
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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310 Chs

A New Beginning

Han Zhu didn't know how long he had stayed in the darkness, he only felt the infinite darkness, but fortunately there were five rays of light accompanying him all the time, the time at that moment was like eternity, Han Zhu's consciousness began to wake up slowly .

A boy about ten years old suddenly sat up from the bed, and then felt a sharp pain in his head, and quickly covered it with his hands.

Han Zhu first looked around blankly, feeling very familiar, and his mind started to run quickly.

A huge question mark appeared above his head, "Am I not dead? Traveled again?" A look of doubt slowly appeared on his face, and as he kept looking up and down, he felt very familiar.

Just when he was still feeling puzzled and thinking wildly in his mind. There was a creaking sound of opening the door, and at the same time a clear and clear child's voice came over: "Second brother has eaten noodles."

Han Zhu looked at the little girl who opened the door, and countless pictures appeared in his mind. Tears flowed down his eyes involuntarily, and he just stared at the little girl in a daze.

The little girl saw the second elder brother looking straight at her with tears all over her face, she was startled, and quickly ran over with the noodles, shaking in front of his eyes.

Seeing that the second brother still didn't respond, he quickly pushed it with his hands, and shouted anxiously: "Second brother, second brother..."

Only then did Han Zhu react abruptly, grabbed the little girl's hand, pulled her to his side, looked at her carefully, and murmured: "Xingyue, Xingyue...".

The little girl was caught by the second brother and looked at herself blankly. She thought that the head of the second brother was broken, so she didn't dare to move, but just watched quietly.

Han Zhu's mind was running crazily, "What's going on? Why am I here?"

He suddenly recalled the last wave of time origin, which was definitely reduced from a high-dimensional world to a blow. That time source is infinitely stronger than that afterimage.

Countless thoughts flashed through Han Zhu's mind, and suddenly stopped on one. I must have been hit by that high-dimensional force directly before crossing, and it is even more certain that I was sent here by him.

In order to verify his thoughts, he quickly called the system in his mind. Unfortunately, no matter how he called, there was no response.

If he still has consciousness now, he can see the five rays of light constantly flickering in the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness. And in the depths, there is a golden light absorbing unknown power.

Han Zhu thought of his natal law "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner", and as his thoughts fell, he could feel fluctuations coming from his mind.

Feeling this fluctuation, Han Zhu heaved a long sigh of relief. Sure enough, as he guessed, his talisman returned with him.

Moreover, they were also the true spirits that had been protecting themselves, and at the same time, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When he was most desperate, he also frantically begged the system in his heart, but unfortunately it was like a dead thing, without any intention of making a move.

At the same time, it also made him understand a truth, no matter how powerful the golden finger is, it is useless, after all, it is not his own power.

From the real life and death this time, it can be seen that if it wasn't for the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner", he would have never known about it, and died hundreds of times.

Han Zhu looked at the void in front of him, and he seemed to be able to see an afterimage above that space, watching him silently.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth. He already understood the plan of the high-dimensional powerhouse. After all, he had the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" to protect the true spirit.

For some reason, he couldn't kill himself directly. That's why I kicked myself to the time when I just crossed over, and did it all over again.

You can only kill yourself directly when you are weak. After all, as long as your cultivation base reaches the golden core stage, the system will no longer protect you. At that time is the best time to kill yourself.

After all, he couldn't guess that the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" also traveled back with him. Han Zhu could feel a strong murderous intent covering him, and without even thinking about it, the power of the afterimage this time must be infinitely stronger than the last time he didn't know it.

Han Zhu's eyes quickly returned to calm, and he also figured out the general idea of ​​the matter. As for what this high-dimensional powerhouse wants to do and why he must be killed, that is beyond his concern. Even if others want to kill him, does he just stand there and let others kill him?

Han Zhu looked at the little girl in front of him, with a determined look in his eyes, this time he also planned to fight again, if he really couldn't fight, then let's die! At least I lived vigorously again, and it's not a loss.

Han Zhu stretched out a palm and stroked the little girl's head as before. Although Han Xingyue's eyes were full of doubts, she still showed an expression of enjoyment.

It took a while before she realized and screamed: "Second brother, hurry up and eat noodles, it will be cold by then."

Han Zhu looked at the little girl's yellow face, smiled and said: "Xingyue! Second brother is not hungry, you help me eat."

