
And The Mission Begins!!

Sami landed on his balcony and pulled off his mask whilst panting, "Oliver, actually got a date before me?"

He pulled off his suit and got into bed for some rest as his wounds slowly healed with fire steeming.

Oliver walked into the apartment. "Yo, Sami! I'm back,"

Sami ignored Oliver and he jumped into bed.

Sami closed his eyes, "Great," he mumbled half-heartedly.

"You're so lucky you don't have to go through anything in your life, Oliver,"

Oliver scrunched his eyebrows, Sami must have been asleep. Oliver resisted his urge to use his super-senses to perceive what Sami was doing.

As he went into his room and changed he thought about the hero he had met.

Oliver jumped onto his bed.

It's uncanny how familiar the hero seemed to Oliver, but Oliver just shrugged it off.

He shuffled to the right side of his bed and took a few moments to remember everything that happened throughout the day.

For one, Alyss called him "Handsome."

Which's great of course.

Oliver closed his eyes sulky.

What would it feel like being a hero?

Cool? Or just a predicament?

He raised the bedsheets over his head, it's time to sleep.

Oliver shot awake, he took a moment to recuperate and understand where he was. "What time is it?" he asked aloud gloomily.

"6:30 a.m sir," replied the A.I.

"I'm going out for a walk, can you clean my room?" said Oliver as he walked into the bathroom.

"Sure thing," it replied obediently.

Oliver took a quick silent shower.

Just a few days ago, Oliver walked into his room and looked around, he was astonished to see it clean. He had no idea how this could've happened.

Even if he left his room dirtier than a sewer, (Not that he does or anything) somehow the room would always be cleaned.

He figured that the A.I cleans his room somehow, it's too late to tell it to stop now. Might as well enjoy the luxurious life.

Oliver walked out of his bedroom and quietly closed the door, he walked downstairs and through the living room and in front of the apartment door. He made sure he did all of this with precision, this is all practice to Oliver. "A Shroud must always be silent," Allen's voice rang in Oliver's ears.

Oliver closed the apartment door behind him, he walked in the elevator and stepped out on the first floor when it dinged.

The common room's completely barren.

Not a single thing is anywhere to be seen. Oliver walked out of the common room and out in the courtyard. He scaled the wall easily and went out of the castle. This shortcut saved a lot of time. Oliver walked along the shore. He stopped and smiled as he saw an amazing view of the sun rising. "Absolutely stunning," he thought.

Oliver walked around the shore for the next several minutes. Here, he was alone. With no one to bother him.

Oliver walked away from the shore, and up the stairs of the castle.

Everything was barren, not a single soul was to be seen. The perfect morning, a great sunrise, and peace.

Oliver walked into the Great Hall, he stopped in surprise to see the king.

The king turned and smiled. Oliver didn't know what he should do, but he's seen a few people address him respectfully so he did the same. Oliver gave a sort of an awkward bow, "My lord, sorry if I interrupted you,"

"Oh no," he chuckled. "I was just admiring everything when it's quiet, I'm guessing you were too. Is that right Chairman?"

"Yes," replied Oliver. "It's so much more peaceful like this,"

"Yes, it truly is... Well," sighed the king. "I'm off to do work now, I'll see you around Oliver,"

The king then snapped his fingers and warped to his office.

"Okay," said Oliver aloud. "I'll see you around, sir,"

Oliver walked towards the exit of the Great Hall. He turned his head as he heard a faint heartbeat.

"What the-" he said aloud. The heartbeat was growing. Oliver turned around and looked at the entrance as if something's about to bust in. He walked towards the entrance of the Great Hall. The heartbeat grew closer and louder. Oliver banged the door open. Only to see, the sky changing color, and in the sky... a blood moon. Oliver swore under his breath, "Not again!"

In the distance, a stranger dressed in black was busy fighting some creatures. Oliver studied the creatures further.

"Demons," he concluded. "But how? They're not supposed to come this close to the school,"

Oliver studied the stranger, he is definitely not from around here Oliver concluded. Oliver waved his hand in the air. A gust of wind rushed into the early morning air. The wind canceled all sound next to the stranger, giving Oliver time to warp close to him and scale up a tree with lightning fast speed.

Oliver sat on the branch above the stranger, he generated a bow quietly and notched an arrow.

The stranger took the demons down. Oliver aimed at his head. The stranger looked around, he seemed to feel Oliver's presence.

