
Reborn And Abilities

I was reborn in the Twilight world as Lucifer Swan. Little brother of our main character Isabella Swan. Our parents got divorced just three months after we were born, I was able to understand everything around me immediately after being born, so I used this time to train with my shadow powers. After being born I immediately felt a connection between me and the shadows around me. So I was trying to make them obey my command and worked, although I was only able to make them flicker, with time I would be able to make them do what I want. I also discovered that I have an eidetic memory, so I was able to remember everything around me with ease. This way I also remembered every detail of the Twilight series from my past life. I also trained with the shadows and I am able to extend my shadow to 10m. I am trying to extend the shadow so I can have good control of shadows.

I am currently working on extending the shadows on myself so I can make clothes for myself from the shadows, It's going quite well, I have tried many times in the past but I didn't have good control over the shadows, of I am doing it in secret I try this type stuff in the night or when I am alone. I am cherishing my time here and bonding with my new family. As I got older I got better at controlling shadows and also learned cooking for Bella, I and Bella became really close during this I would always be there for her when she needed me but would also give her space. In my tenth year of being here, I mastered controlling the shadows like my own limbs and now I have to work to make a shadow dimension for myself to store stuff. And I was thinking of using shadows for teleporting and using it I would be able to go into another shadow as long as the shadows are in my sight.

I was also thinking of sinking in the shadows like going inside water. If I can master these two abilities, I would be unstoppable in places where there are shadows. First I need to master the teleportation ability. It's very useful and can be used very efficiently in a fight. Firstly I need to sense the shadows in my sight, then I need to connect my shadow to the shadow that I want to teleport to.

I was able to do it in some time but it was slow, so I need to practice it to make it fast and unexpected and so I started my training, In the starting of my practice, it was very hard to do because it needs focus and I needed to make it so I can teleport in the middle of the fight. But in the end, I was able to do it in a month.

And after that, I needed to practice, forgoing inside my shadow like going inside of the water. I needed to think that the shadow is water and I am slowly going inside of it. It was very hard at first but as time passed I was able to do it. And in the end, I had to perfect it too to use it in the fight and in any other situation but it was a success.

I also learned to expand my shadows to 100m and mold them into spikes to impale my enemies.

I named these abilities Shadow Transfer, Black Hole, Shadow Spikes.

-Time Skip-

I and Bella are sitting in our mom's car with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky was clear blue. We were headed to the airport to go to our dad's hometown of Forks.

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this Inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. I and Bella used to go there every summer until our fourteenth birthday when Bella put her foot down and even though I didn't have any problems with Forks, I didn't want to spend all my time there as I thought that nothing of consequence would happen there before Bella and I turned seventeen.

"Bella, Lucifer," our mom said to us the last of a thousand times before we got on the plane. "You don't have to do this."

"We want to go." Bella lied. I knew I was doing this so our mother could enjoy her life with Phil. Bella was always the self-sacrificing one, while I was always outgoing and do what my heart wants to type. I was really popular in our school while Bella was the silent type and used to stay in the library. Still, she didn't resent me for it. She knew I loved her and was even grateful that I took the attention off of her. I never really got along with our mother, I didn't like the fact that she left all her responsibilities on Bella when she was so young. That's one of the main reasons why I learned cooking.

"Tell Charlie I said Hi"

"We will"

"I'll see you soon," she insisted. "You can come home whenever you want, I'll come right back as soon as you need me." I could see the reluctance behind that sentence. She hugged Bella tightly while she gave me a more awkward hug which I returned with the same level of awkwardness.

It's a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles, and an hour drive to Forks. I was really happy to be able to see dad again. He was genuinely happy that we were coming to live with him.

After we got off the plane I greeted Charlie with a bear hug. "Hey, dad! It's been so long. How are you?"

Charlie returned the hug and said. "I'm great, son. How are you? You've got so big, You must be quite the lady killer back in the school huh? Charlie wasn't exaggerating. I am currently 6'2 with looks and build from my previous life. I had been confessed to by a lot of girls in my old school but I never accepted them as those girls weren't the ones for me.

He gave Bella a one-armed awkward hug as he said. "It's good to see you Bells."

"You haven't changed much. How's Ranee?"

Mom's fine and said Hi and It's good to see you, too, Dad." She wasn't allowed to call him by his name to his face but whenever he wasn't around she would call him Charlie which honestly annoyed me. Charlie was a good man and a good parent, More so than Ranee. He genuinely cared for and loved us, It was just hard for him to express it.

As we all got to dad's cruiser I sat in the backseat, leaving Bella to sit beside dad. She gave me a betrayed look which I simply replied with a smirk. "I found a good car for you, really cheap" dad said to Bella when we were all strapped in.

I sat in the car in silence on the way home. Content to just listen to Bella and Charlie's awkward conversation. Eventually, we made it to Charlie's home. He still lived in the small, three-bedroom house that he'd with our mother in the early of their marriage. Those were the only kind of days their marriage had - the early ones.

I took my luggage while Bella took hers. My room is on the second floor next to Bella's, The walls are painted dark purple just like my eyes with white drawings. There wasn't much furniture in the room. Just a bed, a desk and a wardrobe. It was simple and just the way I liked it. I unpacked my luggage and crashed into my bed after I was done. I'd have to go outside tonight to take in the fresh air and maybe do some stunts and also set up the shadows to protect my house. This was going to be a long night and I'll need the energy.

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