

Amelia looked at the speechless Liang Mei and nodded before she retreated towards the base. Anyways she has hidden away all the resources near this base so the heroine is doomed to go back empty handed from here.

"Will you really leave me here stranded and surrounded by headless corpses in the middle of the woods? What kind of sister are you?" Liang Mei couldn't access her space because the poison has consumed all her mental power in such a short time.

If she is left here surrounded by dead bodies and all this blood, she will be dead by sun down. Amelia looked at her "A living one. How can I dare to take you in when your eyes are filled with such a strong killing Intent since the first time you laid eyes on me?"

Amelia looked at her as if she is treating her like an idiot. Liang Mei couldn't refute. "Not to mention, that killing Intent hasn't reduced but instead increased substantially every minute we are together."

"Even so, you can't justify this action to father." Liang Mei knew that Amelia seeks her father's approval more than anyone.

"It's simple actually. Father will understand my actions better than you think." Amelia shrugs.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your father knew of your mother's treatment of me from when I was a child but he never did anything. Some might say that he subtly encouraged her treatment of me in order to break me."

"You are crazy. Father loves you so much." Liang Mei felt like Amelia has gone crazy.

"He also used your jealousy to encourage your mother's mistreatment of me and my dependence on him."

Speaking up to here, Amelia felt sour in her heart. Amelia had indeed relied only on Liang father because Liang Mother always verbally abused her and ensured she grew up emotionally unstable.

Every morning she would call her names saying she is a bastard child of a slut who seduce married men for money. She said that Amelia is probably the same, everyone knows she won't amount to anything in the future.

She shouldn't try to stand out in school or even tell people she is the daughter of the Liang family lest she embarrassed her father because she is his greatest shame.

Little by little Amelia grew hateful and self loathing manifested in her heart. Her emotions and personality became twisted and she envied Liang Mei very much the older she grew up. In that house, she always felt suffocated untill Liang father let her have her own villa.

But what she didn't know was that her dear father had known all that was taking place in the Liang house and he didn't stop it. After reaching level 9 in both her powers and perfectly integrating with them, she received every memory from Amelia's birth to the day of her passing.

She clearly saw people installing cameras all over the house and when they saw her, they gave her candy and told her not to tell anyone about it. While they made remarks about the rich man Liang who sent them so he can peep on his wife. She was too young so she never remembered it until now. There were pin sized camera all over that household which the father will use to watch his wife and children at home.

So her father knew that she was been abused but didn't stop it probably to twist her personality and then mold it to be his most loyal soldier. He must have wanted to use her loyalty to him for something, but what?

Looking at the clueless Liang Mei she smiled sadly. Her face exuded a sad and miserable aura but as a stunning beauty it made people feel distressed looking at her like this.

"I still don't understand. What exactly are you accusing my mother of?"

"As your parents, one did it while the other retrieved videos and watched it happen like a pervert. I am telling you Elder sister, you have evil parents." She walked away.

"Amelia, help me book a room inside. I know it was my fault this time but ....I am dying."

"Don't be dramatic." She opened the wall on the cabin and made a gesture. "While I'm still being magnanimous."

Liang Mei got in the yard and saw the wall close behind her. Amelia schooled her expression and went towards the base. After entering she became dumb with surprise.

The place had a bustling crowd. There are several large screens on the buildings advertising the various products in the stores that paid for advertising. She is surprised to find an advert for a massaging place.

The place looks lively, the people have healthy bodies and relatively good moods. She likes it like this. This is why she didn't want to accept too many people even as the base was below capacity.

Looking closely she saw a similar item on the wrist of the people as she walked by, some had holographic images coming from the screens of what sems to be a watch.

A look of realization fleshed in her eyes. In the novel, there existed a genius in the hands of the heroine who could be said to be a century ahead of the current generation in the fiel of creating technology. She invented all kinds of advanced technologies earning a great credit for the B base.

It seems Liang Mei worked earlier than anticipated. The fact that she is here instead of being by her family's side is impressive on it's own. But Amelia will not pretend to understand the heroine.

Amelia walked towards the orphanage and it so happened to be dinner time. She sat down and ate a plate full of delicious food. This made her mood improve, it seems people still take her serious.

She returned the plate to the nervous staff. They know who she is, how can they not? That face is hard to forget. She smiled at them.

"You are doing well. I hope you won't digress in the future, children are our future after all."

"Yes leader!" They all heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the word future.

She went towards the dean's office. She could hear conversations from inside.

"I don't understand why all these people are still being turned away like this, what kind of base doesn't accept new members?" A bewildered voice sounded.

"This is a decision made by the leader. It would be impolite of me to ignore her words even if you claim to be dying on the street it is impossible for me to accept you." Mo's un wavering voice sounded.

A cold snort sounded "I am a high level spirit power along with my brother, it is an honor for us to even consider joining this small base in a corner hidden from the world."