The stranger looked to the left, to the right, and behind him. Oliver didn't move at all, he almost forgot to breathe. The stranger stopped looking around, he was satisfied that there wasn't anyone there; but he still had a feeling of being watched.

Oliver watched the stranger turn away. Strange, he thought, how seldom people tend to look up.

The stranger then quickly turned back to look, Oliver was startled but he didn't move an inch. The stranger turned away. "This is my chance," thought Oliver, he released the arrow and it whizzed through the air, the stranger turned only to see the arrow hit the ground beside him. Oliver warped behind the stranger, and the stranger pulled out a scythe looking weapon. Oliver notched an arrow and aimed.

"Freeze!" ordered Oliver. "Who are you?"

The stranger merely smiled, "That's none of your concern,"

"You're trespassing, and that's my concern,"

The stranger tightened his grin to the scythe a little.

"Drop your weapon," said Oliver.

The stranger just looked at Oliver.

"Drop it!" Oliver made a surge of electricity flow into the metallic generated arrow.

"What do you think would be faster? Your scythe looking weapon, or a thunder strike from this bow right here, if I were you. I'd think upon the latter,"

The stranger and Oliver had a tense staring contest, then the stranger looked away and his scythe slowly dissolved,

"My name is Adrian West,"

"And I'm Justin Bieber," said Oliver sarcastically.

Oliver was thinking twice about giving, Adrian, his name. Oliver has been chased multiple times, there's no proof that Adrian wasn't a villain that's after him.

Oliver put down his bow, but he didn't un-notch the arrow,

Adrian noticed this and frowned.

"I can't trust you," admitted Oliver. "You're going to have to prove yourself. Follow me, you're going to have a nice meeting with the school's headmaster.

Oliver made Adrain walk in front of him, he then told Adrian where to go.

After a while Oliver told Adrian to walk over mud and not even go around it, Adrian clenched his fists, and Oliver aimed his bow at Adrian's had, "Don't try anything funny, if you're innocent then you wouldn't be stupid enough to frame yourself,"

Adrian nodded as he walked through the castle entrance, which wasn't on lockdown anymore.

Oliver led Adrian to the statue leading to the kings quarters.

Oliver walked up to the statue and snapped his hand, the statue split open.

He told Adrian to walk up the spiral staircase and stop when he reached the top of the tower.

Oliver knocked on the headmaster's door.

"Come in, Chairman," said the Kings voice.

Oliver was puzzled for a second as he motioned Adrian to enter with him.

Adrian looked around at the amazing room which had arch pillars around the headmaster's office, and the couches around the room, then hundreds of books in large shelves on the walls.

"How did you know I was coming, my lord?" Oliver said respectfully, though he still wasn't used to calling people higher than him, 'My Lord'

"I know, what you not know," said Chyrin poetically.

Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"I saw you coming," admitted the King. "Oh, and who do we have here?"

"He says his name is Adrian West,"

"Of the West family!?" said Chyrin astounded.

"I'm not sure what the West family is... But yeah, his last name is supposed "West,"

"The West family," said Adrian scornly. "Is part of an ancient clan that's been around for generations, that clan happens to be the People of the void,"

"Is that so?" said Oliver. "Let's pretend I actually care,"

"Don't take this lightly," said Chyrin. "These people are also contracted, killers,"

"Yeah, so watch your back, brown hair," Adrian instigated.

"Well, you have black hair, pretty dull. And you carry around a scythe, who carries a scythe,"

"You're one to talk," said Adrian. "You carry around a bow,"

"I can make it disappear,"

"So can I!"

"BOYS," said Chyrin sternly.

Oliver looked at the king, embarrassed by his childish squabble. "Sorry,"

"Adrian, why are you here?" asked Chyrin.

"I was hunting the demons that come out on strong blood moons, I didn't mean to trespass,"

Chyrin looked at him in all seriousness. "I can kill someone and say I didn't mean to... Doesn't change the fact that I murdered someone does it?"

Adrian looked aghast, thinking the headmaster is going to do something to him.

"You may leave," he told Oliver, I'll deal with him.

"O-Okay, my lord,"

Oliver closed the door behind him, Oliver started walking down the staircase. He listened to Chyrin's conversation, "I will allow you to be a student in the school, I understand the circumstances,"

"What circumstances?" thought Oliver. "He was killing demons for fun,"

"You'll understand one day," said a voice in Oliver's head.

