

He wakes up in the world of collapse but something strange is happening. "Kiana, what's with your hair?" "Mei, don't be like that. Put down the knife!" "It's a good thing Bronya is obedient." "What's happening? I met a girl wanting to drag me in the sea and some chunnibiyou wants me to join her defeat Honkai." "Let us all fight for all that is beautiful in the world my friend." The Fool said with a smile. "Fuck off!!" This is a lighthearted story where a young man finds himself in another world and with his strange body, he'll be fighting for all that is beautiful in the world.

_ZAX_ · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


"So you're working here now?" Kiana asked before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Yes." Daniel replied.

After arguing again, Kiana and Daniel went around the campus to buy food.

It's their break time and she's really hungry.

"I don't know what the school head is thinking." She said while shaking her head. A boy in an all girl school? What if he decided to do something perverted?

Thinking this, Kiana looked at Daniel with an unkind gaze as if warning him.

"What's with that look? If I'm going to peep at someone, rest assured, it won't be you." He swore mockingly.

Kiana popped a vein hearing that. 

"Hmph, whatever. If you get into trouble, don't come running at me."

"Aren't you the one stalking earlier?"

"I'm not stalking! I'm just looking." 

"If a girl does it, it's cute. When a guy does it, it's creepy." Daniel said with a shake of his head. Where's the justice?

Kiana became embarrassed hearing that and stormed off.

Seeing this, Daniel nodded while giving himself the victory for today.

Kiana, you are still young.

"That's it huh?" Daniel laid down in the bed.

After break time was over, he immediately did his work which didn't take too much time, something that the school head was horrified by.

He can't blame him, the school is pretty big but he just ran through it like a marathon.

His cheat is really convenient.

"Now that's done…" Daniel stood up, took his shirt off and prepared to do his workout routine. Since he can't run in the campus due to the students being there, he'll just start here in his dorm.

Taking a deep breath, he tried mimicking the martial arts he saw and read in the past. 

He tried learning such things for the name of self defense. He didn't have money to learn on a dojo and he also thinks it's wasteful since he has the internet .

How wrong he was. 

"So starting from this." He tried doing various movements, from a simple move such as a jab and continue doing it until he's tired.

Well, being tired is different now so he has to switch. 

"I need to practice my legs first." Daniel did a stretch. Even back then, unless he's using a weapon, his asset is always his legs. Both in combat and when running away.

First rule of the street fight. Check if your opponent has any weapons. If they do? Run, don't be an idiot.

Doing another set of movements that would put gymnastics into shame, Daniel tried performing a kick while doing a one hand handstand.


It looks silly back then since his body wasn't as flexible nor was his core as tough to perform such movements.

But not anymore. The more he performs this, the more he gets used to it.

To the point of instinct.

This lasted for an hour. If he didn't have any work, then he would do this everyday.

"There, done." Daniel sat down on the bed and took a deep breath.

He grabbed a towel and wiped his sweat which didn't do anything as for some reason, he's not sweating.

Must be his physique, he thought.

Opening the television, he tried to distract himself while wearing clothes, unexpectedly…

"News Report. After two weeks of peace, another student was found dead. The police are now investigating…" Daniel immediately turned around hearing that.

Looking at the news, he was shocked. 

'This is what Kazuya-san told back then.' 

Random deaths of adults to now teenagers.

"What the hell is the killer thinking?" He didn't think that the killer was just doing a random spree. But if not, then what?

"Ugh, why am I even thinking about this. I should pick up some trash." Looking at his watch, it's been an hour since the break was over. The trash bins are probably full so he needs to take care of them.

Immediately putting on his uniform, he locked the dorm and picked up his equipment before going around the school again.

Leave that to the police, he's just a janitor.


The bell signifies the end of the school. After hearing it, the students can now leave and go wherever they want.

Such is the life of a rich girl.

"Did you hear? There's another murder."

"What are the police doing? It's been months now." A girl said with a shudder.

"My family was also talking about this but there are no clues related to the killer." 

However, not everything can be achieved with money. Even for them, the appearance of a killer is too much to handle.

"What about you Mei?" A girl who looked like a third rate villain asked.

"My father is also investigating this matter but they still haven't found anything." Raiden Mei said with a sigh.

"No way… even the head of ME corp." Mutters were heard which made Mei embarrassed.

"I—huh?" Before she could say anything, she noticed a familiar figure carrying a sack of garbage.

"Anyways, we shouldn't talk about this. I know! Why don't we go to karaoke?" One of the girls suggested. They were still teens and talking about these kinds of things does unnerve them.

A lot of agreements were made by the mob except…

"I won't be coming. There's something else I need to do." Raiden Mei apologized.