"Then you can leave from here with a clear conscience." A cold but pleasant voice sounded from the doorway. The guest is about to loose his temper when he saw the most beautiful woman walk inside the office looking at them with a smile that is not a smile. He blinked and didn't know what to do.

His brother on the side is a man who likes men although he is also stunned for a while he is able to come back to his senses in a minute. "Who are you? Don't you even knock?" The handsome man sneered.

"You're right, I acted on impulse just now but what to do if your decisions are being brought to question in such an aggressive manner? Who can stand it?" Amelia asked with a flat expression.

"Are you saying you are the one who is responsible for banning admission of new comers into the base?" The first man asked with surprise. First, he can see her age is very young. Second she doesn't seem to be an ability user. How can such a person be worthy to hold make such a big decision which affect people's lives?

"That's right. I said it. Old Mo is just enforcing my decision. Now, you have heard our answer please leave peacefully or you will be removed." She said harsh words with a non aggressive tone. As if her word is law.

The two people looked at each other and saw the anger they feel from each other's faces. With combined mental attack they striked at her trying to turn her into a stupid person. Amelia felt their attempt as soon as it came.

She didn't want to waste precious resources so she absorbed all the spiritual power targeted at her, swallowing it greedily until their crystal nucleus started cracking. The two men couldn't take back their attack and the mental claws of Amelia soon reached their source of power and emptied it. Just as she is about to shatter the crystal nucleus they both kneeled and begged.

They know what is happening in ther crystal nucleus. Feeling despair about becoming useless people, they started shouting.

"Please young miss, forgive us. We didn't see your power and acted recklessly. We will do anything to keep our power."

Amelia looked at old Mo. "What do you think?"

"They are very powerful and proficient in using their power." Old Mo said but inside he doesn't like these people. They killed tens of thousands of normal humans to increase the level of their zombies.

Amelia clapped her hands and smiled like a flower. She now knows what to do. " I am going to need you two to sign here and here using your blood."

She took out a blood contract but this one is very restrictive. They will never be able to keep information that will potentially harm her and from now on, they are her loyal subordinates. They are her slaves.

Slaves will be loyal to a fault and even give up their lives to protect their master. This is the first slave contract she has signed since coming into this world. The two people quickly bled on the contracts and an ancient symbol formed on their foreheads before fading away.

Old Mo saw it and became uncomfortable. "What was that?" He asked even as a feeling of trepidation echoed in his heart.

"A slave mark. Don't worry, I am a good master. Isn't that right my little slaves?"

"Yes of course. Master is magnanimous."

"Yeah, that attack we released just now was meant to make master a stupid person forever, yet master has given us a chance to atone for our sins."

"This is all fascinating. But can it not happen in my office? I feel very uncomfortable." Mo said with a frown.

"So sensitive." Amelia clicked her tongue.

"What are your names?"

"Du Hang."

"Du Wei."

"Alright. Go for a walk, you will know when I am summoning you." The two left. Amy looked at the old man who seems apprehensive of her power.

"Don't over react. If I wanted to enslave you, do you think you can resist? Further more, you are so old, who would want such a weak slave?" She rolled her eyes.

"I am not weak, I would have you know that I have a level 5 space power." Old Mo hit the table in anger. "I would make a grart slave." He shouted but felt something is wrong.

"Okay, okay, you will make an amazing slave. Can you give me my report now?" Amy sat down ignoring old Mo's embarrassment.

His expression soon turned solemn as he looked at Amelia with some hesitation. "I accepted one person into the base a year ago without your permission. I will take whatever punishment you give."

"So dramatic. Give me the report please." Amy ignored his relief as he took out a stack of files.

"The Qin family is finally the master of the Western province. They went to war and successfully captured the Beijing and the F base that were resisting fiercely in the beginning, no amount of schemes can win in the face of absolute power." Old man Mo had his gossipy expression on full display.

"The central base is still the same unless you could their discovery of numerous medical herbs that they researched and broadcasted on radio. Our base already had this knowledge from the notice you left in the mission hall."

"The Su family was in a dire situation before the shadow guards came back from watching them."

"Are you worried about your student?" Amelia remembered the member of the Su family that old Mo had taught personally.

"Yeah, just like you said, his uncle usurped the position of the family head but luckily he didn't kill the old family head."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"Last time the Yu family's young miss was trying to gain favor with my student, I don't know it they are together now?" Old Mo sighed in regret. Amy became speechless.

"Anyways the Qin family is calling for all bases to come and pay respect to the royal family. They are not aware of us yet but with so many people we have offended sending them away, they will know of us soon."

Amelia made a pout. Just when old Mo thought she was worried, he heard the same line she had said a year ago. "Let them come. If they want tribute, don't fight just give them the dry food from the stale pile in the storage."

"They threaten to take away the bases and give them to their own people if the current leaders think themselves above the royal family. But.....are you really giving in like this? It doesn't seem like your style of painting." Old Mo looked puzzled.

