
Transmigrated As A Baby Villain

Can the transmigrated baby villain survive this crappy world until he reaches his 18th birthday so he can kill the protagonist? - Jay died. He woke up in the body of a baby, and he thought he was reborn with the memory of his past life. Then, the System happily told him that he transmigrated into an unpublished novel which he stole when he was alive, and he's the main villain called Kaon the Blood Prince, the most vicious superpower human to ever graced the Earth, yet the author didn't develop him very well. The only thing that Jay knows about Kaon is his superpower is using his opponent's blood to make rain. The system said his mission is to take down the protagonist Kade the golden boy. That's easy enough, the protagonist is nothing compared to Kaon in terms of sheer power, and Kaon won in the original work. If Jay completes his mission, he can be reborn in his original world. There's one tiny little problem: Kaon is a baby, barely one year old. He doesn't know where his parents are, but he's being taken care of by two people: an undead fifteen year old villain and a thirteen year old hero-traitor-to-be. None of them know how to hold a baby properly, let alone raise one in poverty. It seems like everything is out to kill the baby villain. Can he survive to adulthood? And why is everyone named Jay in here? - 1/3 of the book will be focused on the baby growing up into an adult, nightmare mode all the way. The romance will slowly engrave itself into the plot. - Warning: There will be gore and action movie fight scenes. If you're uncomfortable reading those, you can skip this book. - Special Chapters • Every 15th chapter: Excerpt from another world • Every 20th chapter: User 1's Interlude • Chapter 25, 33, 36: Villainous Parents' Misadventures _____ Yell at the author in the comments to get consistent updates.

Twelve_Cats · Ciudad
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50 Chs

34: Kindergarten I


Oh, for fuck sake...


The baby is at the tender age of one year old! One! Year! Old!

As far as Jay knows, one year olds shouldn't be in kindergarten. Hopefully his teenage parents won't put him in a kindergarten.

While his mind was floating, his male caregiver dressed him in a jacket and added another layer of pants to keep him safe from the cold. His clothes are getting a bit tighter, so they'll have to go shopping soon.

Before the left the cabin, JJ made an attempt at keeping the cabin's door closed from the outside, but it didn't really do much. Hey, at least a closed door will prevent any animals from going inside.

Talking about animals, has he seen any animals since he transmigrated?

It's a bright beautiful day outside, and Jay was glad that his little helmet kept most of the sun out of his eyes. Also, the helmet's interior is so soft, and he knew it was meant to be used for quite a few years since the cushion is removable. Less comfy helmet is for the future him to worry about. For now, he's enjoying the view of mountain and upcoming city.

Esther City looked exactly the same as how they left it a few days ago. They passed by the same gas station to get gas, and as expected, Jay was allowed to walk with his female caretaker into the mini mart.

The cashier's counter was empty when they arrived, but it didn't stop JJ from trying to shop for snacks. Hm... He could grab some chocolate! Surely, his caretakers won't say no.

"Kaon, what do you think about going to school and have some friends?" The teenage girl crouched down next to him while Jay was trying to pick a snack from the aisle.

If he could talk, he would say something along the lines of, 'Mom, I'm one year old. I can't even talk yet.'

But unfortunately, he could only babble, so he did just that. The teenage girl giggled when he did so, and her hand ruffled his hair.

"That's okay. We don't have the paperwork for that anyway. I also don't want you to be homeschooled." JJ stood up to her full height and stretched. "Let's see what Jay thinks about this. He's the homeschooled one."

Oh. Red King was homeschooled? Didn't he come from a military family?

Thinking about the topic of education, both of his caretakers definitely didn't finish any of theirs because JJ is thirteen, and her companion is fifteen. It's impossible for either of them to graduate highschool.

With that thought in mind, the baby let out a sigh, and he grabbed the closest chocolate bar that he could. His eyes then moved to the expiration date; he didn't realize that he was doing that until he saw the numbers.

Huh. It's made a hundred years from the day he passed away. He doesn't know what the current date is in this world, but he could guess. There's no way he could ask anyone without breaking OOC.