"Eh? What would we do then?" Another discussion was made but Raiden Mei insisted.

At the end, her friends have gone first, leaving her alone in the school corridor.

"Now let's see…" She ran and tried to follow the figure she saw earlier. As someone who's studying in this school for a long time, she knows where the figure is going.

"Jeez, what are these girls doing?" Stopping, she heard the figure's complaint from a distance.

"Hello!" She called out.

"Huh?" Turning around, the figure saw Raiden Mei running towards him.

"I'm sorry about what happened to my friends earlier." Despite being raised by a wealthy family, Raiden Mei didn't have the arrogance of those girls.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." He waved it off.

"Umm.. may I know your name? It's my first time seeing you here." Raiden Mei asked with some embarrassment.

"My name is Daniel." He replied. 

"My name is Raiden Mei. Nice to meet you." 

"Nice to meet you too."

He would've held his hand if it wasn't for the fact that he's carrying trash earlier.

"So is there something that I could do for you..?" Daniel doesn't even know why he's saying this.

"Nothing, I just want to say sorry to them." She replied. Turning around, she gave him one last look before walking away. 

Seeing her far away, Daniel muttered, "That was weird." And continued his work.

"Jeez, where's Daniel?" Kiana said while walking. After the dismissal, she immediately went out and tried to find him.

Although her classmates were nice, she's not as comfortable as she was with him. 

Maybe it's because he has that weird strength of his?

"Hmph, I haven't paid him back yet." Kiana is petty. She still remembers the feeling of her face being pushed around on the first day. 

One day, she'll have her revenge.

"Umm.. Kiana Kaslana?" Turning around, she saw a familiar face.

"Aren't you that girl?" Kiana asked in confirmation. After being in Nagazora for an entire week, she was on her way to her school but found a horrendous crime being committed.

A girl was being harassed by a group of delinquents.

With her chivalrous nature, she immediately put a stop on it, saving this girl.

"Yes, that's me! My name is Asakura Mizuki." She exclaimed with a smile before handing something.

"That's..?!" Kiana took it and said in surprise.

"Yes, that's your ID. You dropped it after saving me." After saying it, Asakura Mizuki gave her a weird smile.

"Uhhh… thanks?" Kiana wasn't sure what to say. 

'Daniel can't report me now.' She thought while looking at her ID with relief.

"Thank you. If there's nothing else. I'm going." Kiana said as she was about to walk away. She still needs to find Daniel.

"C-Can I visit you here?" Asakura asked with a hopeful expression.

'She must be traumatized because of those bullies.' 

"Sure!" Kiana gave her a toothy grin.

Asakura was overjoyed hearing that but above all else.

'Hehehehe.' Looking at Kiana's leaving figure, Asakura looked at her intently from behind. 

Feeling this, Kiana shuddered. She turned around to see Asakura waving at her, which she returned.

'Must be my imagination.' 

"There you are!" Kiana shouted.

"What's wrong?" Daniel looked at her confused. What's she doing here?

Kiana didn't say anything but instead handed something to him and said smugly.

"There's my ID." 

"Okay?" Taking it, he sighed and gave her a pat in the head, "There, there. No one would report you now." 

Smacking his hands away, she took it back and glared at him, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere."

Daniel was about to say that he's just picking up trash but paused before looking at Kiana with a grin.

"Hehe, I mean, me? Nothing much, I just had a talk with your beloved Mei-senpai." Daniel looked at his nails and replied like it's the most normal thing to do.

Hearing this, Kiana froze. She already had a bad feeling when she saw his look but she didn't think it'll be this.

"Y-You're lying! How could Mei-senpai talk to you?!" She furiously shakes her head.

"Not just that, she's the one who approached me." And that was the final nail in the coffin before Kiana lounged at him and grabbed on like a monkey.

"Y-You brat! Let go!" Daniel tried to pry her off him but to no avail.

"Take back what you said!" Kiana is aggrieved. She didn't even have the chance to have a talk with her beloved senior yet this asshole did it before her.


While the two of them are 'fighting', they didn't notice Asakura looking at them, specifically to Daniel with a malicious glint.

After being saved by Kiana, Asakura made it her goal to make her hers, but unfortunately, she didn't get the proper chance to talk to her.

She always stalks her and seeing her waiting for that Raiden Mei, Asakura was burning in jealousy but composed herself since Kiana wasn't being noticed by the former.

It even made her a little happy because Kiana is into girls, thus giving her hope.

However, this changes everything. She didn't know that there's a bigger threat between her love and Kiana's.

'I'll kill you!' She roared in her heart while looking at Daniel.