
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Boring old Cultivation

Trevor started to once more break through to the fourth refining. He immediately ate the three other fruit.

He immediately broke through into the fourth refining, causing it to burn off even more than he did in the second and third refining.

The searing pain lasted for not a minute which was then followed by a great refreshing feeling.

All his fatigue had been washed away by the new surge of spiritual Qi.

After refining all of the energy inside of the fruits he had broken through into the organ refining stage.

"Damn that was quite a quick increase in cultivation. That really pretty woman really did me a solid. "

Trevor then started to drool remembering her perfect face. She probably would've beaten him to death.

He then picked up one of the Qi condensation beast cores and started to refine them.

However Trevor had no idea whatsoever on how to absorb the spiritual energy from inside the beast core. He tried to do it normally by just sucking all of the energy out and attempting to circulate to according to that woman's manual.

It didn't work.

Was contemplating about how to do this, another thin book fell out of the void, as if it had just appeared.

Thinking that it was the same pretty woman again giving him the book, he happily and graciously opened the book only to realise there was nothing written.

In the void, a boy was laughing at his own antics looking at Trevor's confused face.

Realising that he'd been tricked, he put it to the side and tried again.

"Damn that woman actually did something like that to me. Never mind it's not like I can do anything to her. Bloody hell. "

Due to his incredibly great innate talent, Trevor managed to start to absorb the beast core, slowly but surely.

"Why can't Alice be just like those systems in the books that just do this for them. That would be so much better. "

[We do not provide the service. Sorry for the inconvenience]

Alice was sounding like a real receptionist.

Finally he finished absorbing the beast core only to realise it was not even as good as the fruits.

Annoyed, he held a core in both hands and quickly absorb them. After quickly absorbing them in under 10 minutes, Trevor reached the peak of the fourth refining.

Finally, he started to refine the Foundation stage realm core.

The instant he started to circulate his Qi into the core, he felt in unbearable pain in his head as it feels splitting open.

The abundant, but violent energy from the beast core started to rampage through his body. It was as if he was about to be ripped from the inside out. But thankfully, because of this very high cultivation of the peak of fourth refinement, he easily subdued the spiritual energy in the core, refined it into Qi, and started to integrated it into his cells and nine vortexes.

Suddenly again, another great pain suddenly appeared. It was far greater than the previous ones, like a bucket of lava was poured into his throat.

Trevor almost passed out, but the pain immediately stopped not long after it started, the immensely great energy of the fifth refinement spread throughout his body allowing him to moan in pleasure, a great difference to the pain that makes one scream just a moment ago.

Trevor slumped onto the ground unconscious. It was like his body was pulled out of hell and straight into heaven, he couldn't handle it at all. His skin pale yet full of life, red flowing on the top.

If one looked carefully enough, you could see little swords smaller than the red blood cells start to appear and move around, killing and removing all of his impurities. Of course, very very slowly.

"So much effort. On top of that, so much pain."

Trevor sat down in anguish and teleported right to the bathroom.

Unbeknownst to him, most of his current subjects will never truly know that you could redo the body refining stage, or even further stages. Hell, most people may not learn too much about later cultivation stages at all!


Trevor the once more set out to go find some more loot to increase his cultivation quickly.

His grandparents had gotten jobs from the palace, both as members of the parliament. Nepotism may be bad, but is it that bad in this new world?

All of the jobs that Trevor had to do for the country had been siphoned off to the President and Prime minister, which had made them happy as they would truly have the power whilst Trevor sits in his position and will, hopefully, bring in some benefits when he grows more powerful, which they both know he most certainly will.

All they have to do is do their jobs properly, get the benefits, wait, and get more benefits.


The sun soon set and the moon rose from who knows where. Trevor was fighting more and more beasts as the night progressed, the beasts that were all seemingly nocturnal finally came out to play, and be slaughtered by the hands of a sword.

All of his pent up energy from three consecutive breakthroughs would be all exhausted after this great fight.

The endless howls of pain echoed.


The moon later set and the sun rose from the ground, Trevor finally returned back to sub-city 1, covered in so much blood that it was like he had jumped into a sea of it.

The few individuals who had guts of steel and stayed the night, and those who came for an early morning hunt were greatly astonished by the sight of him.

Many wanted to catch him out in the woods and kill him. He must have a lot of spirit stones.

But all they could do is dream.


Trevor directly teleported into the already filled bathroom, something he had prepared the night before, knowing of what he will do.

He jumped in and started to count his loot.

He had killed so many beasts that he couldn't really remember.

"Hey Alice, how many beast cores I got? And how many spirit stones?"

Trevor was simply too lazy to even check his bag.

[You have 47 Qi condensation cores and 8 Foundation Establishment cores. You have an accumulated 97 Medium spirit stones and 670,125 Low spirit stones]

Trevor smiled after hearing of his results. All is good.

He spent the morning cleaning up himself, preparing to start his refinement.

Just as he sat on the mat, the 8:00 bell rang, and an announcement almost as exciting as the reformation of the universe came out.

With this, many people would grow stronger at an unprecedented rate, and many more problems as well.