
Torrhen Stark - The Black Wolf

Torrhen Stark, twin brother of Robb Stark must face both real and supernatural enemies that will do anything to hurt his family to gain what they want. With the threat of the white walkers that can attack the north any time, the seven kingdoms erupt into war. He must do everything to get the North out of the war in the south to focus on the threat beyond the wall. But can he protect his family from the dangers they face without sacrificing himself in the process. Currently on hiatus: I have internals, project work, notes submission, and finals to prepare for, so sorry guys i won't be able to upload new chapters for some time.

Hugh_Starling · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

Author's Note

 Hello guys I am an aspiring author who wants to one day publish my own original works. I want to improve my craft so that my readers will appreciate their time spent. Until that day comes when I am good enough I will be keep on posting chapters for this project, a chapter for every three days minimum as I want to get into the habit of producing decent quality writing with a consistent output.

If you want to provide help in improving this fan fic or want to send your opinions to me, comment or reach out to me at my 

Email: hughstarlingauthor@gmail.com

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HughStarling/hot/

Happy reading you all.

I will try to keep my writing worthy of 4 stars