
True love behind The keyboard

Adele Crawford is just a reserved, shy girl who you wouldn't believe they would hurt a fly. She does have a normal life and she's doing so great in her medicine course, until the time comes, she fall madly in love like any other teenager but it's not just anyone, it's Mr. Oceans. A business billionaire, who's also a doctor. His someone that is out of her league, older than her and she does everything in her power to make sure he stays and even if it means catfishing him for almost a year, and Mr. Oceans truly believes, his in love with the famous, wealthy Candice Swine but little does he know that his only been talking to a 18 year old who keeps lying to him all along. Will he ever finds out the truth?

sabathile_sibiya · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Burning the bridges

Miles is sat quietly still, his blue eyes keeps scanning the sky through the window of his own booked private Jet. He exhales too much air to his lungs, as his highly expensive blazer slowly flattens back to lie down on his masculine chest and just as sadly, he removes his gazes away from the window for just a few seconds while he re–adjust his cufflinks that he especially chosen for his very pricey, high quality white shirt to peak underneath his gushing blue blazer for this very important event in his life. Zeynep tries to throw a short glance at his boss, who's only sat quietly to his well cushioned, beige leather seat that is four mitres away from hers. Just like her Bosses Seat, hers is also situated next to this wonderful, transparent window for the perfect sight seeing for her to indulge herself with, the seat were just too opposite for her which made it hard to not notice, Miles mood.

Mr. Oceans, lifts his right leg after, to silently cross it to his other leg, just right after he was done fixing his cufflinks in place. His left arm stamps on the arm of his leather couch and his hand draws back to his chin as his fingers caress his small, peach lips that are perfectly constructed in his dead gorgeous face as the right amount of sunlight, ended up softly looming in the window, while it glorified those lips with the ounce of light but the rest of his face angle stayed behind the shade, while he morosely stares at the beautifull clouds without no end.

He cannot believe he was again stood up by someone that he keeps trusting again and again but clearly she has proven him to be the biggest fool, for countless times his been stood up by her. Possibly it has been the fourth time and he cannot believe he used to fall for it. Eerytime she will convince him, a business proposal of a big client came in today and she couldn't miss the damn meeting. If it's not the business venture idea that swept off her feet everytime, next time time it'll be her confessions that she wasn't ready and too much nervous to meet him. Which clearly confirms, she has never made him a priority.

"Anything to drink Ma'am?" A flight attendant distracted Zeynep just when her gazes was still fixated to her Boss, it as if she can hear all his depressing thoughts, as she couldn't stop watching at him that silently depressed and hurting because of what proved her to be right about this girl who's not even human enough to show her face and admit that she is a scam. Zeynep gazes at this tempting sparkling, bottle of a champagne that is standing at the hands of this male flight attendant, dressed in an outstanding black, armless blazer matching with his long sleeve shirt that is gushing white in his arms and his white gloves as the finale for his honourable outfit. "No, thank you Dominique I'm still at work, can you please bring me a glass of water...oh make it a cold lemonade" Zeynep declares this, while her big, green eyes were beautifully looking up to this male attendant who's very respectful and deligent with his work.

Her short forehead that beholds too much, hairs just about the edges of her face, and the rest of the hair is neatly groomed backward in a ponytail, hallows back to take a brief gaze outside the window, her dark lengthy lashes radiating in lights and that matches, the hairiness that even curls next to her ears and tails so beautifully above her soft, oval jaws. "Ma'am?...your cold lemonade is ready" Dominique softly exclaims, without a delay Zeynep turns over her right shoulder, just by hearing the first tip of his words, she really is surprised it got so ready and so quick.

Zeynep's eyes only stays at the level of the flight attendant's hands, accepting the most coldest, fresh and neat glass that has sweats of coldness outside it, strangely he has even injected a real thin slice of a lemon, at the tip of the glass just the way she likes it. She initiates taking the glass away from the attendants hands but the glass stays still, she tightens her grip a little tighter, trying to take the glass but flight attendant locks it tight and it stays still.

This forces Zeynep to look up to him and the moment she does, her big eyes clashes with such a mesmerizing face of young man who she's sure is around his early twenties, his facial is shaped in oval structure, his chin is detailed almost like the tip of the diamond and so his well shaved and neat sideburns is doing an eye sore grand finale, locking all the way from his jaws to his chin and his straight nose at the centre of his face. For those little amount of seconds Zeynep has found herself sinking in his brown closet eyes, she breaks the tension and initiates to take her glass to herself again. She bows her head taking a sip, smiling a little and finds it very odd that the flight attendant is apparently attracted to her. This proves that she is looking very good today.