The little girl opened her eyes and asked suspiciously: "Second brother, who is Xingyue? Is it my name? But who gave it to me?"

Han Zhu was stunned for a moment, but when he realized it, he quickly smiled and said, "Second brother took it for you, and you will be called Han Xingyue from now on."

"Xingyue, Han Xingyue", with an excited smile on the corner of the little girl's mouth, she hugged Han Zhu's head, kissed him hard, ran out and shouted: Fourth brother! I have my own name."

Han Zhu looked at the little girl who ran out quickly, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth. Even if he can't beat them in the future, at least he can enjoy the warmth of his family again.

Soon, the little girl ran in with a black boy. Han Zhu looked at the familiar face and murmured, "Xiao Li...".

The seven or eight-year-old boy quickly agreed: "Second brother! Why did you call me?".

Han Zhu beckoned to the two of them, and they came to the bedside with puzzled eyes. Han Zhu immediately hugged the two of them, his body trembling slightly.

He still said in his mouth: "We will not be separated in this life, let's face it together."

The eyes of the two little guys showed doubts. After all, they are only five and eight years old now, so they can't understand Han Zhu's words at all.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li, thinking about a question in his mind, that person in the high-dimensional world is the real master of time.

So what is Han Li? One of his projections, or one of his avatars, or just a ray of consciousness cast by him, or just one of his experiments, or his certified Dao.

Han Zhu was even more sure, it must be the last one. Only in this way, why did he have to kill himself, after all, his appearance is a variable, blocking his recognition.

There was a sneer on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, since this is the case, then everything should be explained clearly. Why would a strong man like that want to kill himself?

And he can't interfere with the operation of this low world. He could only send out his own avatar to supervise Han Li here.

In this way, it seems that he is still safe in both the mortal world and the spiritual world, and the fairy world is not something he should consider now.

After all, he didn't know that he had brought back the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" with him. This is also his biggest hole card, even bigger than the system, and he is 100% sure, he must know that he has a mysterious power that is the system.

Han Zhu stroked Han Li's little head and said, "Although you may be just a puppet or something, the second brother will help you become a real master of time."

Han Li looked at his second brother blankly. He is still young, so he couldn't understand what the second brother was talking about until countless tens of thousands of years later, when he stood at the pinnacle of this world.

Only then did he understand the meaning of the second brother's words, which were piled up with countless flesh and blood. The little girl was beside her, and she couldn't understand what the second brother was talking about, but she knew that the noodles were cold, so she hurriedly said, "Second brother, hurry up and eat the noodles! This is made for you by my mother, so your The injury will heal faster."

Then she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and even Han Li next to her couldn't help licking her mouth. Han Zhu looked at the performance of the two little guys, smiled and took a few mouthfuls of bowls and chopsticks, then handed it to Han Li and said, "Second brother is full, eat the rest with little sister! ".

The two looked at each other, and felt that the second brother seemed to have broken his head this time and had changed a lot. You must know that the second brother was not so generous in the past, as long as there was food, he seldom gave it to them.

But looking at the white face that night, the two couldn't help swallowing, and quickly smiled at the second brother, and they were no longer polite, and each of them ate one bite at a time.

Han Zhu was lost in thought as he watched the two little guys eating noodles. He is thinking about how they should go next, or follow the original plot, or start a new path by himself.

Although all the strength in his body is gone, the exercises and formations in his mind are still there, so as long as the system is online, these will not be a problem.

Now he is most optimistic about the exercise "Star Body Refining Art", after all, this exercise is related to ancient existence. Even the ancestors of the phoenix seemed to be terrified when they saw the so-called ancient gods.

Han Zhu secretly made up his mind in his heart that he must practice this exercise to a high level and see if he can become the so-called ancient god. At that time, the so-called time old devil will finish him off with one punch.

As for what to do next, at the beginning, it must follow the plot, and the most basic thing is to get the "Heaven Palm Bottle", which is also the most critical thing to help Han Li become a real time Taoist in the future.

As for the part of the spirit world, he believes that with their strength, it will not be a problem. After all, that old devil of time will definitely not be able to interfere with the affairs of the mortal world and the spirit world.

Otherwise, why didn't he personally kill himself, but sent a clone, even the last resort, just used the source of time to attack through countless times and spaces.

If it wasn't like this, no matter how awesome his "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" was, he couldn't stop it. Han Zhu soon had a general plan in his mind, first get the "Tianzhang bottle" and then talk about it.