
chapter 2. lets get started

(A/N: gage replaced naruto)

"Finally I can start making new skills and changing them." says gage he then proceeded to make new skills then break them all in the name of being op.

skill creation activated, skill created:

thief- allows the user to take 1 random skill point from defeated enemies. cost 100 CP

skill upgrade activated, skill upgraded:

thief -> pluck

skill upgrade activated, skill upgraded:

pluck -> plunder

skill upgrade activated, skill upgraded:

plunder -> snatch

skill upgrade activated, skill upgraded:

snatch -> reaper

reaper: always takes skill points from defeated enemies. cost 10x the amount of skill points taken plus 10000 CP

skill editor activated, skill edited:

reaper(edited): you automatically get all the skill points from defeated enemies, along with any skills from the enemy (users choice) cost 1 CP

"hey man so im changing that reaper skill of your into a passive skill so its free ok, cool. On a different note how you been man, got any girls yet, become a bad as- OH FUCK MAN." said Michael (the game) "what what happened?" I asked getting really confused. "Dude do you know what today is?" he asked "no." "Today is the day hinata get kidnapped by komu? komo? kumo? it doesn't matter what matters is you need to save her. Here take these new skills and save the princess also get like tons of xp and stat points."

skills acquired:

observe- lets you see all the stats and stuff of everything that you use it on. cost 10 CP

paralyze- allows you to paralyze any creature you come into contact with(counts as defeating someone if used on them;) ). duration your choice. cost 1000 CP

concealment- completely conceals your presence from others no matter what even if you kicked them in the nuts they wouldn't know you where there still hurts though ;). cost 10 CP per minute

"Alright now go out there and paralyze that komu ninja, save the princess, save neji's dad, and as a side objective save hinata's mom who will die in 4 hours unless you intervene and heal her. Here I'll even give you a vial of Phoenix tears to save her ain't I the nicest author ever." said Michael "Wait what do you mean author I thought you where the game.... this is a fanfiction isn't it?" I hesitantly asked "Why yes yes it is a fanfiction where you are the main character with limitless potential that will travel the multiverse of real, anime and movie worlds become like god saitama level, get a harem, have tons of sex, and have a big happy family. But for now go kick some ass got it?" "SIR YES SIR." I replied "That's the spirit and that's what i like to hear now move out soldier!"

Author: so guys what do you think so far no hard flaming will get the grimm reaper sent on your ass GoT iT (says while completely calm and smiling)

Audience: shakes their heads very very VERY fast.

Author: Good for real though would like to read your thoughts so far. until next time peace out bitchs ✌

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