
Tower of god:Lord of Spirits(Rework)

Edit: MC is will be the younger brother of Bam,but he won't have memories of the past except some memories regarding to having read the tower of god throughout his dreams. Also there will only be 3 people will he be with for his partners any more would stretching it and making it feel rather plain. Wish fulfillment so don't come at me with the Grammer and stuff.Ideas are welcomed tho. I don't own tower of god or it's characters and I welcome any ideas that may be add spice to the story. Pic of characters are at Volume 0 of chapter Hope you enjoy it.

Tempest_5916 · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 Head to the tower

I was alone in a Abysmal cave,the only thing illuminating it was the ligth that seemed to fall down from a small crack above the cave where daylight came and left, yet I never felt lonely for I had my friends who they called themselves spirits and since they had no name I had decided in naming them Speaking of which since I had no company in this cave these past hours so decided to summon them in my mind.

"Red"(Fire type spirit)

"Blue"(Water type spirit)

"Green"(Earth type spirit)

"White"(Wind type spirit)

"Come forth all of you four!"

Red:"My lord do you which to talk about working out or have you finally decided to bully White?"

Blue : "...."

Green: "Shush you two! Can't you see that our poor Aether wants to say something to me!"

White : "Hate caves,but I like Lord Aether!"He had trouble speaking unlike Blue who simply didn't like to talk other than cuddle on my shoulder

Seeing them four bickering I inwardly smiled they were my company in this dark cave.Red made my day by cracking fiery joke,Blue was simply cute in his fox form,green was like a mother and White who looked like an eagle was the one who I couldn't but pity since he hated closed like spaces that didn't allow him to fly in this this lonesome cave where I spent most of my time summoning them or sleeping.Which the summoning was learnt instinctual it was pretty cool.

The thing with the summoning was they could only stay temporarily with me only by having a contract could they finally stay permanently by my side and there was large cool down when summoning even for trivial things.Sadly,thier was a requirement which was related the soul in where Green had advised me to not make a contract with any spirits above mid tier.

The only reason why I knew how to speak how to write was through my sleep,where I would dream of things like a kid that looked like me being taught by a blond girl,which by the way he never liked for some reason.She made me feel wary of her and worried for the boy that looked like me the boy looked like a puppy that went to each and every order of the girl.It was creepy in a way.

(Small time skip)

It had been a few days and weirdly today I seemed to be in a depressed mood.Even my four buddies weren't able to cheer me up.I just wanted to leave this place...

Why was I in this cave? I don't have any memories of it and why couldn't I leave like the others in my dreams.I wished to have an adventure I wished to make new friends,I wanted to have a rival.

No,I didn't just want that I simply wished I could decide my fate,in which I yelled in frustration.

Aether "Why! I want to leave,but I can't!Why am I here just to suffer in this damed place!Is this a joke to the one who left me here?Am I just some kind of toy that they can throw to thier content!Well screw you!"

My built up frustration had finally built up to it's peak and was finally flooding like a torrent of waves.I wished Red,Blue,Green and white could accompany me to such adventure but then again when would such thing happen?

Thinking of it I slowly walked up to my bed of rock and blankets made of thin vines weaved by green I slowly closed my eyes and slept.

It was then when everything would change as I was suddenly enveloped in a golden ligth.

This would be the story of a boy climbing the tower with his spirits this would lead to the story of the future Lord of Spirits Aether.

(Small time skip)

The ligth had finally vanished and I was in another place to my suprise and contentment.I was finally out of that damn cave.

I was in a large room that seemed to filled with mysterious figures on the walls.I couldn't help but look at the walls while looking at the 3 bloody red eyes on the walls.Turning around I later came to see a pale white humanoid figure walking slowly towards me.

Seeing this the humanoid like creature introduced itself, "My,My~Is this a second irregular? Amazing !the name is Headon I am the guardian of the first floor and you are an irregular,do you wish to climb the tower?"As he pointed with his staff to the ceiling which showed a rather interesting view of a tower of a purple ligth shining.

Normally,I would've been confused hadn't not been for the dreams I had experienced.That boy went through same thing!In which I nodded in a confidant manner.I wasn't going to let that shark looking like rabbit intimidate me.

Headon: "Alrigth,May the test begin!The test is defeating the white armored eel."

