
Transcendent [MHA]

Arthur Vagabond, a boy born with an extremely powerful quirk; One For All, after the death of the greatest hero alive. All Might. [THIS IS A CONTINUATION, MY OTHER ACCOUNT GOT LOST] "People don't mess with me because they know its a waste of time.. Why try and kill a God?" [OP FROM START, ONLY GETS STRONGER]

MonkeyKingJooz · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 - Helios


Arthur and Arnold sat on a black leathered couch, sitting in front of them was a coffee table with a laptop situated on top of it. And behind that laptop was a group of fifty people.

Men, women and even adolescent children.

Arthur, dressed up in his usual black jumpsuit, his hood down for the villains in front of him to see their future leader. Arnold glared down at the group, his presence so overwhelming a few of them felt as if their breath would sign their death certificate.

"What are these numbers? Distributing drugs quirk enhancing drugs was never a part of our operation yesterday. We were introducing them. So why is it that a good chunk of our supply went missing?" His tone was serious, deep and gruff.

Arthur watched with calm eyes as the group in front of him gulped collectively, each of them looking around at each other to see who would speak up to take the blame first.

Arnold waited, his patience growing thin with each passing second. Tapping his foot, the room that was once filled with silence suddenly broke out into accusatory whispers. Pissing Arnold off more.

Arthur leaned back in his seat, thinking over how his father would handle it, and then how he would handle it. 'Kill a few. Get your point across.' Arthur thought, watching his take a deep breath to calm his ever rising nerves.

After what felt like eternity, a scaly guy, wrapped in a gray cloak with orange pants and shoes took a step forward. His face a nervous wreck with sweat visibly causing the light to glare.

"W-We were robbed. Last night while y-you were out of commision, our daily supply got hit by a rival group. We t-tried to fight back but our staff was overwhelmed by the sheer number. Their quirks were simply stronger tha-" Arnold raised his hand, waving the man off.

"Rocko, who was in charge of the shipment?" A simple, but heavy question. No doubt in their minds that this question would lead to a few deaths.

The man nicknamed Rocko gulped and hung his head low. "I-I'm not aware of who was in charge, s-sir." Nodding to his response, Arnold sighed.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he stood up, heading to the railing that separated the two different levels. Now peering directly down at them, the pressure they felt before was nothing like before.

"Hey, what branch are you a part of?" Arnold questioned, gesturing towards the scaly man. Rocko lifted his head up in confusion.

"Uh, I'm with the firearm company.. You know.. Distribution, selling… All that."

"Yeah, I know what the fuck the firearm branch does. I fucking made it." Arnold snapped, Rocko immediately held his head low and broke into a string of apologies.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Come here Arthur." He half-turned, gesturing with his hand toward his son. Arthur obliged, standing next to his father as he overlooked the group. Eyeing and inspecting each one.

The group stared back at the boy, wondering what a boy no older than ten or eleven could be doing here. While others connected the dots immediately, others that lacked brains were still confused.

"What should we do with him?" Arnold questioned, pointing towards Rocko. Arthur hummed. Staring at Rocko with a pensive gaze. The one in question let out a sigh of relief. Figuring Arthur wouldn't be inclined to be as excessive as Arnold is.

'Once this is over I'm going to kill them!' Rocko cursed, knowing exactly who was responsible for the shipment being stolen. Looking to his right ever so slightly at the people responsible, he felt resentment build up in his heart.

A short, white haired girl with a face full of freckles, big round pale eyes and pale skin, Chikita Sumaki. Also known as Zookeeper with her colleagues. Her quirk is called Cleaning, all it does is allow her to secrete soap and weaken her opponents by "cleaning" them.

She was in charge of the last shipment alongside a man named Kumaki Kasurari. Standing at a height of 6'2, sporting unkempt ginger hair with lazy blue eyes, he was the other person in charge. With a pretty powerful quirk called, "Redistribution."

