
Trapped in silk

Princess_yasss · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Chapter two

<p>Marcus! No no anyone but him. I think to myself. 'Calm down you got this.....' my cat meowed. 'No, no I don't he's an alpha we're just a weak kitten.' I frowned. She growled at me. 'We are not weak if only you actually tried you'd know that!' She growled again. "Come on kiara we don't have all day." The alpha grumbled. "Right." I whispered I walked into the circle. Marcus shifted and launched at me. I ducked into a cat like crouch and lept to the other side. "What was that?" The alpha asked. "I'm an omega what do you expect me to do honestly?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Why are-no how did you make it into this group?" The alpha asked. "I'm good at running, tracking, hunting and nursing but fighting? not!" I yelped as I was tackled to the ground. Marcus let me up and I dusted off my shirt. "I just got here due to being good at everything else..." I mumbled. I walked back to pack house and into my room. "Ugh.." I groaned. my back was throbbing and not stopping. I walk to the bathroom and I run a warm shower and wash up. I hate battling. I personally think the games dumb. I get out and change into shorts and a tee shirt. I slip on my socks and gym shoes and walk to the kitchen. "Hey baby." My mom said as she kissed my forehead. "Hey.." I mumbled. "You okay?" She asked. "I got paired with Marcus in battling...now my back won't stop throbbing.." I whimper. My mom rushes over to my hunched form. "I'm gonna check your back just to make sure your..okay.." my mom said. She lifted my shirt and gasped. "What.." I mumbled. "I'm gonna get melina!" She shouted. She ran off down one of the hallways. I heard my brother and nexus. "Hey sis!" My brother said as he pat my back. I whimper and he yanks his hand away. "You okay??" He asked. "I don't know.." I whispered. "We're back!" My mom said worried. Maria lifted my shirt and I saw my brother wince. "Is it that bad?" I asked. "I fear you may have bruised your back tissue...you got the alpha's son right?" Maria asked as she walked to the fridge. "Yeah..." I mumbled. She handed me a burger and I looked at her weird. "Where'd you get that?" I asked. "I left it in the fridge if I ever got hungry while I'm here." She shrugged. I ate it and my back slowly repaired itself. "How you feeling now?" My mom asked. "Fine...I guess." I mumble resting my head in my arms. "I swear you don't have to be in that class I don't want you hurt anymore!" My mom exaggerated. "Mom I'm fine it was just a bruise anyways.." I mumbled sleepily. "Just a bruise?! Your back was a terrible purple and that's saying something due to your tan skin!" My mom shouted. I dozed off after that. Her nagging is terribly boring. <br/><br/>The white haired man backed me up against a wall trapping me. His hard red glare keeping me in place,to scared to move. His head dipped into my neck. His hot breath tendering the skin. I shiver uncontrollably. His finger brushing up my arm gently. I feel his lip's move magically against my skin. His tongue drawing soft, gently circles. I hesitantly put a hand on his hard chest. He tenses but does not move my hand. His left hand pushed my lower back gently, pushing it up against him. My hand instinctively went into his long Snow White hair. He let out a pleased growl making me wetter. I purr gently against his chest. He was in sweatpants...and shirtless. His body was...well defined and solid. His cheek bones were high. His jaw was clenched and well shaped. His eyebrows were knitted, as if he was thinking hard. His eyes were a deep scarlet color,holding pain confusion and hidden lust. "Where are you?" He whispered. Somehow I knew he was asking about my pack. "Evergreens..." I whispered softly. <br/><br/>I gasp as I shot up from bed. I just gave out the beginning of the packs name too a man I don't know. Who is he..?</p>