Another thing to think about is the fact that he still has his habits from the previous world even though he transmigrated. Like checking the expiration date on packaged goods that he's buying. Even though he's now technically Kaon, Jay is still himself in some ways.

The transmigrator looked at his surroundings to find his female caretaker. JJ is standing several feet away from him, and she smiled when she noticed that he's looking for her.

Good. She doesn't leave the baby alone. No one should leave their kid alone in a mart. Jay began walking towards her with his chocolate bar. He doesn't want to think about the logistics of transmigration too much. Having an existential crisis in the middle of the day while the System was deploying him on a mission isn't ideal.

"Aaah... Gah!" He showed JJ his selected chocolate bar, and she nodded at him.

"Alright. That doesn't look healthy, but yeah, it's something." She talked back to him like she knew he could understand her. Then, she put her tacky blue shopping basket down so that he could put his candy inside. "Put it in, little guy."

Like an excited child he is, Jay threw his chocolate inside; the candy bar joined some chips and energy drinks in the basket.

The staff door opening alerted them, and both of them turned to face the cashier counter. Regina, the cashier, greeted the pair with a smile. Her ginger curls were pulled into a bun, and she seemed happier than the last time Jay saw her.

"I still don't know your name." The cashier chuckled as she addressed JJ. "Back in town again?"

"Yeah." JJ's polite smile became brighter. "How are you?"

"I got good news." The red head's fingers tapped on the counter as she looked out the window, then face at the teenage girl. "I'm gonna be a teacher! I don't have to work this shitty job anymore!"

"Shitty!" Jay grinned and clapped his hand.

Internally, he's screaming.

SYSTEM! Why do you allow kids to stay stuff like this? He could barely talk. Jay thought he couldn't say that word because the babbling filter will take effect!

A look of horror washed over the cashier, and she immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" Regina let out a nervous chuckle.

"No worries. It's his dad's fault." JJ's voice remained calm as she placed the basket on the cashier's counter. "Also mine. We should've cuss a little less."

With the direction that things are going, the baby's next word might be "bitch" or more commonly used "dummy" in the household.

"Where are you teaching?" JJ changed the topic naturally as the cashier scanned their stuff. "My boy needs to go to school too."

"Sander District Kindergarten." The cashier's excitement returned as she bagged their items. "They have a single teacher there, and they needed another one. The pay is much better than here."

Meanwhile, Jay was looking out the glass door, and he giggled when he saw the Red King looking at his direction. The teenage boy grinned while he's sitting on the motorcycle. His male caretaker looked around a little to make sure that no one else was at the gas station before he began making faces at the baby, starting by blowing raspberries.

Just like that, Jay laughed.

"Thanks, Regina." JJ picked up their groceries, and her hand patted Jay's head to get his attention. "Say bye-bye, cutie."

The transmigrator looked up at the cashier, and he waved, earning praises from the red head.

As soon as they get back to the motorcycle, JJ slapped her partner's bicep. It obviously didn't hurt, but the Red King's eyes widened in confusion.

"What did I do?" He handed his companion her helmet.

"Thanks." The teenage girl took the helmet from him, and she gestured to their kid. "Kaon, tell him what you said today!"

Innocently, the transmigrator grinned at his male caregiver. Then, he began babbling. "Bah, gah aaah..."

The teenage boy nodded like he understood what the baby said before he turned to face his partner. "Did he say a cuss word?"

"Yeah." JJ sighed as handed him an energy drink from their grocery bag. "You'll see."

Then, she pulled out the candy bar and handed to the baby. Jay grabbed the chocolate with both of his hands, and he began tearing apart the package.

Only after he took a bite of the velvety dark chocolate that he realized that a baby shouldn't be able to open a wrapper this cleanly.

Two pairs of eyes were staring at him, the Red King was paused in the middle of opening his energy drink while his partner just finished putting away the groceries.

"Does... Does it taste good, Kaon? Yeah?" JJ's voice was rather cautiously showing excitement.

The baby nodded and took another bite. Fuck... That was a close call, was it?

Thanks for reading!

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