

(General POV)

"So? How many times do you think he lied?" asked Noah

"I honestly don't know. You know very well that he is a pathological liar, you can't detect any trace of lying in his body language. Maybe it was all true, or maybe it was all false. We'll have to investigate to find out what's real and what's not." Hayato replied

"Well, he built a pretty big base. We have a lot of places to explore" said Noah.

"Yes...but you're wrong about one thing" Hayato replied, clenching his hand into a fist.

The light then completely left Noah's eyes. He collapsed to the ground. Hayato continuing on his way without looking back.


"Humans are so fragile. A simple touch to the brain and they die. How sad" sighed Hayato.


After walking for a while, Hayato found himself in front of a metal door in one of the many corridors that made up this moon base.

Hayato deployed his domain and used it to unlock the door revealing what was hidden behind it.

A small room with a large glass window revealing a much larger room. It was a pristine white room containing many white tables with many scientific research tools on them. There were many of them. This room was a laboratory and not just any laboratory. But a laboratory with all the latest inventions in research.

Any scientist would go crazy at the sight of such equipment.

After a quick look around, Hayato left the room and closed the door behind him to continue his exploration of the base.

Training room, cafeteria, food and water storage, detention room, game room, laboratory, computer room...

This base contained everything one could imagine.

Hayato was currently in a huge multi-story library.

"Damn, he really wasn't idle for these hundreds of years" Hayato exclaimed.

He was really shocked by all the work his father had done over the years.

"But I guess that's the minimum required to explore the vast universe," he murmured, closing the book in his hands. He then returned it to its place on the library shelves.

'Well, I'll continue my exploration later. First, let's confirm the old man's death. After that I'll go take care of my dearest team' he thought.


He walked quickly through the corridors, passing a few corpses before coming across something that surprised him. In front of him was another corpse. But this one was familiar.

He was wearing a bartender's outfit, with a metal collar around his neck. Indeed it was Kurogiri.

'So he got Kurogiri too? That must be one of the reasons why they couldn't escape. But it's a good thing for me, with this I would have a way to leave the moon.' Hayato thought.

So he took a sample of his DNA before continuing on his way while thinking

'I should gather all the corpses in a cold room. There might be some interesting quirk in father's army'

He finally reached the living room in which he saw his father's corpse with a perfect circle hole on his chest.

'He is really dead no doubt. So he really didn't lie to us? I must say I'm quite surprised.'

"But now that I think about it, it's pretty ironic haha. They both believed that we were either in a parallel world with just extra superpowers or a possible future of our world. They didn't think for a moment that it could be an anime world. Who would have thought it? Anime and manga, my hobby actually gave me an advantage over them hehe" Hayato said in an amusing way

He then shrugged his shoulders and moved closer to the corpse to take a DNA sample.

'No matter what I think of him, his quirk is really powerful. I wonder how much I could develop it?'

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He concentrated, reviewing all his plans, confirming that he had not missed anything.

He then opened his eyes, returning to their calm and emotionless state like a cold and calculating machine.

"Now that the family business is over, I can get down to the serious business" said Hayato as he left the mansion.


Hayato had returned to the play area. He needed to get all the participants alive. His first destination was the cave where his previous team was locked up.

It didn't take him long to get there.

As he entered the cave, he saw that they were still in the place where he had left them. But to make sure it wasn't an ambush, he deployed his domain and blocked the airflow again before spreading the gas.

Once he was sure they were all asleep, he began to move them one by one into the detention rooms of his new base.

But he didn't stop there. He began to search for the survivors. He needed all the test subjects he could get.

And so he began his new life on the moon.

His days consisted of work, experimentation, training, eating, sleeping, and then starting over.

He did this for almost 1 year before he got his first satisfacting results.

He was currently standing in the play area and in front of him was a creature over 2 meters tall with a blue muscled body.

The creature had a bird's beak as well as an exposed brain

"I finally succeeded in creating my first Nomu!" exclaimed Hayato with a big smile.

He looked particularly happy to have succeeded.

But it was understandable. After all, he had been stuck alone on the moon for the past year. Besides, the only other humans around were all his guinea pigs. All except Anna who lived with him in the mansion. He didn't particularly care for her. She did what she wanted.

But she was still needed, after all, having someone else to talk to, other than corpses or test subjects who only knew how to scream in agony was always more enjoyable.

"*sigh* it took longer than I expected. I thought that with the results of the Nomu research I would have only taken 6 months to create my first Nomu. But I still hadn't mastered the brainwashing process to make it completely true to myself. Dr. Kyudai Garaki is truly a genius," sighed Hayato.

He then took a deep breath to calm himself before saying

"Very well Nomu, teleport us to Tokyo."

The Nomu didn't answer but just put his hand on Hayato's shoulder and then they both took a step forward, before disappearing leaving concentric ripples in the air as if it were a calm body of water.

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