
Chapter 8: I don't swing that way.

"Damn...so many weird creatures here." Said Kai as he looked around. He saw some ghost like creature, a very small human with wings, a four eyes humanoid- many kinds of people that looks like an alien to him. He also sensed many 'beasts' when he looked around but he can't be bothered to make all of them his ally. Making allies has become Khun's work now so he will just go with him is he ever saw someone worthy to join them.

His handsomeness also caught some regulars looking at him with hearts in their eyes.

Keyword: Regulars. Indicating that even some men and aliens are looking at him with predatory eyes.

They are currently in a humongous waiting room that has a small stage in the center side. He is currently standing with Khun to his right who is also looking around and Rak in his left who is currently filling his huge mouth with chocolate bars.

When the test was finished, they just clinged on Rak as he tries to wag them off his body still demanding them to apologize to him. In the end, Khun bribed him with chocolate from his briefcase for him to stop. Kai thought that it will make him more enraged but he was shocked when he saw Rak asking for more. He looks at Khun giving him a thumbs up and saying good job as his first impression accuracy did its job again.

He is also munching the same chocolate by the way. When Khun released dozens of it, Kai asked what the heck is up with his briefcase as Khun answered that it can duplicate things and that he stole it from his dad's treasury. Hearing this, Kai had stars in his eyes as he also asked for chocolates. He also put robbing the 10 great family's treasury in his bucket lists.

Anyways, both Kai and Khun is thankful to chocolate-sama for making things much easier for them. If Khun didn't have chocolate-sama, the both of them would've needed to make Rak pass out which would've made things much worse once he wakes up. Glory to chocolate-sama.

"Race other than humans are probably weird to you since you are an 'it' but it's definitely normal to those who lives in the tower." Explained Khun.

Before they entered the room, Khun suggested Kai that they better make up a word to replace 'irregular' so that they can talk to each other normally even if there are people in their surroundings. Kai agreed but for a completely different reason from Khun's. While Khun suggested it so that they will not gather attention from dangerous individuals who hates irregulars, Kai on the other hand just wants to reveal it when he is already famous in the tower so that he can enjoy people's reactions.

Kai suggested the word 'impostor' first but Khun just deadpanned at him before he walks away and tells him that the word that they will replace it with is 'it'. He didn't even give Kai the chance to argue as he already walked inside the room.

As for Rak...well, he doesn't give a flying fuck about what the turtles are talking about. He just want to eat this food called chocolate as much as possible. The blue turtle's bag is really convenient for storing food. Maybe he will make him store the preys that he hunted in the future for emergency food.

They then stood there for a few minutes looking around and eating chocolate before they heard someone shouting with anger in his voice.

The three of them looked at where the voice came in synchrony.

The voice came from a tanned regular with spiky red hair and a severed right arm that is covered with white cloth. He currently is lifting someone up by their shirt with his left hand as he shouted at him angrily.

Meanwhile, the one he was shouting at was only looking at him nonchalantly as if his anger didn't even mattered to him. He is a boy with black spiky hair wearing a normal shirt and shorts. He is also holding a red needle with his right arm.

"You're the reason why my arm's like this!! How do you plan to repay it, huh!?" He shouted as he glared at the boy.

The boy was the reason why his arms was severed. The boy sneaked attack him while he is looking for an opponent in his area. After having his arm severed, he had no choice but to run away from him as he will surely be at a disadvantage in a fight with his arm missing.

Hearing him, the boy just spoke nonchalantly.

"Don't know. Maybe you should buy one and glue it on."

Hearing his sarcastic answer, his anger shot through the roof as he readies his needle.

"That's it! You are looking for a fight huh!? C'mon!!"

Meanwhile, Kai and Khun is just watching them like they are a bunch of clowns. Rak also continued with his chocolate eating spree.

After a few more seconds of the clowns having a verbal fight, Kai finally had enough of them as he looks at Khun with bored eyes and said...

"Hey khun~ make them shut up please. They are getting annoying to my ears now." Said Kai lazily before he continued munching chocolate again.

"Let them be. They will stop soon anyways." Said Khun as he played with a chocolate bar before he threw it in the air and caught it with his mouth.

Some regulars notice them happily eating as they tsk'd in annoyance.

A few more seconds of the clowns verbal fighting passed as the boy with severed arm finally hit his limit as he tried to swing his needle at the boy who was ready to block it.

When his sword was about to be swung towards the boy, a voice of a man was strangely able to stop it.

"Thought the announcement said no fighting during the break." The voice entered all the regular's ear as they all stopped what they are doing. Kai is obviously an exception, of course.

He just played with a chocolate bar as he balanced it on the black march's tip not caring that the regulars who got disturbed by his act is looking at him with annoyance. With the exception of those who fell in love with him at first sight, of course.

Take note that the black march is currently wrapped with white cloth for obvious reasons.

