
Traveler's Travel Guide

A young man named Artorius found a necklace from the side of the road. It turns out to be an artifact that lets you travel between worlds. What's more, he can travel back to his world with his powers retained from his travels.

EstoriaLumina · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Potion Making Spree

The next day, I ate my breakfast and went to the plains to start making potions. I assembled the Beginner's pot and poured water using magic. I heated up the pot using magic and started putting a bundled dew grass in it. I used a total of ten for this process. I stirred it for 10 minutes while also pouring mana at a constant pace and I heard a "ding" sound on my head. A notification said "Brewing Complete!" appeared in front of me. Must be Travy's doing but it really helps me when the potion is finished.

I poured it carefully on the vials and it was a green color with a dark hue in it. After I poured in 20 vials, I checked the quality of the potion using my [Appraisal].

Low Grade Healing Potion

Quality: Very High

Restores health by 30% (15% + 15%) of lost Health Points. Can heal minor injuries.

"A low-grade potion that had the same efficacy as a low quality intermediate grade potion. Though it can heal wounds, it won't restore the blood lost during the healing process."

All of them had a very high quality. Travy, is this normal for a beginner?

"No. Most beginners can only make low quality potions during their first time. You made a very high quality potions because you have a proper knowledge and mana control to make it and the ingredients you used are high quality. With your [Researching] skill at level 6 you can have 12% more understanding and depth of knowledge when reading books. [Luck] stat is also a part of this."

I see. I didn't know my [Reading] skill leveled up. Must have happened when I was reading yesterday.

I then proceeded to make the next batch of potions. This time, I made Strength Potion.

After 10 minutes, I finished the batch of Strength Potion. I proceed to the Vitality potion.

After another 10 minutes, I also finished the batch of it and a notification popped up.

"Caution: Mana is low. Please take a proper rest."

I checked my mana and it was 70/344. Travy, what is my natural mana regeneration?

"Mana Regeneration is 100% of [Intelligence] per hour."

Hmm... since it took 30 minutes in total to finish three batches, I gained roughly 34 mana. It took around 100 mana to make a batch of potions so... I need 4 hours to completely regenerate my mana. I guess I'll kill some slimes or find some Dewgrasses in the mean time.

Before I knew it, 4 and a half hours had passed and I got 68 slime cores and 120 Dewgrasses. I checked my mana and... huh? my mana capacity increased? It became 374.

"Mana Capacity can be increased. The rate is 10% of mana regenerated."

So if i gained 300 mana, my mana capacity will be increased by 30?


I see... That's one way to increase my mana. How about my health points? Will it do the same?

"Yes. That is the case. Please do note that Health Points cap wont increase if you used health potions or healing magic."

I see. I need natural recovery to increase it huh. Is there other way to increase my health points besides that and leveling up?

"Physical training is the most common method. Not only it will increase your health, it will increase your vitality and strength as well.

That's why my [Vitality] and [Strength] stat increased that much huh.

Anyways, I should make the last two batches of potions.

45 minutes had passed after that and after I poured the last low grade potions, I used [Appraisal] on each of them

*Low-Grade Strength Potion

Quality: Very High

Increases [Strength] by 20% (10% + 10%) and weapon efficiency by 10% (5% + 5%) for 2 hours (1 hour + 1 hour)

"A low-grade potion that can help Strength based fighters by a significant margin. Not only they will gain [Strength] they can handle their weapons more efficiently during combat."

*Low-Grade Magic Potion

Quality: Very High

Increases [Intelligence] by 10% (5%+5%), improves Mana Control and Efficiency by 20%(10%+10%) and improves natural mana regeneration by 10% (5% + 5%) for 2 hours (1 hour + 1 hour)

"An impressive potions for mages and supporters. Not only boosting their [Intelligence], they can also improve their mana control, mana efficiency, and natural mana regeneration by the stated percentage."

*Low Grade Agility Potion

Quality: Very High

Increases Agility by 20% (10%+10%) and increases their perception skills by 10% (5% + 5%) for 2 hours (1 hour + 1 hour)

"A potion that is good for Agility type combatant. Not only it will increase a person's [Agility], it will heighten up their senses."

*Low Grade Vitality Potions

Quality: Very High

Increases [Vitality] by 20% (10% + 10%), natural health point regeneration by 20% (10% + 10%) and boosting armor and shield efficiency by 10% (5% + 5%) for 2 hours (1 hour + 1 hour)

"A good potion for Vitality combatant. Not only it will increase a person's [Vitality], but also its HP regeneration, and armor and shield efficiency as well."

Hmm... All of them are very good and twice the efficacy since the quality is very high as well. Oh? A notification?

New Skill Learned:

Alchemy Level 2

Mana Regeneration Level 1

Leveled Up Skills:

Mana Control Level 3

Magic Level 4

Mana Efficiency Level 3

Appraisal Level 4

All of them are magic related. But its pretty nice to have them obtained and leveled up. Let's head back while the sun is still up.

I applied [Body Strengthening] around my legs to lessen the burden of walking back to Roste Town.

I arrived at the town and headed to the [Adventurer's Guild] to pick a request for slime cores and Dewgrasses.

"Miss Sistina, I have some slime cores and dewgrasses for this request."

"Ah, I see. Please put your spoils here."

I put the 100 Dewgrass and 68 slime cores in the desk. I left 20 Dewgrasses in my [Inventory] to spare for making potions

"Impressive. That's a lot. We are actually in need of Dewgrasses."

"Huh? for making potions?"

"Yes. Since the investigation party, including you, was confirmed to have a Goblin King, we need to prepare a lot of healing potions for the subjugation."

Hmm... should I help them? Though I can only do that once the investigation request is complete.

"I can help with that, but only after the investigation request is finished."

Sistina tilted her head, seeming confused.

"Sir Artorius, you can make potions?"

"Um, yes. I went out of the city to make potions actually"

She slammed the desk in response.

"Really?! How much did you make?!"

"Um... I made around 20 potions of 5 kinds."

"May I see it?"

I grabbed 1 potions of each type. She assessed it carefully.

"These are... high quality low grade potions... Impressive. Are you an alchemist, Sir Artorius?"

"Ah. Well, I want to make potions to help me as an adventurer so I tried alchemy."

"I see. Being versatile is important to being an adventurer. You said you can help make the potions once you finished the investigation request tomorrow, right?"


"I see. Can I buy one of each potions? I want to show this to the Guild Master and request a formal request for you related to potion making."

"Sure. Is 6 copper coins each enough?"

"Yes. It's high quality after all."

"It's a deal then."

"17 slime cores request for 100 coins each and 20 Dewgrass request for 120 each each along with 5 potions worth 600 coins each. A total of 7100 coins. Here is 71 copper coins."

"Thank you."

"The investigation request will be 3 hours after sunrise tomorrow. Please be here 30 minutes early for the briefing."

"Alright. Thank you, Miss Sistina."

"Yes. Thank you as well, Sir Artorius. I'll brief the Guild Master about what we talked earlier."

I left the Guild, went back to the inn, eat dinner, and rest for today.