
Hello Human

Hello, human form Earth,

If you are reading this letter, then that means I succeeded in delivering this letter to Earth. Now I know what you're thinking and I must implore for you to NOT immediately rip this up. You might wonder:

"Why shouldn't I?"

My answer would be:

"You would explode!"

Haha yes, I have indeed placed attached a bomb to this letter with a timer of 5 minutes. Now if you want to disarm said bomb that you will have to simply answer the 5 question quiz correctly.

Simple, right?

I normally would not resort to such barbaric tactics, but unfortunately sending letters across dimensions takes a great deal of energy.

So just make sure you pay attention and ace that quiz. Now then, how should I begin to explain?

I guess I'll start with my backstory.

You may not know it dear reader, but there are legitimate demons in your world. I won't get into the messy details of our origins, but just that we exist.

Demons in your world are created through many means, but generally, if there is a lot of a single negative thought in one area, a demon will form. For example, I was formed when the first human died, there was a lot of despair swirling about then, so I just poofed into existence.

So... I am the demon Despair, and if I must say so myself, I am quite powerful.

So powerful that I could single-handedly plunge the entirety of North America into bottomless depression. You see, demons in your world have two powers. One is the ability to cause a human to feel the emotion-specific to the demon.

In my case, I can cause humans to feel overwhelming despair.

Demons' second power is a magical one. Each demon has control over one element, and their power with it is based on how much of their specific emotion is in the air.

My element is fire so I'm a little bit of a pyromaniac.

You might consider us having more powers, as all demons do have super strength, speed, and everything else, but that's a given.

Anyways, I spent most of my time either causing depression or lighting fires. BUT THEN, manga and anime happened. It was just an ordinary day for me, I was passing through Japan when BOOM, I see a teenage boy walking by holding a picture book. Next thing I knew I was investigating said pictures books and my mind was BLOWN. Who could care about wars and fires when there was manga to be read!

The invention of manga was the greatest thing happened to me since lighters. I would sit around for years mindlessly reading away. Amazing right?

Wrong, because all that just made me realize how boring Earth was.

So I decided one day to transmigrate to an anime world.

Guess what...it f****** worked.


My plan was to reincarnate as a 15-year-old in Japan, one year before the main events of Blue Exorcist begins to take place. I will not get into the details of how I pulled it off, as your mind might break from the information, but just know that I did it.

Anyways, I should probably tell you my looks as I am literally devilishly handsome. My height is 5 foot 8 inches, or 173 centimeters, and I have a slim figure. I have a slim figure with silver hair and pink eyes. I actually do have a tail that I tuck away and some fangs that I tell humans are a birth defect. I might have even gotten a demon girlfriend with my looks, but they were put off by my...pyromaniac tendencies and obsession with manga.

Whatever, don't you dare judge me human!

Back to my story though, as I'm sure the bomb will go off any second now if I don't hurry up.

As stated before, my plan worked perfectly. I poofed into existence at the right time, place, AND dimension. Unfortunately, I lost my clothes on the journey, but I reincarnated in an empty alley and stole some clothes from a laundry line.

I instantly knew I was in the right dimension because of the cute little Coal Tar floating around. Then, I checked the location by finding the nearest map and going to the church that Rin and Yukio lived in with Shiro.

It was there that I had my first conversion with an ACTUAL anime character.

Me: "Are you, Father Fujimoto?"

Shiro: "That would be me, kid. What do you need me for?"


Shiro: "Yes?"

Me: "Wow! You are SO awesome!"

Shiro: "Are you…on something kid?"

Me: "Wooooooow!"

Shiro: …

Me: …

I was subsequently escorted out of the church.

I do admit, my socializing skills might need a touch-up. It is very hard to practice socializing whilst reading manga. Anyways, I wanted to establish a foothold on this new world I was in, and the best way to get power is money.

Soooooo I robbed a bank. Nothing much really, my powers were already recharging from the amount of despair in the air, so it was just a simple matter of causing everyone in the bank to feel so much terror that they pissed their pants. I had some bank workers walk into the safe and put everything into bags which they then loaded onto a van that I had…liberated. They took their time to do this, but I suppose that loading hundreds of pounds of cash while wearing piss soaked pants is hard.

By the way, I was wearing a mask, so don't go throwing a fit dear reader.

I think I will sit on my pile of cash for a few weeks before I make another move, but now I had the resources to establish a foothold. The next logical step would be to secure a place of residence, which I had a tiny sliver of an idea for.

Buuuutttt, your timer seems to be running low so you better take that quiz soon.

Don't die, dear reader, because I suspect that I will be writing to you soon.



So I am writing this because I am a big fan of Blue Exorcist and wanted to create an OP character that could do random things I think might be fun. I will be following the manga, as the anime is all over the place and only two arcs deep.

Most chapters will be in this format, but I could switch it up.

_Bad_Karmacreators' thoughts