
Chapter 1: KILL HIM!

"Kill that bastard!" "Kill him!"

Atop makeshift stands, an exalted crowd screamed at the top of their lungs, their voices resonating in the night air with an almost deafening fervor. Further up, behind the large dark windows, the faces of those directing the spectacle remained hidden, mysterious figures observing from the shadows the chaos unfolding below.

On the lowest level, two individuals faced off in a ruthless fight, delivering brutal blows in an unregulated duel. The intensity of the combat was palpable in the air, each punch and kick reverberating on the ground as spectators cheered and rooted for their favorites.

This was one of the many underground events taking place in the suburbs of New York City. In these illegal spectacles, money flowed freely, fueling bets and the excitement of the crowd.

"Damn it, bastard! If you dare to lose, I'll kill you myself!" shouted a burly man dressed in an elegant suit. His voice boomed in the crowd's tumult, reflecting the fury and desperation he felt. This individual was one of the representatives of one of the fighters in the ring. With a large sum of money at stake, loyalty and friendship took a back seat, overshadowed by the thirst for victory and unrestrained greed. In this world of betting and underground fights, personal bonds became ephemeral against the glitter of money.


A young man with black hair and eyes threw a powerful right punch, exerting all his strength in a desperate attempt to win. Although the rules were vague and poorly defined, only the use of fists was allowed in these types of fights; any other weapon was strictly prohibited. However, there was an non-negotiable rule in these contests: one of the contenders must perish at the hands of the other. Only one of them would have the privilege of leaving the ring alive.

The dull sound of blows echoed in the air as spectators watched with a mix of fascination and madness. Each of them, although dressed in ordinary clothes, was far from ordinary. They were people of great economic and political power, merely a facade.

The black-haired young man, Rey Toms, was about 25 years old, but his body was marked by numerous bruises that seemed to multiply with each new blow. The bruises, now a dark purple, were slightly bleeding, silent witnesses to the brutality of the fight. Yet Rey maintained a fierce determination in his eyes.

In front of him, his opponent was an older man with a sturdier build. Although his name was unknown, his presence commanded respect. The two were immersed in a fight to the death, where each move could be the last.

Rey moved swiftly on the rough floor of the ring, his bare feet leaving bloodstains in their wake. With a quick motion, he feinted with his left fist before sweeping his leg from below, seeking to unbalance his opponent and gain a crucial advantage in the fight.

"Bastard, if you dare to lose, I'll kill your family in front of you!" The fat man, representative of one of the fighters, specifically the older man, stood up furiously from his seat, his words laden with threats echoing in the air as he cursed the ringmaster. His voice was a torrent of fury and violence, fueled by the pressure of the final and the large amount of money at stake.

This was no ordinary fight; it was the final, the climax of an event where bets and money flowed unrestricted. At this level of entertainment, the profits were astronomical, and spectators spared no expense. With ten million dollars at stake, this fight had attracted a crowd willing to spend large sums of money to see two monsters face off in the ring.

Rey Toms is the undefeated winner of this dangerous world of fights, but his opponent is no ordinary man; he represents a powerful Russian magic, and the fat man is one of his members.

Sweat dripped down Rey's face, mixing with the bloodstains and bruises adorning his skin. Each breath was an effort, but his determination never wavered for a moment. With each step, his tense muscles moved with grace and power, carrying him through the ring with impressive agility.

Spectators watched with a gleam in their eyes, captivated by the intensity of the fight and the skill of the contenders. The deafening noise of the blows echoed in the air, creating an atmosphere filled with shouts and curses everywhere.

Despite the pain coursing through his body, Rey stood firm, focused on his ultimate goal. He knew that if he lost, he would be dead; there was no other option but to kill or be killed.

Although his physique was less robust than that of his adversary, Rey compensated with his agility and endurance, traits he had perfected over numerous fights. Each move was calculated and executed with skill, demonstrating the ability and training he had acquired in this world of life-and-death struggles.

At one point, Rey gathered all the strength left in his body, delivering a frontal blow that connected with his opponent's nose, causing him to fall stunned to the ground. Quickly, Rey positioned himself on top of him, his eyes turning cold as he began to attack his opponent's face with his two fists. The noise of the place ceased quickly; the only thing that could be heard were the punches in someone's face.

With each blow, the sound of Rey's fists hitting flesh resonated in the air, accompanied by his opponent's muffled groans. Each punch was an explosion of fury; spectators watched in silence, astonished by Rey's ferocious blows and the brutality of the scene unfolding before them. It was a raw and visceral sight.

Finally, after a barrage of devastating blows, Rey stopped, his ragged breath echoing in the silence that followed. He stared coldly at the man beneath him, his gaze devoid of remorse, before rising and walking away from the fallen body on the ground, his face covered in blood, his chest and fists, even some chunks of flesh could be seen on them.

On the other hand, his opponent's face was beyond recognition, completely mangled and destroyed, with a large crack in his skull from which gray matter was oozing out. The area around him was soaked in blood, while his limbs trembled uncontrollably.






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