Her cellphone instantly rings inside the plane and quickly she leans forth to the small, classic beige table to get ahold of her 6.5 mitre tall, Sensation smartphone to take the call. The caller I.D keeps indicating with a big font in her screen and that's when she learns it is Douglas, that his call is coming through. She quickly picks up the call, activating the green icon with her thumb that is polished with a classic, red manicure.

Zeynep "Yes? Speaking" She exclaims, betting an eye on her right side, double checking if her Boss is not looking over.

Douglas: "How are you doing, Zeynep? I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, after reading your message is Miles okay? he asks this while his door is locked in his office, his having back to back meetings in his company these days, this is only time that he can call Zeynep.

Zeynep: "Ehhh, yes–yes we are doing well, we are fine. How is everything on your side?" Miles picks up Zeynep's voice mumbling on the phone but he pretends he wasn't listening any of the conversation, honestly his mind is just too wired up, to be intent to such light phone calls that his Assistant can take care of and so other statements will pass by his ears as the pep talk goes on.

Douglas: "We're all fine, but now I'm confused because by the way you explained things to me, your message was not vague at all, or am I missing something?"

Zeynep: "Not at all...and of course that's right I don't do vague at all. Straight to the point "

Douglas: "Oh I see, Miles is with you isn't it?"

Zeynep is relieved that Douglas is understanding her situation, and by the sound of his voice, she can sense he is quite worried about her Boss and reaching out to her to give answers. She really was desperate to get ahold of Douglas for entire day, his the only man who's Miles best friend and a cousin. Whenever she comes across the same personal issues like this that Miles keeps dealing with, she knows who to call and his the only one who can get through to him with decisions, she honestly thinks he needs a serious mediator in this whole thing.

Just when she's about to articulate her next statement, the message beeped on her phone that indicates a new message that just came through. She startles, detaching her from her ear and immediately asks Douglas to expect her call, because she's tied up with work at the moment, this really gave her a good excuse because she couldn't discuss anything sensible with Douglas since her Boss is still around.

Quickly she checks her phone, and an email has popped up as a new message, her mobile data is always on and so she'll recieve messages at any day and at any time. Suddenly she stalls clicking on the inbox email that is apparently floating in front of her screen ever since few seconds ago. In her mind she remembers that there's a very important email she's expecting and this one needs to be viewed in her laptop freely, without set backs and she doesn't trust phones sometimes, honestly this business email can literally change their lives.

Again she leans over to the table opposite and close to her, to pick up her Silver, Apple laptop that is the latest modern online. Her hips shifts back as they become full again on her seat, adjusting herself back to relax her spine without hiccups when finally reading this email. Oh, she's so nervous and impatient to even activate her laptop. She exhales deeply and decides to take a sip on her glass to quench the thirst attacking her throat. After she has placed the glass back to the arm of her seat, swiftly her fingers races to open this email. Finally she lands to Mr. Oceans general business account, she draws the laptop closer to her lap, bowing her head a little closer to see who is this special sender and the email reports: Heather Anderson. Her face squirms, she doesn't recall this name anywhere in her emails.

Without dragging she clicks it and the email instantly opens. Her eyebrows crinkles, it's very clear this is not the construction deal from the Switzerland company that she's been expecting all morning but this email looks personal. She sighs deeply very tempted to ignore the email, but since it is very short she'll give it a try, it's her job anyways. She chooses to atleast pick up a glass of water as she reads it, just to eliminate laziness of reading it, creeping in her bones.

Dear, Dr. Oceans

I wish to address my name but sadly I cannot because I may not know what this culprit can do when they find out they have been exposed. But I study at the Hawks Medical University, and the reason I know so much, it is because I am a former friend of the same person who decieves you–everyday. I decided to reject our friendship after hearing the disgusting, shocking truth of how how she conspires to hide her true identity in each time you talk, to her and I am young woman of dignity and honest, I do not condone any such hypocrisy toward other people.

I believed that you have been catfished Sir by the same girl who her real name Is actually Adele, a seventeen year old, who is originated from the Bahamas and she hides behind the image of Candice Swine.....

Without power to control herself, Zeynep's mouth automatically forces the fluid out from her mouth, and it shoots straight to her laptop, the two people who are in the plane with her; Mr. Oceans and Dominique, quickly noticed this dramatic reaction as they both end up, plainly staring at her. Zeynep swiftly wipes her mouth, her heart is racing as if she almost got hit by a truck. She looks at her Boss and Miles is bluntly staring at her. "Zeynep? " Mr. Oceans declares her name, in a worried tone. Zeynep remained as shock and speechless, looking back at her Boss with nothing to say.....yet.