Rick, a young teenager of 17 years, ends up being transported to the pokemon world by superior forces. Now being forced to participate in the Pokemon Leagues, our hero will go through countless obstacles and surprises to return to his former home.
It was a Saturday afternoon in the middle of my vacation, I passed the entrance exam I wanted and now I went to college, after days and nights of studying I managed to complete my goal efficiently by being in third place in the best grades.
However, now I am in what can be described as a huge fist of boredom and indecision that punches my face every day in my rest period. After all, I have no worries now I've reached my goal sooner, so I don't know what to do to pass the time.
"Aahhhhh ... what a bore ... I'll just waste time watching something on Netflix."
Turning on my TV and going to the Streaming app, I start looking for something to watch, but I had already watched all the series interested me and new seasons would only come in a few months.
I keep going through the programs, looking for something interested me until I stopped at one that gave me a certain nostalgia, called 'Pokemon Indigo League'.
"Yeah ... this should do for now."
I press to start with the first episode and the video starts to load ...
It's been 5 minutes and the video hasn't started yet, seriously I will have to call the internet provider again, What error is that?
A strange and bright warning written 'ERROR 42 TRANSFER INITIATED' took the place of the loading symbol.
'What the fuck is this ?!'
The screen then starts to shine brightly, it's like they throw a flashbang in my face, a strange feeling takes over my body and then I just feel this thing ... and then I pass out.
---------- ---------
I start to wake up. My body comfortable by the place I'm lying in, it looks like grass, but the cold wind chills my body giving me reasons to leave the strange place I am. And then the memories clear.
I get up suddenly looking everywhere, it is night and I am surrounded by trees and bushes, nothing like the room I was in a few minutes ago.
'Did I get kidnapped?' I mumble to myself, trying to lessen my own panic in the process.
Looking down, I find a letter with K. Z. S. as the sender. Wanting to understand the current situation, I begin to open it. It said:
'Hello, my esteemed guinea pig.
I would like to not waste time so I already notice that you were transported to the pokemon world, yes that pokemon world (anime), but it has some important differences that you will discover over time.
So as I imagine maybe you are a little lost, I will give you a goal. If you manage to win at least 3 Pokemon Leagues, I will grant any wish you have, including the wish to return home. However in the meantime you will be my fun, a new experiment that ROBs love to do.
However there will be some rules that you will have to follow in this experiment:
1. Only 10 different pokemons can be used per region, only your initial can be used again in another region and it will be nerfed.
2. Breaking the rules of the League to advance will not be accepted even if the League did not realize it.
3. Training is everything. Getting very strong pokemons easily and without grace will create a balancing event that will make the challenge even more difficult than before.
Well, it was just those rules.
The Canon will continue as normal and you must be 10 days since Ash left for his journey in Kanto. You can change or leave the Canon going as normal, the choice is yours.
You are now on Route 1 in Kanto and will have to go to Professor Carvalho to get the starting items. However you will not have the initial pokemon with it, if you want one you will have to use the pokeball I left in your left pocket and go after it.
I pinch my arm to make sure I'm not in a dream.
I feel pain. DAMN IT.
I take the little pokeball from my left pocket, it's really like in the anime, red on top and white on the bottom, it even has a serial number on the back.
I press the middle button and it grows until it fits completely in my hand.
Cool, I was transported to a fictional world by a strange being I suspect is Zelretch, after all if there's something I learned from the anime Fate is everything is Zelretch's fault, damn that troll.
I look back and find THE FUCK OF A PURPLE GIANT SNAKE, also known as Ekans.
'E-Kanssssss' She starts to stare at me, and I do the same, we both stare at each other while holding a pokeball in my left hand. You already know what I'm going to do right?
That's right, I run for a fuck and don't even think about looking at my back.
If someone somewhere doesn't understand why I haven't been trying to capture that pokemon, I would like to defend myself using 2 good reasons. The first being the fact that I DO NOT LIKE SNAKES, much less large and poisonous ones. The second case you can have forgotten, it is necessary that you involve or pokemon before trying to catch it, in case you do not have the chance to be downloaded less than it wants to be caught, or that you are almost sure that it is not the case.
In the middle of my run, I ended up slipping on something hard, and I hit my face in the grass by sliding until I hit a tree.
"Ku-Na Ku-Na Kuuuu-Naaaaaaa"
Wait, that was a Kakuna wasn't ... Ahhhh Shiittttt.
'Driillllllll' Several Bedrills started looking at me threateningly.
It looks like you're going to die for a bunch of giant maribunds.
'Beee' The stingers look like a light glow. It is the sign of the end. It is all the fault of some damn God, who finds it fun to play with the lives of others.
I hate. I HATE IT SO MUCH. I'm not a toy, and I don't let it go cheap, I will seek revenge. EVEN IF I DIE HERE I WILL STILL MAKE HIM PAY EXPENSIVE.
'BAA' A sinister dark aura can contain a local atmosphere, I don't feel anything too wrong, but it seems that the Bedrills sent this movement, they started to have mild spasms and stopped the same attacks.
'Be-Drillll Beee' They take the slightly injured Kakuna and walk away or take them away.
I Survived ...
I scream to release some excitement from my body, it was too intense.
Oh yeah, pokemon saved me.
I turn my face to who was my great savior, and I have a big surprise