

After discussing the problems, Shi Ye looked at her and asked, "Your relation with Mu Yuchen..." before he could finish she interrupted him by saying, " just like I have with high heels."

Awkward at the choice of her words, he asked, " Your relation with the high heels? Did you have a drink already?" Knowing her low tolerance, he could only think of it, at the weird comparison between the two, or who in the right state of mind would compare Mu Yuchen to high heels."

Shaking her head, she pointed at the untouched glass filled with wine on the table in front of her, said, "I am not. I was just saying our relationship could only be compared to the one I have with high heels."

She sighed said in a frustrated tone, " He is... I don't know ...why are you even asking about it?" thinking of the connection between the two, she asked, "Are you asking about us because of your brother?"

"Brother? He just hates me for being an illegitimate son!" Shi Ye said bitterly as he poured himself another glass of Baijiu.

She paused at his words before taking a sip of red wine from her glass and said after a thought, "He doesn't."

Shi Ye looked at her disapprovingly, retorting," Whose side are you at?"

She smiled at his childish expression and said, "Neither!"

Then thinking of something, she asked, " but have you ever considered putting yourself in his shoes?"

Dowing the remaining content of his glass, he scoffed and said," Is his condition any worse than mine?"

She laughed a little, saying, "Very." after a pause continued, " because you knew your reality since you could remember but he on the other hand, when turned 15 and was proud for having a perfect family got to know that it was just an illusion made up by his father for his so-called reputation and society. He with a very conscious mind had witnessed the downfall of his mother who was once a loving and kind lady to a depressed lady who had gotten herself stuck into that very illusion after his father's death. What would you have done if in his place?"

She saw him frowning at her words but this was her only way to make the villain realise another side of the story. She at first had only wanted to make the villainess pay for targeting her life to vent her anger on her and the author but knowing the content of the novel she just can't sit and see the values it had taught her getting destroyed just for invalid reasons.

She came back from her thoughts when heard him softly saying," But he is the legitimate child."

She smirked at this and downed the content of her glass, stood up, saying, " Does it matter, Ye? or are you giving yourself a reason to hate?"

He was taken aback at her words. Surely, all the reasons were not for the fact but for the hate he was trying to reason.

As she had been looking at him so she clearly the flash of realisation in his eyes. Grabbing her handbag, she told him, " I will leave you at it, think about it Ye, as a person not as a tag." then turned around and in a little drunk state opened the slightly ajar door.

She came here to have a drink to clear her mind from the truth she had discovered this evening after which she also realised that reading and living the same words are totally different things. And just as she reached the bar, she met Shi Ye, and could only nod when he asked her to have a drink as he had something to discuss with her but after that their conversation somehow they got onto that topic so she could not help and point it out...

At this point, she who had a very low tolerance towards alcohol was already muddled headed after having four glasses of wine without realising when immersed deeply in the conversation.

Engrossed in thoughts, without realising she stumbled twice in a few steps she had taken towards the elevator when coming across the group of people who were standing at the corner, just at the end of the room, she came out from.

She tilted her head a little seeing them but her gaze stopped at the man standing beside the male lead. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes met his burning gaze and as if recalling something she lowered her eyes, hiding the flashing emotions in them.

She glanced at them and without having an intention to acknowledge their presence, she had only taken two steps forward when she paused again, remembering the conversation they just had inside the booth, she glanced at the ML before as if to confirm something, walked back to the door and stuck her head close to the closed door.

When not hearing any sound from inside, straightened, proudly nodding at herself, she grinned like a fool and nodded at them, not remembering that she needed to take the elevator, she had just turned around only to bump into the person who had rushed from the other end of the corridor when he saw her.

Already drunk, when bumped suddenly, she stumbled back a few steps before hitting her head into the wall and just before anyone at the scene could react, they heard her say anxiously," these heels fucked me" before fainting.

Leaving Mu Yuchen who was standing beside the main lead, with an awkward expresssion and others dumbfounded.

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