


I don't know if it was a dream or not... no it was real That hill of Swords was his/my end.

I was reincarnated

no it's just that my soul was forced into another vessel .

my first life i was normal, had fun with friends got arrested Twice at 16 for theft . my juvenile cases where closed and I graduated high school at 18,

then i joined the clock tower with rin .

no.. wrong that didn't happen I joined the army/then eventually became a mercenary working with the Clock tower and occasionally the church dealing with beings of the moonlit world or fighting in other battles around the world/then I died during the war with Russia at 23 2027,no I was executed ,wait that was probably the second time .


Emiya/my memories are infectious/twisted and out of place

my memories are like this because of the body ,elements, origin ,and soul I acquired during my second life ,no when I found a Vessel and took it

you see in my original life/world things like God's don't exist so when I died

I should have stopped Existing but that thing that shouldn't even exist within the confine of our reality got in

it was devouring everything, planets,stars the very concepts that make up our reality

I understood even though I was technically dead that didn't matter reality collapsed things weren't working anymore life ,death, concepts, they just broke as our universe was being consumed by that fog like thing

I could see it ,I understood what was happening so I ran I wasn't on earth so it was more like flying or floating through space.

I didn't look back but i can still see it it will eventually reach earth, but that didn't matter I just needed to get away

during the time I ran I eventually came to my senses

my mind broke a little when I saw that thing

I long since left the milky-way but I was still within this dimension I can't stop I need to keep going

then I look back as my vision extended beyond what I should been able to see this time I looked to long and it looked back(વિખેરી નાખવું )my mind Broke Again I made it look then I broke

when I came to I was already at the edge of everything I didn't dare look back again no I didn't even think to use my Clearvoyance Again .

with a few moments of relaxation I understood I changed a lot

I understood what I could do the best way to describe my self would be an Existence outside of the domain

the domain being earth,reality, or the dimension

my body is immoral just like that thing, no that thing is infinitely superior to me I would cease to exist of that thing ate me

but that all I can compare my self with.

I decided to look at myself

when I was reborn my body was young probably 6-9

no hair and an inhumane pale milky white skin ,sharp teeth,and no eye balls ,now though my body looks good (cute?) though my facial features where feminine my body was definitely male

I have long white hair longer than my body floating around me I could feel them I could control them like most of my body and it was strong like the rest of my body, my skin was still the same the difference was the muscles that my body had developed, oh and I has eyes now red x shaped pupils I evaluated my self at 8

I had standards, I don't have enough muscles

I don't know how many years it took for my body to develop but I instinctively understood that my true appearance wouldn't change anymore I thought to myself as I curl up as I dive deep into my depressing
