
Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines!

Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines! is just what it sounds like. It’s my story, but it’s basically the unedited drafts of it which will come out much quicker. While I can’t guarantee the main elements won’t be changed from this version to that one, I will say I’ll try my best on both! Now on to our synopsis! Our unlucky protagonist wakes up to find himself in a cage with his keepers speaking a language he can’t understand. He looks around to see other people in cages with some nonhuman characteristics, and it makes him question if he’s in a dream, but soon that idea will be shattered. This novel is still in its early stages, so make sure to be kind and if you want to chill, get alerted when the novel gets updated, and get earlier versions and releases, join the discord! ---> https://discord.gg/NYSDfRnnzK

ThatDragonFly · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 20 Unedited

My eyes shoot open as I feel my stomach churns and my head hurts. Immediately, I hang my head over the edge of the couch to release everything that was in my stomach from the night before, and the regret of drinking settles in.

For a couple of seconds, I take a couple of deep breaths until suddenly I feel a warm hand on my back and "Did you get it all out, sweetie?" fills my ears. With a disgusting swallow, I meekly mutter, "I think so…"

While trying to get up, I say "Just get me some stuff to clean it and I'll get it taken care of." but Ava quickly responds "No I'll get it taken care of but before that let me get you a glass of water." While trying to make me lie back down. The jerking motion of being forced back down makes my stomach twist as I heave. Before I actually throw up, I hear "Nope, not again!" then a chant 『شفاء طفيف Minor Heal!』

Suddenly, I feel my hangover fade quickly, as well as the immediate feeling of throwing up. Looking over while mumbling thanks as I see Sarah standing in the doorway.

Oh, I guess it wasn't Ava casting that spell. 

"You should be a bit better now besides being dehydrated, but that glass of water might take a minute since Ava realized we are out of fresh drinking water."

Confused, I ask "Out of drinking water?"

"Well, you can't really drink water created from magic. It's good for cleaning and bathrooms, but if you drink it, you'll gain nothing."

All I could respond with is "Oh, ok."

"Anyway, after you get some water and wake up, I think it would be good if I help you learn a basic spell or something before we go out on a job." 

Thinking back on how I had to rely on the artifact and how I had to gamble with it to get out of the slave camp. So quickly I say "Yeah that's a great idea!" excitedly while looking at the mark left behind by the artifact.

On that thought Ava walks back in with my glass of water saying "Sorry that took a minute." When she hands me the tall glass, I down most of it in the couple of seconds after saying thanks. 

I'm pretty sure this frail body probably shouldn't have drank that much last night without real hydration, but whatever.

With a deep breath, I get up and stretch slightly, which causes my bones to pop. It feels nice. Then I say "After I get out of the bathroom we can do that Sarah." 

After cleaning myself up a bit in the sink, I make my way back to Sarah and she takes me down to their basement. After quite a few steps, I find myself in a room that is huge for being under a house in the slums, and it's also a surprisingly bright room for being underground.

Once she stops now that we are far from the entrance, Ava's already down here. Sarah then does a few exaggerated stretches and says, "Your first step is to land a single hit on me with what you know right now."

Instantly I retort "Uh, I know nothing and I don't even have a weapon." 

With a grin, Sarah fiddles with the ring on her right pointer finger and all around us, swords appear. Then she tells me, "Start whenever you are ready."

Well, that gives no room for no. So I pick up one of the swords and its weight alone makes me realize that this body is in worse shape than I thought. With a sigh, I dash towards her and she dodges all of my sloppy and slow swings.

She doesn't really hit me hard back besides stepping in to jab my openings between attacks. After a couple times with the same results, she asks "Is this really all you learned so far?"

I think to myself, "No, I just won't try to activate that again…" but don't voice that. Instead, I just try to keep attacking wildly since I don't even know how to use a sword. 

After a couple of slashes I go for an overhead one and as soon as I do she smacks the bottom of the sword with her palm, sending it flying out of my hands. 

Author's note: Hope you enjoyed!