
Chapter 13

"Friends are sweetheart"

"Amigos eres dulzura(Spanish)".


I reached my room only to find Win ravaging my wardrobe. Most of my girlish wears, were neatly sprayed on the bed,

they look so beautiful in their different colors.

I ran my hand on each of them, Swears, I flash back to the events I went to wearing these gowns, I reached out my drawer,

to get the pictures I took with these clothes.

'Oh sugar, you look so beautiful in all of them, especially this red one'. She said pointing at the picture I took with my red gown.

'Really, Win?'. I said with puff eyes.

'Of course sunshine, you look so beautiful, maybe you should try this red one on, at least attend this feast with this dress, baby'.

Win said making baby dog eyes.

'No Win, I can't, I love what I wear and besides they must be pretty tight by now, I wore them a long time ago'. I told her, disapproving her idea.