In which he pointed at the giant eel which later gave a roar as if to intimidate.


Weirdly,I wasn't afraid of the eel I felt like Red was more intimidating as his form was of a burning skeleton.However before I charged in,I was bonked bye an object in which I turned around looking at a girl with pitch black hair in a white formal dress.To put it simply she was beautifull.(Search her name up if you want to know how she looks like.)

Girl:You! What are you doing without a weapon how the heck are you going to face the eel with that small body?I don't have any good weapon you use your too small...

In which I responded silently with a nod while ignoring her words about bieng small.

Girl : "So you can actually understand me?Phew!To be honest I gave the last one to a kid that looks like you but a bit older.I should've waited for you,your so much cuter!The name is Yuri,but seriously how are you four to figtht the eel?"I'm which she pinched my cheeks lightly.

(Author: Better to think it that way fellow readers....)

Hearing her say that I blushed, I mean can you blame me this was my first interaction with another person aside my fellow spirits that called me my lord and all adding to it bieng one of the girls who would help the boy climb the tower.Putting aside that I came to consider her question on the way to defeat the eel which was simple summoning Red,Blue and White.Green wouldn't be able to help that much due to supportive abilities that only healed for the most part and the creature was to big to be restrained and killed.

Seeing her waiting for my response,I responded quickly.

Aether :"Well I've got an ability to summon some friends that can help me you shouldn't worry.Besides Headon seems rather impatient for me to start."

Yuri : "Well then here for good luck~hugs*Ah!Your so cute when you blush don't you dare die on me."

To be honest getting huged all the sudden was unexpected ,but since I didn't want to show my flustered look I headed towards the eel at a fast pace and finally crossed the small boundary line to enter the test.

Aether : I'm sorry bud if I take my some if my cough*Built up frustration."

Aether : "Red,Blue and White Come forth and join me on the battlefield. "


Red : "It finally time to set my heart ablaaaaaaaaze!"

White : "Were finally out of the stinky cave master!"

Blue : "You word is my command."(Blue finally spoke!)

Their forms had changed a bit Red was now a Skelton filled with falling armor and a sword that had somewhat green flames,blue was not the small cute blue fox,but a 6'feet tall fox that gave a dignified aura and lastly wind was a silver white eagle that had a huge wing span of 14 ft and claws that seemed way more deadly that the teeth of the eel.

Seeing this I grinned,this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

Aether : "Blue restrain the eel bye using your water abilities to pressure it!Red stab it eyes and stomach and any spot soft enough to cut through!Lastly,White coat your wings in you Elemental energy and strike at him whenever blue seems to loose hold of!"These were the only things that came up to my mind as I felt like the eel wasn't going to be a match for three recently evolved Mid tier spirits.They had evolved due to having been named.

The eel struggled as it was bit by Blue who was holding it and when it landed a blow on Blue's head it did nothing after all they were spirits.The only way to kill them was by killing thr summoner which I had come to know from green.

The eel desperately tried to escape while looking at other directions to escape was interrupted once more by Red who had slashed at both of it eyes making screech in pain.It was a safe sure strategy especially with white making sure it didn't have a chance of a counter attack with him spending sound waves stunning it.

It was a strategy that came with tiring our the poor eel.Red had blinded the eel and had managed through all it effort in cutting it's tail making it lose most of it's mobility.Blue in the battle of wrestling the eel had managed to supress it quite well only letting it go 3 times in which White was there to stunn it.And the finishing blow was where Red just entered the stomach of the eel and burnt it frome the inside and where it screamed in pain.



It was quite funny seeing the faces of Yuri bieng suprised and Headon bieng seemingly disturbed.It would've been even funnier had it not been for the backlash happening to all my body rigth now.I was experiencing around 1% of the beating that Blue and Red had received and it was honestly not welcoming.Spirits didn't need shinsu or anything to use their abilities, but in return the spirit contracter or summoner would experience a random backlash.From mental or physical pain or supposedly even bad luck which green said was rare.

Yet,I had no time to worry about that as I had been suddenly enveloped in ligrh shortly disappearing before I could say my farewells to Yuri and Headon.

It would surely be a long journey.


So what do you think about the chapter did you guys like it?

Also comment on ideas that you can give regarding the spirits regarding to powers and all.

Any way if you can put some powerstone to support this.