
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

FletchB · Fantasía
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43 Chs

The Courage of The Marooned

[Attention: Health restoration complete!]

[User is now in optimal state, maintaining prior activity]

[In response to your prolonged inactivity, the system has triggered the passive ability [Constant Hybrid Regeneration] to fully replenish your health and your mana]

[The user is about to regain consciousness in 3 seconds]





In a mysterious and dark dungeon, there was a captivating sight: a floor that glowed with a beautiful cyan light. The entire floor was covered in cyan moss and luminous mushrooms, creating a fantastical scene. This natural illumination hinted that this enchanting growth might extend even deeper into the depths of the dungeon.

In a certain spot, there was a young man lying on the floor. He seemed to be unconscious, his clothes torn and disheveled, giving him a rough appearance. Despite his rough condition, he was still breathing, showing signs of life.

This young man, who seemed to be Yuichi, gradually started to wake up. His brows twitched slightly, and then he took a faint breath. Slowly, he opened his eyes, revealing an unusual shade of green pupils.

'What happened?...' Yuichi thought to himself.

He slowly began to sit up, his shaggy hair falling around his face. His expression was a mix of confusion and bewilderment. Taking in his surroundings, he glanced at his hands, attempting to recall the events that had just transpired.

'What happened to me? Where am I?' Yuichi briefly thought to himself while looking at his both hands.

Out of nowhere, a vivid rush of memories flooded his mind, like a sudden burst of light in the darkness. In that instant, he could clearly recall the events that had just unfolded before him, as if his mind had clicked into place and everything became crystal clear.

'That's right, I was in a fight with a giant monster and I almost died...'

Yuichi's confusion and unease grew as he scanned his surroundings. The flesh of the golem were strewn across the ground, puzzling him further. To make matters worse, his sword lay shattered into countless fragments, leaving him completely defenseless.

As he was lost in thought, a clear memory resurfaced in his mind. He could vividly recall a girl with lengthy white hair and eyes that held a pinkish haze, staring directly at him. This memory was so strong that it caused him to faint momentarily.

Yuichi found himself captivated by the unexpected presence of the girl, causing his brow to furrow as he pondered over this perplexing situation, all the while stroking his chin in deep contemplation.

'Who was that girl? She just appeared suddenly and swiftly killed the golem in a split second. Well, that doesn't matter now as long as I'm alive and well. I have to get back to my friends as soon as possible.' Yuichi briefly thought.

Suddenly, a screen popped up in front of him. Instead of the usual blue color, it glowed with a bright shade of green, catching his attention.

[Alert: The dungeon is closing in 1 minute. Please leave the dungeon immediately or you'll be temporarily marooned]

'What!? I didn't know dungeons have a time limit!' Yuichi exclaimed from his thought.

'I gotta get out of here or else I'm stuck in here forever! I'm sure there's an exit somewhere around here so I can get to the surface. But, there's only one minute left and I'm on the floor 20th...' Yuichi suddenly realized that.

'Crap, what should I do now? There's not much time left for me to get out of this dungeon.' Yuichi was conflicted about his situation and thinking of something. But then, he knew it was impossible for him to get out of the dungeon in under a minute.

Yuichi's heart sank as he came to terms with the harsh reality that he would be trapped in the dungeon indefinitely. His face scrunched up in a mix of frustration and sadness, and his gaze shifted upwards towards the dungeon's ceiling, his expression a clear reflection of his inner turmoil.

'Mitsuki-san... I'm sorry. It's my fault that I stupidly followed that necromancer and now I'm stuck in here forever. What am I doing?'

While he was deep in thought, he gave the wall a gentle punch, immediately feeling a sense of regret wash over him. He realized that he should have reconsidered his choice, but by then, it was already too late to change his mind.

'I'm a stupid asshole, I shouldn't have done that. I could have been talking to my friends if I just followed Sir Alistair's word, but I didn't.' Yuichi briefly thought.