"It's because they dare to challenge everyone knowing full well the response they will get. It means they have a card up their sleeve that is enough to ensure they win against everyone. If I'm not wrong, it's a weapon of mass destruction." Amelia said scaring old Mo to attention.

This reason seems possible. "So you're scared?"

"Terrified." She said lightly. Old Mo became doubtful. Amelia looked the same as before but she says she is terrified.

"Anyways a young man named Wei something...said he is just warning us because it won't take too much effort for the royals to find this place. He invited me to attend a meeting between a group of base leaders taking place in the central base." Old Mo said.

"Don't bother, they are using this excuse to size each other up close. They won't come up with any sincere solution unlessyou count the formation of a great army." She said

"How can you be sure?"

"They have tasted the power and will not give it up no matter what. This meeting is mostly a tactic to suggest pulling together resources to fight the royals but this will be anticipated by the royals. Perhaps if they had my sister on their side they might stand a chance against the royals." She smiled remembering Liang Mei hadn't used her power to fight her out of pride. But a water mage like that is good at crowd control.

In the novel, Liang Mei was not involved in the struggle against the royals since she had gone on a long adventure. But this time it could be different, not to mention Liang Mei is different without her sister at home this time.

"When is this meeting?"

"A month and a half later in the central base but then three months later the royal family must have an answer from all the bases in China."

"How exciting. I will go to the royal family myself at that time. Just have the kings continue building the outer city and continue with their training. We will accept new members in a while but only when the city is finished."

She had glimpsed at the construction and wondered if winter was not enough to deter them from construction. "By the way old Mo, how was winter?"

"It is only beginning now. The entire time we were expecting to have snow storms, or floods but the heat kept pestering and only relented a week ago making this cool weather."

"That is surprising it should mean that winter will be even longer. Did we amass enough food?"

"Yes, the storages of the secretaries are all almost full of grain, rice, vegetables and fruits planted in the glasshouses. They put a lot on those rings and threw the rings in their space."

"Food is the one thing we have in abundance especially since we don't accept new members."

"Good, put some into there few rings. I made it so anyone with a mental power can access these ones." She gave him a few rings.

Old Mo numbly accepted them and continued with the report. "The metal paste recipe you gave us was successfully concocted after a long time of trial and error. The outside city has a very sturdy foundation. There are already 6 districts completed. The place needs windows and doors but the plant people are making doors, door frames and window frames. The problem now is the glass for windows."

"Can't they burn soil and make it?"

"They did but the glass coming out of this was very unsightly"

"We don't have a glass making factory among those old factories?" Amelia frowned.

"There are a few. But you have specifically said not to wonder too far from the base."

"How are the factories productivity?" Amelia had seen the factory area is now fully functional.

"Pretty good. The clothes are stored in the normal storage after special packaging. The food cans go to the space rings and the lower floors cold storage."

"Have the mutated animals been hunted yet? Or are we relying on the cattle and other animals I had initially given?"

"Both actually. We have vegetables cans and meat cans clearly defined." Hearing his words, Amelia is satisfied. Even when the new city is built, there will be enough to eat.

"Anything else?"

"It is trainer Qin. He has been trying to get a hold of you."

"Alright, you can call him into my office." She stood up feeling like she has been seated for a long time.

"I am not done reporting on the base's development."

"Okay." She sat back down.

"The girl I invited in is a genius with technology so she invented this. I especially kept the most important one for you."

Amelia took the small box and saw a watch inside. She can tell this one is different from the rest.

"This is called a smart watch. It can even scan items and then send them to other people's locations like teleportation but it can only send dead things and no living things."

"She created an app where Items can be stored but they are actually stored inside the watch's separate space dimension made from a small chip. She found a peculiar stone that can be used to power this function. It is like online blanking." Amelia frowned, isn't this too magical? There was no teleportation technology in the novel.

What she doesn't know is that the woman discovered a knew mineral that can integrate with her advance technology. The word genius is used casually but no one except that young lady can explain what is really going on.

"One can communicate and connect with friends in real time using the watch, the network is no problem. It is possible to send items from own space watch to a person's watch in the contact list."

"This girl, she built an entire high functioning phone on her won and even made apps specifically for the watch. There's also this, a flat screen cell phone. She had been trying to find a way for the signal to work outside the base for months and when she came out, she had figure it out." Mo explained excitedly.

"I haven't dared to use this item or let the members use it outside in case some big bases covet the lady and try to kidnap her again. She improved recording devices and put normal monitoring cameras all over the base. The important thing is that these are like small robots and people can not see them."

"The most important and first innovation was when she changed solar power into nuclei power. As long as we have crystal nuclei we will have electricity." Mo said in excitement."

Amelia's head had started buzzing when she heard virtual bank, unlimited network. All these things sound familiar but how did the most treasured mind in the last days end up inside her base.

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