
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

looking for the train

After conversing with Eric and venturing outside, I began to wander the desolate streets. The fresh air was a welcome change, although the emptiness and eerie silence felt surreal. It was the middle of the night, and not a soul could be seen apart from myself, which only added to the unsettling atmosphere.

Despite the unusual circumstances, I still had the pressing need to return to my mother's house. I realized that I needed to find a way back, and a memory from the past resurfaced. I recalled my friends and me navigating through this very area, but I couldn't recall how we had arrived here without access to a car or any means of transportation.

Then it hit me—we had used the trains.

With this realization, I took out my phone and consulted the GPS, discovering a train station a few minutes away on foot. Relief washed over me, knowing there was a viable option to make my way back. However, I also remembered the urgency of finding medication for my mother, knowing that most stores were likely closed at this late hour.

I continued walking through the streets, scanning for any signs of open establishments. After some time, I reached a relatively new street, with a broad road leading to a train station. It caught my attention, as upon entering the station, there appeared to be an underground passage leading to the train platforms themselves.

In that unsettling moment, a surge of fear washed over me, causing me to instinctively take a few steps back. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air, startling me further. Miraculously, the bullet narrowly missed me, but the proximity of the shot sent chills down my spine.

Reacting swiftly, I began to run, seeking cover behind a nearby tree. My heart raced as I clutched onto my gun tightly, my senses heightened, anticipating any further danger. The sound of more gunshots rang out, prompting me to dash towards a parked car for additional shelter and concealment.

As I cautiously peered over the car, my eyes widened in disbelief and horror. It was another one of those grotesque creatures, but this time it was armed with a gun. The realization that they had acquired weapons sent a chilling shiver down my spine.

Reacting swiftly, I quickly dropped back down and took cover behind the car, narrowly avoiding a hail of bullets that riddled the vehicle. The creature paused to reload, providing me with a brief moment of opportunity. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I mustered all my focus and determination. As soon as the creature was vulnerable, I rose from my hiding spot and swiftly aimed for its head, pulling the trigger without hesitation. The gunshot resonated through the air, and the creature's lifeless body collapsed to the ground.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the street, my eyes darting from one corner to another, ensuring that no other creatures were lurking nearby. For the time being, it seemed that I was alone, but the looming possibility of more creatures hidden in the shadows kept me on high alert.

I proceeded to the train station, swiftly opening the door and stepping inside. As I descended the stairs, I encountered the ticket checkers, managing to pass by them without any obstacles.

As I continued my journey through the station, an overwhelming sense of unease washed over me once again. My footsteps slowed, and my movements became more cautious. Approaching the area where the trains were stationed, my senses heightened, and then, the piercing sound of a gunshot shattered the air.

Reacting instantly, I sought cover behind a nearby wall, my heart pounding in my chest. Confusion and concern enveloped me until I caught sight of someone familiar on the other side of the station. It was Eric.

My mind raced with questions. How did Eric end up here? Was he the one who fired the gunshot? The mix of relief and apprehension overwhelmed me as I cautiously observed his presence, unsure of his intentions and the circumstances that had brought us to this encounter.

As I cautiously emerged from my hiding spot, my mind raced with disbelief and confusion. Eric's cold and callous words echoed in my mind, leaving me stunned. Had he truly killed someone, a fellow human being? The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon me.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to the other side of the station where Eric had been standing. Climbing the stairs, I braced myself for what awaited me. As I reached the top, I beheld the lifeless body of the person Eric had shot.

Grief and shock flooded over me as I looked upon the fallen human. It was a stark reminder of the darkness that had enveloped our world, where survival seemed to override all other considerations. I couldn't help but question the circumstances that had led Eric to this point, the choices he had made, and the path he had taken.

Feeling a heavy weight upon my shoulders, I knew that I had to continue forward, navigate this treacherous world, and make sense of the chaos surrounding me. The journey ahead seemed even more uncertain and perilous now, but I steeled myself, determined to find answers and strive for a semblance of hope in the midst of this bleak reality.

Myself: What?... Why would Eric engage in such behavior?!... That individual appeared presentable; he did not resemble one of these beings.

I experienced a profound sense of fear and indignation when Eric ended the life of that individual... Why would he commit such an act? Could it be that the human provoked some form of transgression?... I sought answers to clarify the situation.