All of a sudden, he has an epiphany. He recognizes that his intense emotions have been influencing his actions, causing him to hold back on his attacks.

He thinks to himself, 'What's happening to me? I can't afford to feel remorse at this moment. I need to concentrate on staying alive in this unfamiliar dungeon. I can't lower my guard, or I might be ambushed once more.'

After Yuichi took a moment to compose himself, he took a deep breath and noticed a sudden change in his vision. Everything he saw seemed to transform into an extraordinary scene, unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. The world around him was no longer ordinary; it was as if a magical aura had enveloped everything, casting a faint and enchanting glow across the floor.

Yuichi squinted his eyes, trying to carefully examine what he was seeing. He wondered if he might be imagining things, but after focusing, he realized that the aura he was witnessing was indeed real and not just a hallucination.

'What the heck is this?' Yuichi was baffled and bewildered, trying to touch the aura of magic.

When he attempted to touch it, his hand didn't actually make contact and instead passed right through. This left him feeling confused, curious, and puzzled by what had happened. He glanced around, and to his surprise, he noticed additional traces of magical energy nearby.

'I swear I've never seen this before, but I'm not hallucinating, am I?' Yuichi thought to himself.

'I've never experienced anything like this before. It feels like I'm surrounded by the essence of elemental magic. At the moment, what I'm observing is a soft shade of green. It seems to have originated from the girl who likely employed magic to swiftly destroy that monster in an instant.'

'I'm noticing something magical on my hand, and it's not just limited to my hand—it's happening all over my body! I'm pretty sure it's an aura of magic.'

As Yuichi examined his body, he spotted a faint trail of light green magic aura. This glowing trail seemed to lead back to the very spot where he had fallen earlier. He gently rubbed his chin as he pondered this discovery.

'The slight trace of magic seems to belong to the girl who saved me. Strangely, she appeared to be going in the opposite direction from where I'm headed. I can't help but wonder why she chose that path.' Yuichi contemplates.

'But hold on, if this dungeon is fully sealed, and she's here despite knowing there's no exit after it closes, then why is she still present? That's strange...'

Yuichi sighs as he was very confused about what was happening to him. He gradually approaches his broken sword and picks it up, analyzing if it's still usable. When he checked the sword, a screen popped up.

[Broken Dull Sword - Durability [5/50]

'The sword I have is actually split into two pieces, but I believe I can still make use of it like a makeshift dagger. However, the durability of this sword is wearing thin, and I'm concerned that it won't last much longer as a weapon.' Yuichi contemplates.

'Sure, I have an elemental skill that I thought would help me defend myself. I tried using it against a skeleton army, but it didn't do any damage to them. It seems like my skill might not be very useful after all.'

After thinking for a bit, Yuichi suddenly realized that he needed to check his current situation because it had been a long time since he last looked at it, well, not that long.

'I wonder how my Status looks like now.' Yuichi thought and concentrated his mind.


[Status: Yuichi Hanateru♂]

Human [17]

Level 6 [Class Unspecified]

EXP: [984/3000]

Titles: [Aric's Descendants]

Attributes: Wind [Beginner]

MANA: 150

HP: 200

STR: 20

AGI: 15

DEF: 16

INT: 14

DEX: 5

Skill Points: [10]

Skill: [Wind Gale Level 1] [Sword Mastery Level 1]

Passive: [Mystical Eye, Constant Hybrid Regeneration, Spatial Instinct]

'What.... Huh!? How the hell did I get this crazy status from!?'

Yuichi stood in disbelief as he reviewed his current status; it had undergone a profound transformation from what he had known before. He vividly recalled a time when his status indicated a modest and unremarkable standing, so much so that even his supervisor had expressed a tinge of disappointment.

Yet, at this moment, the disparity was astonishingly apparent—his status had been elevated to a level beyond his wildest expectations.

