
Touhou Project : Destiny of the human in Gensokyo

We follow the story of a man forcibly taken by Yukari to Gensokyo. This one between dangers and survival must discover the reason while facing yokais, deities, and other beings mostly powerful or even hostile. He will make as many allies as enemies. What will he have left at the end of the road? What will he win or lose? Follow the story of a man of faith whose certain things sometimes conflict with it. Step into this breach! --------------------------------------- Universe created by Zun. Thanks to him for giving a lot of freedom to his fans.

Croix09Lotus · Otras
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17 Chs

Tournament of Dreams - part 1

I hate control and most of all I hate submitting to it.  First my parents, then the school, then my teacher, finally Yukari.  These four bands ruined my life even if they brought me something very important for me.  I do not accept any human or spirit control over my life.  I refuse in the name of Jesus Christ!  When I wake up, the house - even the prison - of Yukari explodes, the same for his barrier.

"Hahahahahaha!  You think you can lock me in such an insignificant prison, well you're wrong because I'm going to escape and find a way back to my world!  And for that, I will wait for the slightest opportunity to jump on it."

I fly - shrouded in light energy - up to several miles from my cell.  I pass a tengu on the way, when - suddenly - a spaceship appears in front of me.  The good news is that I remain clothed, but the bad news remains that I no longer have my swords.  Too bad, because - after all - it also remains a weakness to cling to one's past.  Once inside, I notice that no one is there, until the lights come on, proving me wrong.  There's Reimu, Marisa, and a few people.  I see - on a desk - a woman dressed in red, accompanied by a young girl in sailor's clothes.  She gives a speech:

"People of Gensokyo!  My name is Yumemi and I came back to reorganize a tournament and not just any tournament!  This is the tournament of dreams!  With the support of the sages of Gensokyo, I have returned to offer you everything you dream of.  In exchange, I want a good fight during which I can collect data on you for my work nothing more.  Are you ready?"

!  Howls of acceptance!

I fear this is a trap.  I will have to find out more about this.  However, this Yumemi has been staring at me for a while now.  By reflex, I advance towards her that she announces to me in front of everyone.

"And here is a very special candidate!  He comes from the outside world, was sent to Gensokyo by one of the sages, then trained by another of the stages.  His participation could be a problem, right?  Well, not at all !  In view of his power: Anyone who manages to beat him no matter what stage you are at, you will win the tournament.  It's clear ?  Have fun !"

I avoid the looks that land on me, coming up to her when I see behind the red violet who greets me.  I therefore understand that the person responsible for this masquerade is the one I considered my childhood friend.  Reimu and Marisa are in shock, especially in view of what I'm going to say:

"I will defeat you all so go home."

I immediately leave the room to go to a dormitory where I can be alone.  I bet they are all yelling at the two concerned whose slogan I can already imagine:

"We'll make you bite the dust."

So much the better because I'm getting tired of seeing the humans of Gensokyo being so weak.  In life, you have to toughen up even if you become hard as a stone.  Finally, it becomes more of a shell that I put back in order to put in place the first phase of my plan: Become an obstacle in order to carry out a natural selection of troops.  I - to do this - need people, not only stronger, but especially useful that this madwoman is not going to manipulate so quickly.  Speaking of the wolf, she comes with a Yumemi who shakes my hand then shakes it more frantically.

"Cheer !  Cheer !  You are ideal for playing the end-of-level bosses!  I'm Yumemi but you already know that.  Finally, I need you so that everyone can give their best.  Are you ready to help me?"

"Naturally.  I am often ready to help.  On the other hand, I propose that I do not fight in the first round to observe my future opponents."

- How many are they ?

- 62 attendees.  For a second edition it's huge.  Strangely, Mima is not there this time.

- That's because I sealed it.

- I understand better.

There are three humans and a pothergeist in the lot.  There is also my cousin in the lot, then Meira, Rika, Suika, but not Yuugi.  Kasen is also not there... Well, I notice Reimu number 2 and a servant in the lot.  There are a lot of humans than yokai though, and a few fairies, one of which creates ice.  We are in the stands, and it is Chiyuri, Yumemi's assistant who will act as referee.  There are two rules: classic fights or spell cards.  Both fighters must agree.  As for me, everyone fights me in a classic fight, since I don't know what the spell card rule is.  One of the fights particularly interests me: My cousin against a yokai exterminator.  Even though I have beaten her several times, she is not left out.  On the other hand, she still wears her mask;  which confuses me a bit.  The match begins under the standard fight rule.  The first blows exchanged are quite strong or even violent on both sides.  Let's not forget that she still attacked my human village.  I wonder what they are saying to each other, when suddenly she knocks out her opponent with her touch.

