Now my fellow member of the blood pack. It is time to hunt for your friends and family. We will raid the humans' land and take its livestock. We will not be scared off by those dog-pets who keep the humans' prey alive. Today is the day we will steal a kill!"

I looked out and saw my fellow pack mate bark and yip in agreement. If there's anything my father can do is get everyone riled up.

We said our goodbyes to those who stayed behind and headed off down the valley towards the human home. When we had arrived, Klard scanned the area. While he was looking for our meal my eye was caught on something else. I never saw a human dog before only stories. I saw one of them out in the field chatting with a feline. The other must be inside I thought. "Clinton come here I have a plan" My father would whisper. I reluctantly came and heard his plan.

"This is what's going to happen. You are going to hide in the shadows while the rest of us draw the mutts out by acting like we're going for the sheep. That's when you come out and head for the human house and steal a kill. Got it."

I nodded in agreement and trotted over to a spot to lay low. I watched as my father and the rest of my pack mates started to make their way out of the tree line, down towards the sheep. I knew I had to do this right for my father's pride and my own. " Let the hunt began.."

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