
Traveling Through Worlds (Completed)

Lin Yi has obtained the ability to traverse through countless realms and dimensions. Regardless of the world's timeline or the type of protagonist, anyone who obstructs his path to becoming stronger will be killed. = This is a Harem FanFic where the MC is thrown into various anime worlds, embarking on missions assigned by his system. The missions don't have any time limits and the MC is free to do whatever he want. The system serves as a means to travel between worlds, and the MC doesn't rely on it to become stronger. Additionally, the MC is genuinely intelligent and competent, unlike some authors who portray intelligence by diminishing the IQ of other characters. = Current World: Attack on Titan Worlds: Tokyo Ghoul -> Attack on Titan -> Dragon Nest -> Akame Ga Kill -> Dragon Raja = Check my Patreon and read upto 50 Chapters ahead! — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · Anime & Comics
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176 Chs

TTW Chapter 58: Cochlea (2)

District 23, Cochlea

This is a prison specially built for ghouls, boasting an unimaginable level of security.

The entire structure takes on a cylindrical shape with no entrances or exits along the perimeter. The walls are half a meter thick, leaving the top of the building as the sole means of escape, where a sturdy steel door is situated.

Beneath the surface, there are over twenty floors underground, making Cochlea as vast as a small castle, alongside the thirty-plus floors above ground.

In general, ghouls ranked A and below are confined to the upper levels. Their cells are similar to those in regular prisons, except that they are constructed entirely of special Quinque steel. Dedicated investigator teams conduct searches and patrols continuously.

The truly dangerous ghouls are imprisoned in the depths underground. Some of the most menacing individuals never see the light of day, confined to tall pillar-like cells embedded deep into the ground, accessible only through the central control room.

Cochlea also harbors the darkest side of the CCG, as various experiments related to ghouls are conducted within its walls.

The heavy fortification of the CCG is not solely due to the fear of these ruthless ghouls escaping but also to conceal their own questionable actions.

However, during this time, Aogiri Tree has been wreaking havoc outside, launching consecutive attacks on the 9th and 10th wards. The CCG has had to relocate personnel from various locations to pursue the remnants of Aogiri Tree, resulting in significant casualties.

As a result, even the security forces of Cochlea have been greatly depleted.

Despite its paramount importance, Cochlea has remained undisturbed for nearly a decade. No one would have anticipated the audacity of Aogiri Tree.

Perhaps this was all part of Eto Yoshimura's plan.

In the dead of night, the sound of an alarm pierced through the air.

The control system of Cochlea's main gate had been compromised. The ten-ton steel gate was forced open, and countless ghouls wearing masks and brown trench coats descended from above.

Like raindrops, hundreds of ghouls fell, but before they could reach the ground, dozens of bodies were felled by a hail of bullets. Cochlea's officers and investigators had positioned themselves in the corridors, prepared for the onslaught.

The battle ignited in an instant.

Leading the charge of ghouls was a familiar figure to Lin Yi. Wearing a black-toothed mask and tight leather clothing, it was none other than Ken Kaneki, known as Eyepatch Ghoul—the most wanted ghoul and an SS-rated Ghoul.

Kaneki's strength far exceeded his previous encounter with Yamori several months ago.

During his time with Aogiri Tree, he had fully embraced his identity as a ghoul. Cannibalism, collective feeding, and countless battles had elevated his power beyond his former self.

In this moment, he was like a sharp knife, piercing the heart of Cochlea.

The surprise attack came swiftly, and among the special investigators stationed at Cochlea, only Prison Warden Kyouji Misaka and two first-class investigators were present.

Even if the CCG headquarters were to mobilize support upon receiving the news, it would take half a day to reach Cochlea.

Their hopes now rested on Lin Yi and Yukinori Shinohara, the two special investigators stationed in the 20th ward.

"This is Cochlea. The first floor has been breached. Requesting support, requesting support."

Inside a speeding sports car, Lin Yi connected his phone to the in-car voice system. Despite the high-speed journey, his expression remained calm, devoid of any urgency.

For Lin Yi, who had foreseen this eventuality long ago, arriving neither too early nor too late was crucial to this battle.

He had to descend as a savior.

Having already proven his strength and achieved a respectable position, his reputation still fell short compared to the esteemed top-tier individuals.

For Lin Yi, this was a grand spectacle.

"This girl is becoming more unruly. Let her suffer for a while," Lin Yi remarked, turning the steering wheel. The tires left marks on the ground as the sports car elegantly drifted to a halt a hundred meters away from Cochlea.

"Truly a spectacular sight."

Lin Yi exclaimed as he looked up at the immense structure of Cochlea, seemingly boundless.

Initially, he intended to bring Akira Mado along, but she hastily followed Shinohara to provide support upon hearing about the emergency at Cochlea.

She had forgotten that he was her direct superior.

Leisurely, Lin Yi lit a cigarette, leaned against the car, gazed at the moon, and began to exhale smoke rings.

The moon shone exceptionally tonight, unobstructed by dark clouds. When he raised his head, he could see the cunning moon hanging high, resembling a silver plate.

Inside Cochlea, a different scene unfolded.

Battle cries echoed, but the ghouls held the overwhelming advantage.

Investigators were inherently disadvantaged against ghouls, and those ranked below second class lacked the support of CCG Quinques. They relied on special bullets provided by the CCG to combat the enemy, often requiring multiple individuals to encircle and subdue a ghoul.

Yet, at this moment, it was evident that the ghouls outnumbered them.

Furthermore, this was Cochlea, a prison holding countless ghouls. The ghouls unleashed by Aogiri Tree engaged in battle immediately to ensure their own survival.

Some ghouls, who had long endured starvation, turned bloodthirsty, devouring the fallen investigators without hesitation. The scene was gruesome and gory.

This was an image beyond the reach of the original work, truly a depiction of hell.

"The control room has been breached! We need reinforcements!"

The incident occurred abruptly, leaving no time for effective command. An individual investigator shouted with his head held high, attempting to organize a resistance force.

However, his surrounding companions were fully engrossed in intense battles, paying him no heed.


Suddenly, a resounding noise shook the ground as rectangular pillars emerged, rising dozens of meters high. Only after the entire pillar had ascended did the prison gates become visible.


Maniacal laughter followed in quick succession.