
Transmigrating into another world as an extra

The Proving Grounds, a place where humans and monsters battle for supremacy. A place where increasingly fearsome dangers threaten the lives of the poor wretches who were trapped in this beautiful hell. Strength is the only rule for a place where life is as fragile as glass. In that place, a man would wake up and seek to survive together with his new "Family" while destiny and the dangers of this new world plot against him. *The cover is not my property*

Imagine_MakerX · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

In the near future I'll take it upon myself to review the previous chapters in case there are continuity errors and minor issues.

I also think there are errors in this chapter that affect the previous ones, so I'll check it later just in case.

So if you notice problems with things that were mentioned in the past or in these chapters,

I would appreciate it if you let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible.

PS: I lost all progress due to a computer reboot, so I had to do it all from scratch and trying to remember what I had written.


The first day in this valley which became our new home began.

The day began quite quiet checking the surroundings, we had already investigated that there were no monsters, but it was best to inspect the surroundings from time to time just in case.

This was mainly so as not to let his guard down completely.

Moving away from it, we collected food and decided on the location where we would set up the base.

The only problem we found is that we didn't really know how to build one, much less a fortress as originally intended.

As Goblins used to build bases I asked Goblina (Tentative name), but she said that she didn't remember anything before suddenly appearing in this Proving Ground.

He had many questions about it, but since Goblina didn't know anything, there was no point in continuing to ask him.

After thinking about it for a while, I just decided to leave it for the future me. I didn't feel like thinking about things I didn't quite understand, and trying until it worked sounded pretty annoying.

I'll figure out something to do with it in the future. She thought.

Anyway, with the first plan ruled out for now, I decided to go with plan B.

Plan A was simply to build a base in this place with the surrounding resources, after all, although it is safe at the moment, we didn't know if it would continue to be so in the future.

By the time they built the base there would be no need to leave this little paradise.

That would be if he hadn't discovered the life force conversion skill, which changed things completely.

Not only was it incredibly convenient, but he could use it to drastically increase his number of familiars.

So he decided to send Black Wolf, Silver Wolf and Nine-tailed Fox (Names pending) to the outskirts of the valley towards the forest to kill and collect all the monsters they find, with his strength and abilities he could kill any monster they find as long as they don't be a troll

While waiting for my relatives to return,

he was quietly spending time with the relatives who stayed behind.

The time passed quietly, which was quite unusual in the depths of the forest. She would normally be at something, be it inspecting the status of her relatives, training, or fighting.

But right now there was no need for that or at least he wanted to enjoy the time in peace.

At some point, it occurred to her to do something productive. He didn't really have anything to do anyway and he was getting more and more bored.

I decided to just use my power to strengthen some of my familiars.

So far my only familiars without abilities are Dog, Cat, and Lion (name pending).

The ones with abilities were the Illusionist Butterfly, Black Wolf, Silver Wolf, Nine-Tailed Fox, and Goblina (Seriously, I need to give it a name).

They had useful abilities so there was no reason to upgrade them at the moment (Not that I could either).

The ones that were missing had intermediate combat powers, they couldn't fight Orcs on their own, but they could take on some minor monsters on their own.

Dog and Cat had been strengthened,

but if he wanted to give them abilities he had to [Reform] them, which would take a lot of life force that he didn't have in his current state, so he would have to put them aside for now.

So by discarding he decided to strengthen Leon, who already had innate strength greater than the others. For a moment he thought of reforming it,

but that would mean a lot of trouble that he didn't feel like putting up with at the moment. So she would have to wait until the not so near future.

I call Leon, and he lazily got up and walked towards Gabriel. When he arrived I just told him to stay still.

Invoke the book of creation (Provisional name).

Leon realized what he was going to do and before he could say anything, his body was filled with light and a large amount of vitality began to gush out of his body, rapidly enhancing all of his abilities to a great extent.

His size also increased to exceed the size of a normal Orc.

The size of him was impressive,

but considering that Black Wolf, Silver Wolf, and Nine-Tailed Fox were slightly larger in size than an Ogre (Though without the strength of one), it was a little less impressive.

A feeling of weakness filled his body and he felt a strong drowsiness. Before he fell to the ground he felt something holding him.