- Yakumo Mei wins.  Congratulations, you have qualified for the second round.

I finally know your name Mei.  On the other hand, I wonder why she just wears a mask.  The other fights are linked even if all those that I know qualify in a broader way.

- The preliminaries are over and here are 31 qualified participants.  The first round begins now!  Who will face the great Yakumo Kenpyri?  Yumemi announcement.

Chiyuri takes an urn let's go from 2 to 31. So my number is 1;  which remains symbolic.  Each of the participants will try to draw the correct number.  However, there is a catch for them.

- You made sure they didn't know my name, right?  I deduce.

- You understand quickly.  Better to leave it up to surprise to make it even more exciting.

- On the other hand, I don't have an advantage either because I won't know my opponents in advance.

It is clear that she did not come up with this idea on her own.  Yukari, and Kasen had to help him, especially for me.  I will ask him.

- So, who will face me first?

- That would be Yakumo Mei.

I was sure of it !  This one shows me the number 2 of her ball.  Without wasting time, I go down to her facing her.  I'm dying to fight now.

- Try to show all your power this time!  Your goal is in front of you.

- The farm !  Through the fault of the parallel branch I lost almost all my family.  Your ancestor even killed mine.  And even if it looks like you suffered, and I doubt you did, you have to pay for their mistake.

She takes off her mask and I can finally see her beautiful face as well as her red eyes and long purple hair.  Determined, she says:

- So give it your all because I'm going to beat you!

On these words, she puts her talisman on my forehead, then several electric field immobilizes.  Alas for her, I free myself with ease.  But this is a diversion to walk away and recite an incantation.  I then use ranged hermit arts on her chest propelling her against a wall so that she spits blood, then bleeds from the face.  However, I continue again and again so that her upper limbs also bleed and she cries out in pain and suffering even louder.  Afterwards, I create two metals at the feet and at the hands then immobilize them from my disposition.  Then, with a wave of my hand, I create a whip that I control remotely.  Mei's eyes widen in terror.  Yet I don't see why.  We are in a fight, during which we must give our all.  In this specific case, I will put all my technical power.  I ignore the noise of some, then silence the others.

!  1 shot!  2 shots!  3 shots!  4 shots!  5 shots!  6 shots!  7 shots!  8 shots!  9 shots!  10 shots!  11 shots!  12 shots!  13 shots!  14 shots!  15 shots!  16 shots!

I continue until 103 lashes.  Finally, I'm about to create another technique, this time from the Yakumo style.  The Yakumo style is the set of techniques is the set of moves, abilities and techniques created by the first member of the Yakumo who was born in 323 but where I knew she was lying and Meira was wrong it  is that Ishiraiki was not born on that date.  In addition, I learned in the meantime the true age of Yukari.  At the same time lord, I'm sorry I got it wrong, so I gave it 500 more years.  And a big clue that I didn't understand at the time: a human was born at the same time as a yokai in the year 820.

- You're not really my cousin, are you?  You got tricked by a clan attached to mine and pretended to be a member of the main branch.  So you're not my cousin but a girl who's been conditioned to kill me.

- Yes... You guessed it.  And everything I said to Meira was wrong....

She spits more blood but that's not all.  Her purple hair turns brown again and the red lenses eventually fall out showing us beautiful brown eyes.  The whole room is surprised, everyone except Yukari and me.

- In truth it is my superiors from the outside world who told me all this... In fact, I didn't really want to kill you, but a woman asked me to continue to play the game and that if I win against  you, I could make a wish...

She couldn't keep up this pace any longer.  I release her and catch her just in time, not without telling her:

- Forgive me !  I didn't go out of hand.

- No, it's not your fault... You just defended yourself.  It's me who's sorry.  I forfeit!

Thus ends the first round with a hug: a very moving moment.

[ The first round ends with a landslide victory for Ishiha Kenpyri as well as the acquisition of a new servant, namely Mei. Her mission is to take care of Sariel after being treated. After that he decides to go and rest in his room in view of the second round. Except that Yukari is waiting for him there. ]

Alright! I don't expect her to greet me kindly. So, I intend to play it smart.