"Finally." Said Khun as he looked at where the voice came from as he tried to smack Kai's head to make him stop but Kai just dodged it as he continued his antics.

Feeling that Kai dodged his smack, he got irritated a bit before just ignoring him as he looked at the features of the man who stopped all the regulars (except Kai) from whatever they are doing.

The voice of the man came from on top of the stage.

The man has yellow hair and some kind of mole under both of his eyes. He is wearing a white lab coat with black trousers and gloves. Khun also noticed that he is quite tall. Probably around 2 meters in height.

(A/n: Can someone tell me what the heck's wrong with this dude's body in his first manhwa appearance.)

The man then spoke to the two who almost fought each other ignoring a certain red head regular who is now throwing multiple chocolates in the air as he catches all of it with his mouth.

"Do the rules seems like a joke to you, regulars?" Asked the man with a little strictness in his voice.

Hearing him and not knowing his place as a clown. The clown shouted at him.

"Who the hell are you to talk to me like that, you tall bastard!? You wanna die too!?" Shouted the clown before some kind of huge yellow bird with 4 eyes stopped him with sweat flowing down on his feathers.

"S-stop, man. He- he's probably-" he then got cut off by the man as he introduced his self.

"I am your test administrator- Lero ro." Introduced Lero ro.

Hearing his role, the clown immediately stops his anger as he started to shake from the information that he heard.

"Te-test administrator...meaning...a ra-ranker!?" Said the clown while stuttering.

Only rankers and above are allowed to be test administrators. That's why even a clown like him knows what consequences he will face if he dares to be rude infront of a test administrator.

"Indeed. I'm one of the tower's rankers." Answered Lero chad ro.

Hearing him, the clown immediately retreated from fear as his team mates chase after him.

Seeing the clown backing away, Lero ro just smirked and said...

"My my. That regular sure was noisy"

Meanwhile, Kai hearing the regulars talk about this man being a ranker and act as if he is some kind of Hollywood star interested him as he asked Khun.

"Hey, hey. Khun! What is with this ranker thingy for them to act like this?" Whispered Kai as he points at the regulars talking to each other with all their topic being how amazing a ranker is.

"Well, a ranker is someone who reached the highest floor currently. After reaching that floor, you will be branded as a ranker and will be respected by the regulars." Answered Khun.

"I see...so if I became a ranker, I will be a celebrity huh." Said Kai quietly as he also put becoming a ranker on his bucket list. His face obviously lighting up from the information.

He has only been in this tower for hours but he already have so many new goals and things he wants to do. His bucket list being filled made his mood better and better. He is sure that this tower will give him so much more excitement in his life and he sure is looking forward very much towards those.

Looking at Kai's lighting up, Khun had a small smile appear in his face before he turns towards the ranker again.

Rak also noticed the red turtle becoming happy from this little things as he became sure of his thoughts that this happy red turtle can be a genuine person.

Well, they can never be more right of what they thought. This enigmatic existence can be as pure and as genuine one can get. But despite of them being correct, they can also never be more wrong.

However, that information is for the future so we will end that right here.

Lero ro then spoke with volume.

"Alright! All the regulars! Please gather here and listen!" Said Lero ro as the regulars started gathering near the stage where is on.

"I will now explain the test! But before that- Let me introduce my self formally this time!"

He then put his hands to his chest as he introduces his self once again.

"I am the test administrator of the test here! Ranker lero ro! Please take care of me." He said with a smile.

Seeing his smile, the regulars of insignificance just got creeped out. (A/n: I wanna punch them so badly.)

Not minding the creeped out faces of the majority of the regulars, he then continues with enthusiasm in his voice.

"All of you probably had enough rest, right~? So let's move on to the next test!"

"But before that, I will give all of you a little test!"

"Just so you know, you will not be able to take the next test if you are not able to pass this little test of mine!"

Hearing him, the regulars got anxious since it's just like any other tests. Not passing means disqualification. They complained a little as Lero ro calms them down.

"Don't get too nervous since it's really just a simple test! Just~ relax~"

"And now, I will begin administering the test~ come here, come here!" He said as he gestured the regulars to come near him.

After they did what he said, a blue liquid like energy came out from his hand as it pushed them back away from him towards the other side of the room.

However, surprising everyone in the room, a handsome red head remained standing in the middle of the room while eating a chocolate nonchalantly. The wall of shinsu that Lero ro made also turned red which further added to the shock of everyone present in the room except Kai.


*Munch* "Munch* *Munch* *Burp*

After swallowing the last bit of chocolate, Kai just stared at Lero ro's shocked face nonchalantly with some bits of chocolate in his mouth.

After a few seconds passed of very awkward silence, Kai wiped his face with his sleeves before he spoke.

"Am I too handsome that even a male ranker falls in love with me? I'm glad that my handsomeness is for all genders and can even reach the feelings of someone at your level...but I sadly have to inform you that..."

He then bows lightly to show a little respect.

"I don't swing that way."


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