Looking up he could see that it was the HobGoblin.

"Master, are you alright?" Asked.

I nodded "Fortifying Leon consumed more life force than I expected, I'll have to rest for a while to recover."

I increase his grip on my body "You have to rest, master" She said with a slightly higher tone, it was as if he didn't accept any refusal.

I was taken under a tree to rest in the shade, surrounded by all my relatives.

"Here, master" The HobGoblin handed me a nutritious fruit.

"Thank you, Goblina" I thanked him, it was a red fruit with a slightly melon-like flavor. It was one of several fruits that he had eaten in order not to starve in this place.

Although there was also monster meat, he didn't know how to cook it or even if it was fit to eat. Luckily this whole forest is full of fruit trees, so surviving (not counting the Monsters) was much easier than I expected.

The relaxation time continued for a long time,

until the subjugation group (Provisional Name) finally returned with numerous corpses, carrying them with its tail, on its back, or with its teeth.

They left the bodies making a small pile of fifteen bodies between Goblins, Kobolds and Imps. I congratulated them on their successful hunt, but was surprised to be informed that there were many more,

but it would take a while to bring them.

Since I was not in a hurry, I told them that they could bring them little by little and if they needed it they could tell the others to help them. They thanked and went with Leon.

A while later they returned with numerous corpses, each time forming a bigger mountain.

It was when they brought several Orc corpses that I was extremely surprised.

In the end just bringing them back took a few hours, and a mountain of several dozen bodies had built up.

I congratulated them and told them they could rest.


Without even hesitating, he absorbed the bodies that became a mountain into the Book of Creation.

The torn corpses with missing parts quickly turned into wisps of light that were swiftly absorbed by the book of creation.

[Abosrbed Wild Imp x12]

[Absorbed Wild Kobold x29]

[Aborbed Wild Kobold Elite x7]

[Absorbed Wild Goblin X16]

[Absorbed Wild Goblin Elite X10]

[Absorbed Wild Orc X5]

The information on the corpses was displayed and since there was nothing out of the ordinary, he simply turned them directly into life force.

The book was deeply stained with a greenish tint as a message appeared.

[Stored life force reaching limit]

[Do you want to distribute it automatically?]

I was surprised that there was a limit to how much life force could be absorbed. It had absorbed about twenty bodies without a problem before, I guess the life force of the Imp or Goblins is greater than that of the Kobolds themselves.

I don't pay much attention to it, letting the Stigma do what it had to do on its own.

[Automation confirmation accepted]

[Analyzing priorities]

[Selected Priorities]

[Starting processes]

In a few seconds the great life force was expended at an accelerated rate.

In a matter of minutes the entire process was over and all the vast amount of life force had been spent.

[Analysis of results]

[Wild Kobolds Reform Completed]

[Reform Wild Kobolds Elite Completed]

[Increasing your mental and physical abilities to the maximum degree possible]

[Distributing excesses to previously created Entities]

[Examining possible improvements]

[Reform is possible]

[Starting Reformation]

Surprised by the large amount of information that quickly appeared in his brain and glad to him, he had previously wanted to improve them and now due to the efforts of those three he was able to complete all the processes in record time.

The bodies of some of their relatives were quickly turned into particles of light that entered the Book of Creation, among them were the illusory butterfly, Cat, and Dog.

[Estimated Reform Time: 3 Days]

"?" I was surprised by it, normally it would only take a few seconds or minutes,

but instead it says it would take three days. Although he didn't have a real problem with it, it was still weird.


[Master, the reformation time is longer because of the big changes that were installed for their most optimal use in the current situation, as well as being weak creatures in the first place and hastily made,

they have to be reformed into a more optimal shape to be able to support their current strength]

"I guess it's alright" he said she trying to ignore the fact that she said that the forms he gave her weren't really very useful.

Until now she had been creating them directly based on his imagination,

but it seems that that had also directly affected not only the maximum strength they could obtain, but also that they couldn't even perform properly in combat.

Leave those things to the people who know about them.

He thought as he asked "I won't ask about their new forms, but can you at least tell me about the upgrades?"

[It's a surprise, teacher]

I sighed. The intrigue was killing him, but he was a patient person.

These three days will be very long.