Any physical attack will rebound straight back at the attacker, though the returned hit is a third of the strength the attacker intended to hit with.

The two mixed together was a good idea, but apparently not good enough. The two had something in common though… They were both extremely lazy.

Arthur noticed the slight eye movement as well as the sigh Rocko had let out.

"Rocko, Chikita, and Kumaki." He called out, causing the three to perk up and stiffen. The three locked eyes with each other before simultaneously stepping forward from out the crowd, coming to the front of the rather organized group.

Arnold eyed his son, stepping back as he watched curiously.

"Chikita, who was your partner last night." He questioned, though it sounded more so like a demand. The girl in question felt the room suddenly get extremely hot, her back breaking into a cold sweat.

"U-Uh, what do you mean? I had yesterday off…" She lied straight through her teeth. Her nervous eyes forced themselves to stay connected with Arthurs.

Arthur nodded slowly, turning to Kumaki next.

"And you. Who was your partner." The man stiffened, glancing at Zookeeper out of habit. Looking for an answer. Arthur noticed this and squinted ever so slightly, but Rocko noticed it.

"I was with the finance branch last night. They needed some extra help with the math since they secured some more assets under the LLC." He answered smoothly, his eyes staring at the bridge of Arthur's nose, never directly at his eyes.

The trio weren't scared of the boy, but they were scared of his father. A reasonable decision in their minds.

Nodding slowly to their words, Arthur glanced skeptically at Rocko. Depending on his answer, he would get a lighter punishment. But for the two liars…

"Rocko. If I remember correctly, you're with the firearms branch as well as management, right?" Rocko nodded, already knowing where this was going.

"And who was assigned to receive the shipment?" Rocko gulped, the duo to his right sending him a glare that promised death if he slipped up. But between Arnold and those two? The choice was obvious who had more of a hold on his life.

"Chikita and Kumaki. The duo was placed there due to their quirks being quite compatible." He answered swiftly, feeling confident that he'd live.

Arthur cracked a slight smile.

"Oh~ So you did know who was on duty last night. Interesting." He stated, clearly amused, staring at the trio who were now completely sweating bullets.

Glancing at his dad, his smile widened a bit seeing Arnolds impressed gaze and nod. But after not receiving any instructions, Arthur continued.

Walking down the steps towards the three, his short height was on full blast. Even he didn't realize how short he was compared to the other people in the room, he shrugged it off.

'I'm only ten… I'll get taller.' He comforted himself mentally. Though, he was a little sour about how short he was. The room fell into a routined silence, the only sound being Arthurs shoes clacking against the cold cement floor.

Arnold watched on, pride swelling within his chest. Truth is, the only reason he started bringing Arthur with him to these meetings is so he can get a grasp and learn what runs his organization, Helios.

And much to his surprise, Arthur had excellent memory, coachability and was surprisingly analytical. All good traits. But the one that fed him the most pride was how ruthless he was.

He smirked as Arthur created suspense within the group of thugs in the room. He did it masterfully, every step, every glance… It was all for the moment when he confronted and punished the three liars.

So when Arthur stopped in front of the selected trio, Arnold was practically jumping in place with suspense.

"Kneel." Arthur demanded, his empty but strong willed silver eyes glared into Kumaki's soul. Since he was the tallest out of the three, he felt some personal, petty, spite.

"W-What?" Clearly thrown off guard, he questioned Arthur.

Big mistake.

Without a second thought, Arthur channeled five percent of One For All to his middle finger and flicked the man in his chest. The loud sound of his sternum shattering under the pressure, plus his groans completely drowned out the silence.

The people behind Kumaki moved just in time, while others weren't so lucky.

Chikita stiffened, immediately kneeling down on both her knees. Rocko doing the same. While Chikita broke into a silent fit of prayers mixed with apologies, Rocko was silently contemplating his life, wondering why he lied for the two lazy bastards in the first place.