Regardless of that, I still needed to return to my mother's abode utilizing one of these railway systems.

Regrettably, these trains had been deactivated, necessitating my presence in a control room located somewhere within the station in order to reactivate them.

After a considerable amount of time spent overcoming barriers, exercising patience, and encountering some of these eccentric creatures, I succeeded in locating the control room, and astonishingly enough... the door was ajar.

Subsequently, I entered the control room.

After thoroughly investigating and observing the array of buttons, I managed to discern the appropriate controls for activating the train on the left side (the direction aligned with my intended destination).

Prior to depressing the button, I noticed a message displayed above it, stating:

"After activation, the train will require approximately 10 minutes to initiate operation."

Myself: At long last...

Subsequently, I proceeded to depress the button.

Following the activation and a brief walk to the train, I noticed that one of the train doors could be opened. Consequently, I proceeded to open the door and boarded the train.

I located a seat within the train and settled myself.

Soon after, an automated announcement emanated from the train.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we kindly request your patience as the train prepares to depart in a few minutes. Please take this opportunity to relax."

Myself: Yes, yes... let us commence the journey promptly.

After a few minutes had elapsed, the train commenced its motion.

Time has elapsed, and I find myself seated on the train, demonstrating patience as I await my arrival at the train station near my mother's residence.

During this period of repose, I began reflecting upon the sequence of events that have unfolded thus far.

My thoughts wander: Goodness gracious, what in the world has transpired recently? I was involved in a regrettable automobile collision, only to awaken in an unfamiliar and desolate location. Then, I found myself encountering and battling against those abominations, those diabolical entities that have persistently pursued my demise.

And Eric... He callously extinguished the life of that innocent individual without any apparent justification. While I remain ignorant of his motives, an ominous intuition begins to take hold within me. Could it be that Eric is somehow linked to this calamity? Is he the mastermind behind the creation of these monstrous beings? Alas, I am bereft of certitude.

What if all of this... is nothing more than a figment of my imagination? Perhaps, it is a grand illusion, a vivid dream.

My mind is plagued with confusion, and I yearn for answers. At the very least, upon my return to my mother's abode, I hope to unveil the next chapter of this perplexing saga.

Me: ?!

An unsettling noise, reminiscent of a shattering window, resonated through the air. Strangely enough, it emanated from the carriage positioned behind the one I currently occupied.

A dreadful premonition gripped my being, compelling me to investigate the source of the disturbance. With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I mustered the courage to open the door leading to the suspicious carriage, weapon in hand.

Upon entering, my eyes fell upon two grotesque creatures, fixated on me with malicious intent, hurtling in my direction. Swiftly evading their attacks, I retaliated, unleashing a barrage of gunfire that brought about their swift demise.


Yet another window shattered, granting entry to two more of these abominations. From whence they emerged, I cannot fathom.

To my astonishment, one of the creatures brandished a firearm, while the other wielded a menacing sword. Without delay, the armed creature took aim in my direction. Instinctively, I sought cover and swiftly crouched behind one of the nearby chairs, seeking refuge from the imminent threat.

With deftness and precision, I swiftly adjusted my position, granting me an advantageous angle to neutralize the remaining creature. My shot found its mark, resulting in the demise of the menacing being.

As I rose to my feet, my attention fixated on the solitary creature remaining—a formidable adversary armed with a menacing sword. Emitting an earth-shaking roar, it lunged towards me, delivering lightning-fast strikes with its blade. Through nimble evasive maneuvers, I narrowly avoided a fatal blow, though its strike left a gash across my chest, inflicting pain but not causing a critical injury.

Gritting my teeth, I retaliated with an aggressive kick, disarming the creature and forcing it to relinquish its weapon. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly pulled the trigger, obliterating the creature with a single shot from my firearm.

With each confrontation and subsequent dispatching of these abominable creatures, I found myself standing alone, the sole survivor in this nightmarish ordeal.

Breathless and filled with a sense of harrowing dread, I felt an overwhelming sensation of impending doom envelop me.

Suddenly, the train jolted violently, quaking with an intensity that foreboded a catastrophic crash.

Cursing under my breath, I instinctively held on tightly, desperately clinging to hope for survival as the train hurtled towards its inevitable collision.

And then...



