
Chapter 1

I furrowed my eyebrows as a ray of sunlight passed between the curtains, hitting on my face.

"Hikky! Wake up princess it's time for school" Dad's voice sounded loudly in my ears.

"Pleeeasee give me a minute more" I pleaded, pushing my face into the pillow.

" You're going to be late on your first day" He pulled the sheets off me "Wake up"


"Yes, princess?" He chuckled. He knew I hate falling asleep without a blanket over me. Dad jumped onto the bed tickling me.

I burst out into a loud, outrageous giggle " st-sto-stop"

"Are you going to wake up or not?" he continued to tickle me.

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up" I said, throwing myself off the bed, landing with a loud thud.

"Good. Your Mom is making breakfast so be fast. I'll be dropping you off"

I stopped moving " Why is that? I have a car"

" I know that but I need to see if the place is trustworthy"

" So paranoid for what?"

"Its for your own interest, hurry up" He got off the bed and walked out. Politely closing the door.

Today is my first day in the new school. We moved out of the neighborhood I grew up in and made a lot of memories at. I don't know why the change occurred but what I sure know is that, I couldn't wait to complete high school so I could sleep in all day.

I hurriedly fixed my bed and dashed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, bath and went to my closet.

It's the size of my room and was filled with all types of garments. I removed the uniform from the hanger and put it on.

It was a little short so I wore long socks that reached my knee.

'Damn you look hot asf'

" Hikkyyyyy" My mom's voice rang through the speaker on my dresser.

"I'm coming, I'm coming"

I went downstairs after putting on my shoe. The nice aroma of the food made my stomach growl.

"This looks tasty," I said as I hugged mom from behind. She was already dressed for work.

" Good Morning, Mrs. Thomson" I dramatically bowed

"Good morning Miss. Thomson" she laughed.

A plate of toasted bread with eggs and juice was placed in front of me " Hmm, yummy"

We all ate and walked out. Mom took a Benz and dad and I went with a Ferrari.

"Put your seatbelt on," He said when he noticed I didn't have it on.

"Yes sir"

I was nervously going through my phone. Changing schools meant having to get along with new people and my social anxiety was about to explode. I left all my friends back in my old school.

They were easy to get along with, who knows if these are also going to be friendly.

"We are here" Dad's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He looked at me seriously " You can do it!"

I nodded confidently and said my goodbye. The school was huge. Students were hanging with each other. They all started to run when the bell rang and so did I.

I first had to stop at the principal's office for my timetable. There was no one in the hallway when I got there. It seemed they all went to class.

I walked down the hallway directionlessly.

After moving around for 30 good minutes I heard voices behind me. I turned around and we came face to face with each other.

They stopped when they saw me. One looked like an Indian... Maybe Arab? I don't know.

The other girl was clearly an Asian.

I was about to ask for directions when the Arab- Indian girl started eyeing me.

"Why are you blocking my path? Move". She said in an authoritative tone.

" Umm... I need help finding the principal's office. Can you help me out?"

She looked at me like I just said a joke " You want Me...to show You...the principal's office?"

"Yes, please... That's if you're okay with it" I said uneasily.

" She needs direction to the office Cassandra," she said to the Asian girl smiling.

Cassandra also smiled " Sure, let's take her there"

" Oh My God, thank you guys so much" I said happily.

They walked in front and I followed behind.

We walked for approximately 8 minutes before coming to a stop in front of a door "Get in. The assistant will take you to the principal" Cassandra said.

"Thank you guys soo much. I appreciate it"

" It's nothing much," the Arabian girl said " Anyway I'm Lia and this is Cassandra. We're on the cheerleading team" she took her hand out for a shake.

I reciprocated and introduced myself "I'm Hikky. Nice to meet you"

She smiled. " Likewise Hikky... Likewise. We won't keep you any longer. See ya" They waved at me and walked away.

"They're so sweet," I said in my head.

I turned the door handle and entered, making sure to close the door gently.

The room turned out silent... there was no light and everywhere was dark. I wondered to myself if there was another room after this one since the girls seemed so sure they brought me to the right room.

I walked deeper into the deem darkness cursing to myself. An object hit my toe.. or should I say my toe hit an object. I bend down trying to figure out what the thing was with my hands.

It was a hard, unmovable rock that refused to move after pushing it with all my strength. I decided to go back but noticed the door was locked. I began to panick.

Did someone mistakenly lock the door thinking no one was inside?

I pushed at it but nothing happened. I began calling out for help yet nothing happened. I heard footsteps coming from my back. I was scared!

The steps got nearer and near with every passing second.