"Bring him here. Set him like the others." He ordered, and without a complaint, a few men from the group behind dragged Kumaki back to Arthur, throwing him on the ground in front of him.

"Kneel." Arthur ordered once again, and Kumaki, with great strife, did just that. His lungs were betraying him, no doubt popped. But he was somehow still able to breathe.

Just a bit though.

"What was so important you two couldn't have done your job? It was quite simple wasn't it?" He questioned, glaring down at the duo.

"W-We got l-lazy.." Chikita answered, not even bothering to lie. Arthur hummed. He then channeled another five percent of One For All into his right foot before sending it straight to Kumaki's face.

Completely blowing his head to smithereens. Chikita broke into tears, completely terrified of the young boy in front of her. She was only seventeen and obviously not ready to die.

Moving on to Rocko, he stared down at the man similar to Kumaki, but his eyes were empty the whole time. Not giving an ounce of pity, sympathy or anger. Just, serenity.

"Why'd you lie?" He asked, his curiosity killing him. He found no reason or connection to why Rocko lied, so it had to be something with Rocko's morality.

The man in question gulped for the thousandth time. "T-They were young.. H-Had plenty of life to live…" He reasoned, keeping his eyes on Arthurs black, bloody boot.

Glancing to his left, he spared a single second to see what was left of his companion, only to feel himself almost regurgitating his breakfast.

Kumakis headless body poured blood ceaselessly onto the concrete ground, his skull and brains mixed in with it.

Hearing the scaly mans words, Arthur tilted his head in confusion. "So that was reason enough to lie to my father?" At his declaration, the whole groups eyes widened. The ones that didn't figure it out before, finally did.

And with the select few who had already made the connection felt their hearts sink. By the looks of it, Arnold was creating a whole other monster aside from himself…

'I don't want to be here anymore…' Was a collective thought the group had shared, but too bad they were in too deep to even leave.

"N-No, I-" Arthur didn't give him a chance to finish. Gripping the man's face, he channeled five percent of One For All into his whole hand and popped Rocko's head.

Splattering his face, hair and jumpsuit with brains and blood.

Turning to Chikita, he didn't waste time. Already having heard enough from her, she shared the same fate as Rocko. Her last ever words pleading to God for him to save her life.

Grabbing a nearby, conveniently placed towel, Arthur wiped his face and hands before turning to his father. Looking up from where he stood, Arnold gave him a thumbs up. Though his eyes held a bit of something Arthur never expected.



Within a neatly furnished office room within the upper levels of Helios' underground facility, Arnold and Arthur sat in silence. The latter looked through some paperwork regarding the expenses they had used to order last night's shipment of drugs, and Arthur was sitting on his phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"Arthur, since you've been shadowing me for sometime now. I think you're ready for your first mission." Arthur perked up.

"Want me to get that shipment back?" He questioned, swinging his feet over the side of the couch to sit upright. Arnold nodded in affirmation.

"I already hand picked your team. Just two of them, they're capable. I think the group involved is the Meta Liberation Army. They've been around for a while, but we never crossed paths until now." He informed, leaning back in his chair as he eyed his son's stoic expression.

Arthur nodded, mulling the information over.

"And who are my companions? Do you have files?" Arnold slides open a drawer, after a while of flipping through some, he pulls out two files and tosses them over towards Arthur.

The latter immediately cracks them open and reads through them.

"Yugiri Rarazo.. Aka, Swordkil… Eh, alright. He'll be useful." Arthur comments through a murmur. Reading the rest of the information on Swordkil, he moves on to his other partner.

"Kiruka Hasaki, Aka, Slice… Oh~ Yeah, She'll be useful." Arthur comments, tossing both files back to his father. Standing up with a stretch, he heads towards the door.

"We'll leave later this evening. Closer to dark." Without giving his father a chance to say anything, he sighs. Going right back to setting up an event to find three capable fighters and villains.
