
Transverse Shop: Revival Point.

At the moment when Loid was about to die out of hunger, a single shop owner had saved his life. To which, he vouched for his loyalty to pay him back. But who knew the shop he would be working for, is connected to several worlds. Where he was selected to be its new hire. While he started his journey to become a truly strong personality. In all the dimensions he will journey completing the Quest left by the previous owner. But accompanied by her beautiful daughter was also a great luxury for him. Transverse the dimension to see the truth behind the word magus with Dimensional Magus pet.

shubhamgosai · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Loid and Rin

"When done eating come with me, Young Lad. If you are truly the one, I am searching for. Then you can have a rare chance of becoming my disciple."

Loid was stunned for a second, as he completely drank his soup. While trying to walk toward the place, Old man was walking to.

When Rin walked by and supported him, "Don't try to push your limit right now."

Loid nodded and thanked Rin for her help, as he sat on his bed silently given his knees were still quite weak to walk at that moment.

So, he was only able to sit back on the bed to recover for a minute. As he asked, "Though! Are you the one who brought me here?"


On the other hand, the orange sunlight illuminated the Barren land of the city of Central State of District 4, adding a glimmer of vitality to this little town situated at the corner of the safe zone.

One can see many mutated creatures walking around the area.

One is able to see, beautiful scenery filled with long trees and dense forest. To which city was filled vitality of life and hard work.

Where if one could stand on the top of the mountain, one would be able to see, several weird sceneries, which were the result of several dimensions congesting to form a new plane.

That place was called the land of hope. The land of fear and the land of despair was another name it was known to be in recent years.

After people who had rushed to find treasure to become rich in a moment resulted in death and that place as a graveyard for many fathers and brothers.

Torman! Come ahead and measure your Mana-Force.

20 Pull.

Ledin! Come ahead and measure your Mana-Force.

19.7 Pull.

Delrin! Come ahead and measure your Mana-Force.

22.4 Pull. At which many exclamations rang the ground. After all, above 20+ Mana-Force, one is said to cross the first threshold to become Magus Apprentice.

Where the black Scalate stone-made ground was filled with waving high temperature.

Due to the sun, burning up above the sky given it was another hot day. At which Delrin, was a little upset to see that the familiar figure of the girl was missing from the ground.

While the name of the guy whom he asked to be beaten was also absent today.

Though he knew, that there was no way Loid could have been fated to meet Rin. Who was known to be the most beautiful Madona of this High School?

Though everyone was cheering for the guy, seemingly Delrin was not happy at all. His mental state was fully concentrated on the girl's memory.

Whom he has been courting for the last year but was unable to attract his attention. Where he was a little infuriated at the thought, that the girl of his dream asked about a little pest from his school.

Due to this, he ordered his lackey to beat the guy to the state of near-death state.

While using his connection, he also deviated the attention of Rin toward other directions and was successful at making sure they do not meet each other.


On the other hand, Rin was supporting Loid to stand back up at which she was astonished to see how his body was able to absorb the nutrition of soup she made so quickly.

To this point, Loid was able to walk by himself after a few seconds of support to stand up.

While Loid was stunned by the recovery rate too, though he knew it was the ingredient that was used in the soup.

To which, he felt grateful to Rin so he spoke his mind, "Thank you! Student Rin, the soup you had given me was miraculous. I think I will be able to reach the peak of my state within a few hours."

Rin shook her head, as she spoke hopefully,

"You may become the disciple of my gramps. Then both of us will be acquainted. Though, It was my fault that you are in this state. I hope you can forgive me, given I only wanted to look for you, for my grandfather's request."

Loid nodded his head as he murmured, 'I swear to repay the kindness of saving my life with my loyalty to my God. From this moment onward, I will do everything and anything to live my life following my vow.'

Though with Rin's hearing sense, she was able to hear Loid's words clearly. She made sure that, he would not realize the fact that she had heard him all clear during that murmuring.

But still, it was a moving word even for her heart.

Given there are little to no people alive with the same mental fortitude as Loid in this world.

A smile bloomed on her face, whereas Rin was a beautiful girl with Green hair and Jade's green eyes. Which made her look above the norms with only these two factors.

To which if one adds up, the looks and creamy skin. She could be counted as stunning beauty moving one heart with a single gaze.

Where her plus factor lies in the fact that she was not using any beauty product to shine out this much among the girls.

If, She were to put on some make-up one day. There will be no saint, who would be able to keep their heart from beating out of their chest.

"You really, do not put up any makeup huh! Though! You are already this beautiful without it. I don't want to imagine, how you would after putting on some."

Loid spoke, remembering what his friend always wanted to ask all this time. He ended up speaking his mind, to which Rin looked at Loid's face, which was devoid of any intention of flirting.

But was simply asking his doubt, given many of her friends had spoken in a similar pattern. With a similar expression, Loid has on his face.

"Hmm! I don't like those kinds of things, though! It was a gentlemanly way of asking something like that. I hope you will refrain(1), from asking the same things with other girls."

Rin told him honestly, while she also tried to put some common sense in the boy in front of her.

To which Loid nodded his head, but was still clueless on why he should do that. After all, he was definitely courting her or something.

Where his question was actually what most people say normally around.

"Brat! Quit hitting on my granddaughter like that and come inside the counter room." At which Loid's mouth twitched, given he just thought, that he was not courting or something.

When Old man words were indicating that what he was doing was actually courting Rin.

"Gramps! I think his conscience is clear, he did that without any intention. I can vouch for that." When Rin spoke, as she opened the door, from which both Loid and Rin entered the room.

Where the old man was sitting on his chair and waiting for them. To which, he smiled with satisfaction after seeing the recovery rate of the Loid.

Which was indicating the fact that Loid was truly the one he was searching for all this time.

He was the one born with Dual Soul Talent.