"Who exactly invited you to my listen to my thoughts Diablo?"

"I don't know, maybe the person who imprisoned me inside of you," said Diablo.

"Shut up," Oliver thought.

"You shut up,"

Oliver waited for Diablo to stop talking and had the last word.

Oliver walked towards class, his phone started buzzing in his pants.

Oliver sighed and picked up the phone, Oliver didn't even bother asking who the caller was.

"What?" he asked.

"Straight to the point aren't you," said Allen.

"Allen, how did you get this number?"

Allen ignored Oliver's question. "I need you to pack up a bunch of things, I've Emailed you a list of essentials,"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Why should I pack up? Am I supposed to skip school?" asked Oliver.

Oliver heard Allen sigh. "Why must you ask so many questions?! Just-" Allen took a deep breath to calm down. "Do what I tell you!" he commanded. "I have a lead on something, we're going out of the kingdom,"

"You could've just said that from the beginning..." thought Oliver.

Alyss walked down the steps, her vision blurred, she walked forward and suddenly appeared in another spot. She tried not to call for help, but what choice could she possibly have. Although the blood moon was over. The effects didn't care to cease.

"Damn it," she muttered. Everything blacked out.

"ALYSS!" cried Oliver. "What happened?"

Oliver didn't expect a response. Oliver had everything Allen asked him to pack in his satchel.

Alyss was too far away from the school, Oliver grabbed her, "I've got to take her to Allen,"

Allen closed his satchel after making sure he had everything he needed.

He took a sip of his tea right before spewing it all out, Oliver banged the door straight open.

"WHAT IN GODS NAME!" exclaimed Allen as he spilled his tea. "I'm enjoying my tea and you burst in like the devil itself!"

"Oh, did you get that tea from Quad Tea?"

Allen glared at him, Oliver took that as a Yes.

"Alyss she-" started Oliver. "It's the blood moon,"

Allen didn't look like he gave a shit. "Drop her down on the couch,"

"What are we supposed to do?" asked Oliver.

"We," said Allen. "Are not supposed to invite a random girl to my house,"

"It's more of a cottage-"

"Doesn't matter," said Allen contemptuously. "We're going out of the Kingdom! We've got a lead to investigate, what do you suppose we do with her?"

"Bring her back to the castle, or school if you prefer," said Oliver sarcastically.

Allen didn't notice the sarcasm. "Too far, and too little time, she'll come with us,"


"I said, she'll come with us,"

"But, are you sure-"

"I'm one hundred percent sure Oliver," said Allen even though he didn't sound like it.

Allen led Oliver out the cottage, he pointed at a gray-furred, mischievous looking horse, the horse whinnied as if he could read Oliver's thoughts.

"Your ride," he said as if that explained quantum physics or something.

"What about a car?" asked Oliver. "Why a horse? Not that I'm against the idea or anything,"

Allen took a deep breath, "Is it your obligation to keep on asking questions, I'm willing to bet that your last dying breath would probably be a question,"

Oliver laughed as Allen turned around to hide a grin.

Allen turned back around to face Oliver. "We can't use our powers outside the Kingdom,"

"This is because," said Allen quickly sensing that Oliver was about to ask a question.

"Monsters can track you, it causes too much attention, and it's trackable by enemies,"

"What about super-senses, like hearing, and touch?" asked Oliver.

"Minor stuff like that is fine, also. Here,"

Allen handed him a greenish gray cloak.

"This will be your Shroud cloak, I didn't have time to teach you how to use it, I guess I'll teach you once we are free. The cloak allows you to be virtually invisible, it can even mask your smell,"

Oliver nodded, that pretty much cleared everything but one. "I've never ridden a horse,"

Oliver heard a slight swear from Allen.

"You'll spend the next hour practicing; also remember, we're far away from the castle

(The Castle/School, not the Castle of Horizon)

and once we leave the kingdom, it's true survival,"

"Okay," said Oliver. "But do you plan on telling me why we are going out on a mission?"

"It's the Demons," said Allen solemnly. "They're hunting,"

I really had fun doing this chapter, I changed up the wording a little bit. I’m not sure if you all will really notice it much though, I’m awesome like I say. Proud of this chapter like heck.

Oliver_Josephcreators' thoughts
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