
Turned Rogue

Young teen having genes from the moon goddess made her the biggest target, who will be able to protect her if her own family failed to protect her. Is her fate set or will the unthinkable happen?

Nikita_Van_Meyeren · Fantasía
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15 Chs

My home now

Ryan's POV

It was dark by the time we reached my packhouse. I couldn't take my eyes off of Amya she was breathtaking, I felt guilty for kissing her like that after what had happened to her, but it was like my body took control over me even before I could stop myself. It felt amazing the way it felt touching her skin and she tasted unbelieveble.

I opened my door and got out, then hurried to her side and picked her up into my arms, she tried to protest that she could walk but until I knew she was okay I am not letting her do anything that could possibly cause her any further pain, even walking. I smiled at her blushed face as she laid her haid on my chest and I rushingly went up the stairs of the pack house, shoving the door open with my body. " Alfred!!" I called our Doctor that lived with me in the pack house. Alfred came running down the stairs and emmediately tended to Amya.

"She has been ... " I struggled to get the word out, feeling furious all over again. Alfred luckily didn't need me to complete my sentence when he removed my jacket and saw the blood. " Get her to a nursing bed, I will get the supplies. " I just nodded and bolted up the stairs and into the nursing home. Staring down at the multiple nursing beds lined up in 2 rows across each other, I thought to myself for a few seconds then called my Beta Zack. " Yes my Alpha? ' He was quick to come down the hall from his room. " Take one of these beds to my room I don't want her feeling lonely and besides I would feel much better if she was under my watch. " "On it sir. " He rushed passed me and grabbed one of the beds and rolled it out and down the hall to the end where my room is. I looked down to Amya who hasn't said a word nor rejecting to my demand, she looked peacefull in my arms.

Walking down the hall way to my room I just kept staring at Amya's resting eyes, my wolf purred at the sight of her. As I walked into my room I saw Zack has already got the bed near a window not to far from my bed and he added a few blankets on the bed since it was cold out. " Tell Alfred to find her here and thank you, Zack" " Yes sir, I will be back shortly with some comfy clothes for her too. " Zack gestured looking at the blood soaked dress she was wearing. " That would be great. " Zack turned on his heels and hurried down the hall to the stairs.

" Damnit! " I choked, realizing she will need to be bathed and changed and over my dead body will I allow someone else to see her body, but me. I shook my head noticing I am acting like a possesive boyfriend. She barely knows me, I will need to get to know her better and tell her about myself, I geuss that's a date then. I rested her down gently onto the bed and looked upon her now sleeping body. " This is your home now. " i wispered into her ear and gently kissed her forehead and then tucking her blankets over her.