"Hi ! How did you find my plan for..."

Without me noticing, she lands a nasty blow on my face, to the point where I lose my balance and then fall on my ass, wanting to retaliate. My cheek swells painfully to the point where I have to gently massage it. I close my eyes, breathing as best I can, then try to look her in the face, when she finds herself very close to me, grabbing me by the chin, forcing me to look her straight in my eyes.

"Are you happy to have destroyed my house?" She asks me seriously.

It's the third time I've met his murderous gaze, ready to take my life if I do something wrong. My lips almost bite but I end up answering him:

"No, and I apologize as a bonus for that. It wasn't the best solution."

Her annoyance disappears for her to rejoice before healing the mark on my cheek. And the strangest thing is that she hums the same melody as in our childhood. Even if I can regenerate myself, she continues to do this herself; thing she must not do with Reimu, and the others.

"Why... Why are you taking so much care of me?"

This gesture reminds me of when I asked him the question. It got me a straight like this. Now she replies:

"Pyri, is there a specific reason for me not to?'

Finding nothing to answer, I remain silent as at the time. Immediately, she gets up, while whispering in my ears:

"If you win this tournament, make the wish of the mountain. I will explain everything to you. You trust me, don't you?"

Right now, I'm not even sure I trust you, oh no more. And then, do I really have a choice?

You always have a choice. And I can help you.

I'm listening to you !


My second opponent is already in the arena. She's been drinking for ages it seems!

"Hey Suika! Let's give them a good show!"

She smiles then answers with joke:

"Hello and you too! I can't wait to see how far you have progressed!"

We bang our fists together so that a barrier is created around us preventing anyone from approaching. It doesn't stop there; each kick and punch carried on the other creates several waves of shocks which make the earth tremble. That's wonderful ! I missed this session in old hell!

"Hahahahahaha! You are too strong Suika! I'm glad to see you haven't lost anything!"

"You also. However, I don't see your katanas. When are you taking them out?"

"Well, I lost to Yukari and she broke them. But that won't stop me from beating you!"

""You are confident I like that! However, I will not give you a gift!"

Phew! On the other hand, it begins to take ground. This onii has a brute force if ... We will have to send heavy and for that. I think I have an idea. I take her by the horns, then start a game that I used to do with Yu, namely spinning with a person then sending him waltzing against a wall.

"Yeah ! It worked !"

Well done, but don't rejoice too quickly! Indeed, you have to stay focused and find another flaw to beat her.

He is right. According to my calculations, it will go into colossal titan mode. Already the ground is shaking. She is already getting up the bugger. I prepare the counter-attack except that the irons and whips will not work this time, not to mention the shock waves.

"You're going to be boiled, Ishiha Kenpyri!"

Wow ! My God, she's pissed! I must flee since if... No! I must not run away. I believe in you and I know you will do something so on my side, I put myself in a prayer position with my rosary. Pay no more attention to everything around, I find myself in a soothing place. A white dove faces me then takes the form of a handsome young man whose heart is however bruised. The tears start to flow. In truth, if his heart is dying it is because of us, our sins, mine..

"It's you !"

He smiles at me. In fact, it's much better than that. Come on let's get up and push the fist of this onii with all the might. Awesome ! She seems to weigh like a feather despite her size, as if I can lift her and throw her away. But yes, I can.

"Ready for a Suika glide? Because I'm going to win!"

"You do not..."

Before she finishes her sentence, she flies up to the sky, piercing the roof as she goes. wow! Thank you so much ! Thank God, I have arrived! It's a miracle !


Ah good ?

Your faith has saved you, that's all.

My faith? But of course ! What Yukari is actually looking for is my faith and I've always had it in me. I smile while looking at the sky, under the applause of the crowd which congratulates me. Chiyuri now announces the end of the fight, just as amazed:

"The winner is Yakumo Kenpyri."

Thank you very much my God. It is thanks to you that I have come to this. But right after, I passed out with a smile on my face. Decidedly, she did not go with dead hands our Suika. I almost collapse on the stage but I go into a breach then land on Yukari's feet who gives me a happy smile not without saying to me:

"You finally understood, Silly Kenpyri~"

The day after.

"A fool you say?  Let's just say your clues seem pretty non-existent."

"Come on, you know you don't need it~ Besides, enjoy the fact that I'm proud of you."

"I owe it to God, not to myself, Yu."

