
Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines!

Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines! is just what it sounds like. It’s my story, but it’s basically the unedited drafts of it which will come out much quicker. While I can’t guarantee the main elements won’t be changed from this version to that one, I will say I’ll try my best on both! Now on to our synopsis! Our unlucky protagonist wakes up to find himself in a cage with his keepers speaking a language he can’t understand. He looks around to see other people in cages with some nonhuman characteristics, and it makes him question if he’s in a dream, but soon that idea will be shattered. This novel is still in its early stages, so make sure to be kind and if you want to chill, get alerted when the novel gets updated, and get earlier versions and releases, join the discord! ---> https://discord.gg/NYSDfRnnzK

ThatDragonFly · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 11 Unedited

Feeling the hot water on my back and watching the filth go down the drain essentially recharges my battery. Actually, I can compare it more to coming back from the dead… Alright, that might not be the right wording after all. On a different note, I found they only have a bar of soap, so I'm going to assume shampoo isn't a thing yet or I'm blind. After lathering and rinsing over a dozen times, as well as running water through my hair and some soap, I rub into my scalp, hoping it's better than nothing.

The water felt great but I couldn't stay in here forever and I know Ava definitely wants one too, so I get out finally and dry myself off. Since I don't have a change of clothes yet from Ava, I just wrap the towel around myself. Then I grab my things and head into the kitchen, where both of them are waiting. Sarah asks "Do you want booze or tea?" as soon as they spot me.

Even if something to take the edge off would be nice, I probably should be sober for a little bit before I get too comfortable. So I tell her "Tea would be nice. Thanks." after pouring the cup she simply asks "Honey?"

So I give a simple response of "Sure!" but it probably oozes with excitement since it'll definitely be the first semblance of having something tasty. Ava takes my tea from Sarah then places it on the table in front of me. She then says "You don't need these anymore." while taking my slave clothes out of my hands.

Which left me wondering if they found clothes I can wear but that thought soon gets dismissed as soon as Ava then gives me some clothes. I head back into the bathroom to change. The clothes are pretty simple, the pants are similar to sweatpants and the shirt is like a robe. 

Once I reemerge from the bathroom, Sarah gives me a pair of sandals so I'm not walking around barefoot. My first sip of the tea is heavenly. The honey made what I assume used to be bitter tea into a sweet treat. Of course, that's just an assumption it could've just been a natural sweet tea.

Soon after taking the first couple sips, what I believe to be an omelette is placed in front of me. When I take my first bite it feels like I took a bite out of heaven and I'm pretty sure Sarah picked up on that because now she looks pleased with herself now.

I guess I'm comfortable, clean, and eating now so we can talk about whatever they want now. So I pull out my card and place it on the table. Sarah mumbles "The Hanged Man…" 

"So you wanted to know where I got this?"

They both nod their heads, so I continue to say, "It's not some big secret or anything. While we were still in the cells, some lady came and asked about my surname, then gave it to me and left."

A surprised look appears on Ava's face but Sarah still has a poker face and asks, "So what's your surname? Are you a part of some noble clan?" 

I probably should have at the very least tried to keep the thing about my last name under wraps, just in case my body's family were terrible people. Especially the fact this body's old owner used to be a soon-to-be slave. Well now, it's unavoidable, so I just quickly say, "I don't know about nobility and I only just learned my surname is Davidson recently."

I see gears turning in Sarah's head, but Ava's face has turned from surprised to shocked. Sarah quietly says "Um, Eric, with your high mana purity, the artifact, and name. There is little doubt that you are the last son of our previous emperor…"

My thoughts get pulled every which way, but the main one is my new body was born into power. Then that is overshadowed by the fact I almost became a slave to someone or fight in their colosseum. 


Why would they put the emperor's son up for sale? Was it because they didn't want someone to succeed his dad? Then why would they help me by giving me this card?

Wait a minute, previous? "What do you mean by previous? I didn't even know I had a family." escapes my lips as my mind still is trying to go over all the scenarios in my head.

"Well, the last war this country had was quite the bloodbath, even if we won. We lost the Emperor, and we thought his three sons died with him, but here you are."

A sigh escapes my lips as I try to process what's going on. And one question pops into my head, so I ask Sarah, "Who is running the country then?"

"Renna Davidson."

Author's note: Hope all of you enjoyed the chapter! :D