Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosin cobra Kai! “Haha..this amusing”a man in a black chair laughed in a pitch black void while sitting on a chair and sipping on a drink as his red eyes flashed through the void
A lot of time had passed and Nathan and the cobra Kai were training in the dojo for the all valley tournament that was in a few days.
The events that led up to this was a long story
Johnny:Alright class dismissed!Oh and Brandon please make sure to zip your pants up the next time you come to the dojo you look like a nerd!
The class then left the dojo with a confused Brandon who looked down at his unzipped trousers in realisation.
Johnny:Nathaniel Miguel you two stay.
Nathaniel and Miguel than went to the office standing together with a serious Johnny.
Johnny;Alright you two there's this Tournament I wanted to enter the all valley tournament.
Miguel:Wait sensei!You mean that tournament that cobra Kai are banned from becasue of what happend all those years ago?
Johnny:Yeah it's that but Im gonna try and get cobra Kai unbanned.
Nathaniel:Wait?you think it's gonna be that easy?
Miguel:yeah sensei he's right.
Johnny:what?!what do you mean?
Miguel:your philosophy strike first isn't gonna work this time ok sensei you need to make a good impression you need a suit!
Miguel:yeah totally sensei!
Nathan and Miguel than whent to Johnnys house to pick out what he was going to wear to the meeting.
Miguel:ok sensei these shirts aren't gonna do the trick and these jackets are way to classic.
Johnny:what do you mean classic?
Miguel:as in if you walk in with that there gonna take one look at you and send you out the door.
Johnny:what?so I'm supposed to wear a suit and a tie.
Nathaniel:that's exactly what Miguel is implying sensei.
Johnny:oh ffs.
Johnny had got changed into a suit with black trouser a black tie and black shoes.
Johnny:Hey do you really think this is gonna work Nathan?
Nathan:💯your keeping it low-key man you give off that John wick atmosphere only you look nothing like John wick.
Johnny:thanks for the clarity.
Nathaniel:no thanks needed sensei only the best for the best.
Johny:thanks Nathan anyways,so Miguel do I look badass?
Miguel:yeah sensei just remember what we rehearsed ok?
Johnny:right right got it don't worry leave it to me cobra Kai is totally getting unbanned after this.
Flashback end
At the meeting
???:I just don't think that changing the mats this year is relevant man.
???:come on it's the 50th anniversary we have to spice it up man!
???:Yeah he's right people are gonna get bored if we have the same mats this time but if we change it up you can guarantee that everyone's gonna love it.
Daniel Larruso walked inside as everyone looked at him.
Daniel:Hey,gentlemen let's get started shall we?
???:yeah yes we should Daniel.
Daniel and the others then started bickering about the mats being changed this year or over small issues regarding irrelevant matters.
Daniel Larruso sighed in boredom.
Johnny Lawrence walked in looking all badass with his suit and his hair combed back with a black breifcase in his hand.
Daniel looked at him in horror like he had just seen scream for the first time.
???:Oh?and who are you?
Johnny:sensei Johnny Lawrence sire of cobra Kai!
???:ooohh cobra Kai huh?sounds like a badass name.
Daniel:oh,I assure you it's not a badass name!
???:Daniel no need to be so rude to mr?
???:to mr Lawrence me Lawrence what have you come all this way for?
Johnny:I am here to get cobra Kai unbanned from the all-valley karate tournament.
???:oh?I wasn't awar that cobra Kai was banned from the tournament?when was this?
Johnny then proceeded to tell them when cobra Kai got banned and why and arguing wirth Daniel eventually cobra Kai got unbanned and Johnny whent to celebrate.
At the dojo
Johnny opened the doors to the dojo and went into his office he then put his beer down cracked it open and started drinking it while smirking to himself taking in the victory of a lifetime.
The doors to the dojo opens again as Johnny looked to see who it was and the smirk got taken of his face when an old man with long hair walk in.
Johnny:Excuse,me?may I help you?
???:you can actually?Do you own this dojo?
Johnny:yeah what's it to you!
???:oh,well I was just visiting the place looking to buy some properties when I saw something that I recongnized.
Johnny:and what does that have to do with me?
???:well,are you familiar with a person named John kresse?
Johnny looked at the man with a curious glare.
Johnny:how do you know kreese?
???:Well he was an old war buddy of mine me and him go way back and he was the one who created cobra kai.
Johnny:Kreese never told me about you?
???:Well it's not a suprise I'm afraid I don't know you either.
Johnny:I'm Johnny Lawrence 2-time all-valley champion.
???:oh wow you must have been his student.The one that Larruso beat?yeah I heard a lot about you.
Johnny:He beat me using an illegal kick!
???:well technically it wasn't against the rules.
Johnny looked at the man with boiling fury.
???:well that's not the point the fact is I want to invest in cobra Kai.
???:well because me and kreese used to run cobra Kai and now that it's been reopened I can help fund it.
Johnny:like what?
???:I can help get resources,pay the bills of this place,setup dojos in new locations,new resources I have connections I mean the potential of cobra Kai is unlimited.
Johnny:why?why come back now?
???:cobra Kai before wasn't run properly we cheated we were corrupted we were all about winnning but that was kreeses and you can build a new cobra Kai and expand its glory making cobra Kai the best dojo in the valley so what do you say do we have a deal?
Johnny looked sceptical at the old man but reluctantly shook his hand.
Johnny:we have a deal.But what's your name anyways?
The old man cracked a smile as he said.
???:its Tarrence,Tarrance silver but you can call me Terry.