'My level went from 1 to 6! And my mana and physical stats got boosted too. Plus, I got three passive abilities?! I swear the passive section was marked as N/A before!' Yuichi exclaimed.

'How did this happen to me? I don't remember acquiring this and I only killed 7 Dungeon Spiders, I didn't even level up to 2.'

Suddenly, Yuichi recalled something that could provide answers to his inquiries.

'Could the girl before have done something to me after I passed out?' He contemplates. 'Nah, that's gotta be impossible. I don't think she did anything super weird to me, I really don't think so.'

'But, like, if she didn't do it, then how on earth did I end up with this in the first place? I'm seriously so baffled right now... Well, I'm just gonna roll with it and consider it a total miracle if I can't figure out the reason behind it.'

After that, Yuichi lets out a deep breath and raises his hand to scratch his head. He's clearly deep in thought about the unexpected situation. Slowly, he starts walking towards the black robe he had taken hold of earlier. With a cautious movement, he lowers himself into a kneeling position and carefully lifts the robe from the ground.

'My clothes are all torn up, but it's a good thing that I was able to get this black robe from the ground earlier.' Yuichi thought and gradually wore the robe.

While in the midst of the situation, Yuichi suddenly recalled having a wound on his left arm. He glanced down at his arm, fully expecting to see the wound or a scar. To his surprise, there was neither a wound nor a scar; his left arm appeared completely untouched and without any signs of injury. This perplexed and fascinated him, as he had been anticipating the presence of a wound there.

'There's no wound? That's surprising, I swear I got hit by an arrow and pierced my flesh.' He contemplates.

Yuichi suddenly remembered seeing something called a "Passive" on his status screen. This made him stop for a moment, and he started to rub his chin while he thought about it with a curious expression on his face.

'If I remember correctly, I had three passive abilities: Mystical Eye, Constant Hybrid Regeneration, and Spatial Instinct. One of them appears to be related to healing, which might be why I'm completely healthy and without any injuries.' He contemplates.

'Now I'm interested in this new Status I have. I wonder what kind of ability the other two do.'

'I believe I'm currently experiencing something akin to this Mystical Eye passive. It feels like I have an extraordinary vision, allowing me to perceive things that are typically hidden from normal eyesight. I'm not entirely sure about this other passive, Spatial Instinct, but I'm eager to explore and understand it in the near future.'

Yuichi donned the robe, and as he did, a screen materialized before him, seemingly out of thin air.

[Necromancer's Robe [Accessories]

[Stat - +Mana 50 +DEF 5]

'So this is indeed that necromancer's robe. Good for that bastard they died, I would have rather did it if that calcium bonehead is still alive.' Yuichi remarked.

'I should probably move my butt here and explore this floor. I might find things that I need for my survival. I also should test my new passives and work with my skills and level up this wind attribute too.'

Yuichi took a deep breath, allowing his racing heart to settle. He focused on regaining his composure, his mind clearing.

'It's time to do marooned things.' Yuichi briefly thought.

[Passive Activated: Mystical Eye]

As the system alerted him, he felt a tingle in his cyan eyes, causing them to emit a faint glow. He purposefully adjusted his focus, allowing him to perceive various auras of magic around him once more. Although he remained taken aback by this newfound ability, he was confident that with time he would become accustomed to it. A faint smile crept across his lips, reflecting his growing comfort with the situation.

Yuichi declared with unwavering determination, his exhale carrying a sense of elegance and poise.

With deliberate care, he lowered his shattered sword into its sheath, the broken blade fitting snugly. He adjusted his robe, smoothing out the fabric with gentle movements.

Taking a deliberate and unhurried step forward, he began to follow the path illuminated by the trail of vibrant green magic along with the luminance moss that was glowing throughout the entirety of the floor.

'I'll get back to the surface, I swear I will. Don't you worry, Mitsuki-san, I'm coming out alive in this thing and I'm definitely going to survive.'