"Always so modest, although despite all that I make you suffer, you always stay with me.  I should treat you better and that way more than I do right now."

"And what are you going to do exactly?"

"Close your eyes and you will see~"

If you're wondering why we end up sharing the same bed, well it's still because we spent the night together.  Nothing serious because almost nothing happened.  Finally, just his lips which have just joined mine, without the possibility of resisting him.  On the other hand, Yukari, don't think I've forgotten my goal, especially since we're getting closer and closer to each other.  The third round would take place this afternoon, until then, the yokai of the breaches keeps me close while titillating me as usual.  And this time, I respond by kissing her gently on the forehead.  She blushed but smiled while resting her lips on mine, then stuck to her.  That's why I start brushing against her skin, letting her do it for the first time in my life.  It's so nice when they come together, to the point where a second becomes an eternity.  She only stops to breathe.  By reflex, I touch my mouth, then blushed immediately.  She really just kissed me?  I got Yukari's kiss?  Yakumo Yukari?  My best friend but above all

... It's time to tell him:



"You were right.  I'm stupid."

"And why that ?"

"Because if I saw that one of your twisted plans, it was actually something else that you wanted to show me."

I look away then remember the thousands of letters I wrote for them until the day she disappeared.  I put my hands on her cheeks;  which surprises her to the point where she wonders:

"Pyri, are you sure everything is fine?"

It is time.

"I'm in love with you but I was afraid to tell you because since my mother died,..."

.... I have developed romantic feelings for middle-aged women.  Knowing that this kind of thing remains taboo in my country, it will remain only a fantasy.

"Do you fantasize about old witches now?  That's very ugly~"

"It's not funny... You know..."

"If it is, since you wonder if I would still love you if you knew."

"But also if I will be able to love you by knowing your true age.  I don't want to love you just for that."

"Is that the case ?"

"No !"

I just shout without knowing it then declare determined.

"17 or 1200 years old, border yokais, I don't care.  Because I love you with a capital L."

I smile at her, and head into the shower, leaving Yukari speechless.  A victory to win given that - thank God - I know how to do it.

"The third round will now begin.  On my right, the champion of Yakumo Yukari and Yumemi, Yakumo Kenpyri."

I beat Mei in the first round then Suika in the second.  More than facing my third opponent.  On the other hand... But it's Rika and her Devil Eye Sigma!

"To my left, the tank-loving engineer who beat his opponents in turn.  Rika!"

The fight is already starting.  I'm already about to send a shock wave on her.  However, she dodges and then rushes at me.  I dodge at the last moment, although I lose a leg in the process.  For now, I'm stopping the bleeding from the wound.  She begins to laugh:

"So how do we find my new toy?  I named it Devil Eye Sigma 2.0.  Hey but I notice you don't have your swords.  Damage !"

It is true that I no longer have my weapons but if she thinks that will be enough to defeat me.  I join my hands then fill them with energy of such spells that once separated, two blades are created there.  Once done, I regenerate the cut part.  In my training with Kasen, I was able to cut a mountain with this.  Now here's what I'm going to do with the steel.  Rika, shoot to seriously shoot me down.  At the same time... No, I must not lose!  I see the incoming bullets then dodge them to the nearest millimeter while attacking him with several mini shots, which - at first sight - will do him nothing.  Once done, I back up to the edge of the arena, then deactivate my blades.

"Have you finally understood?  My baby is much more powerful for you."

"You're right.  And before you beat me, can you tell me your wish?"

"Hmmmmmmm I want to be able to create more tanks."

!  Amazement!

I laugh heartily while smiling at him:

"You have a beautiful dream that resembles you.  Cheer !  Now I'm ready!"

I do the position of the Christian cross with my eyes closed letting things happen.  I hear the sound of a loaded cannon, followed suddenly by a huge explosion.  So, when I open my eyes, his machine is destroyed and Rika, all stained, has passed out, out of the arena.  The referee finally announces:

"The fight is over!  Yakumo Kenpyri wins the fight."

"Well done Yakumo!  You are the strongest!"

"Show them what you are capable of!"

"You are the representative of all the men of Gensokyo!  Yakumo!  Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!Yakumo!"

Needless to say, celebrity is very confusing.  Reimu, and Marisa would do better than me I think.  Speaking of which, I should watch their fight to see who I'm up against in the semi-finals.  But that's without counting on a hand that comes out of a ...