
Tomorrow Dawn

The story starts from the city of Kinetan , a fantasy hierarchial city ,with two boys Tim and Kano attending their biggest cultural fest DRAGON FEAST ,following through a tragic chain of events which changes their lives forever .

trikom_0439 · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"who !!! are you !!!"

Tim almost screamed in the middle of the keit mark .

"Let me get off first , please ,I have my friend waiting for me there !! " ...

Tim atleast understood that the girl who is carrying is not atleast his enemy .

Reshya is quite confused and also embrassed now .Her face become a little red .what will she tell now ? She picked up a random boy from the metro tunnel ?

"Look ,.."

"No !!!! Please let me go ,my friends in danger "

Reshya is quite pissed of right now ,she saved the boy from dying ,carried him to fulfill his wish and here he is just screaming at her.

"Shut up !! I am not gonna leave this in this keits mark.

Also your friend is probably not there probably , the coach is taken to the nearest 6/2x repair centre ."

"Oh! Where is the box that I was carrying ? Oh no!...."

"Look boya , when I found you ,you are all alone ,teared up ,soaked in blood in the corner of the metro reck .There neither a box nor such a small pin in your surrounding ."

"So who defeated that tattoed man ?? ! "

"When our KTD squad and kinetan police arrived at scence theres only you left alive ,yes we did find a corpse of that tattoed man with the heart tore up ."

Tim remained silence for few minutes .They are moving quite fast in the keits mark . The chain of events is quite unexpected for himself .

Why someone is after them !? Do they have anything precious here ?

How they know about their moments ??


There's so many questions in his mind .

There's neither a proper answer nor a proper context .

"Whats your name ? I really forgot to ask about you ! "

Tim finally broke that line lasting awkward silence .He really forgot to ask about her due to stress .

"I am Reshya ! From the 3rd year of KTD Academy ! "

"I am Tim , Tim Kerry . "

" So that's all about you ? I though you will have an interesting story .....! Also what was your friends name ! !?

Whom you were searching , I will make an enquiry about him so after returning to the KTD Academy ! "

"Kano .,..... A boy of 16 ,yeah 16 , wore a black hoodie today ,...he is a xephyrus ig ,.... "

"Ok ok I think it's enough ...,it's easier to search for xephyrus ,they have are quite few in numbers '.

Reshya and Tim just crossed the 3/2 keits mark . The keit mark from circle 3 becomes quite wider .

Also becomes quite dangerous ...

Many grade 2 and 1 flyers and kinnes crossed this path .

Keit marks are fuelled by kensan Manas ,which the flyers ,kinnes utilities to not run out of kensan aura .

Many times ,grade 3 or lower level flyers lose their lives to there's grade 1 above kinnes .

Kinnes particularly are not bind by any laws .

They easily walk out of these legal problem by showing the The Blessing of Heaven .

"Is KTD academy a college like thing ? ,are there students like us ? "

"It's an institute for teaching and practising Kensan techniques ,spells , etc . Yeah there's many different students from different races . "

Tim wonders what it is in KTD academy ..

He never thought of a institute focused just on Kensan techniques and practises .

"Oiiii ,Resh____yaaaaa!!! "

Tim saw a girl suddenly hurrying towards then .

" Katy!!! Oh mine ,you are quite late !! "

"Who's the boy you are carrying .... ...pe..do.. "

"No joking katy , he was seriously wounded in the 6/7 subway ,I am just carrying him to the DRAGON FEAST ,either way we planned to go there ."

The girl is of about age 19 or 20 .she wore a blue dress ,has blonde hair . Tim felt there's a certain aura within her .

"Do you have any of your friends number ?? Who is near this area ? " Reshya asked .

"How can he have friends in this area ,such a commnor like can't even have friends with a grade 4 . Maybe he will have a friend of a xephyrus , and that filthy things don't live in circle 2 .so...."

"STOP !! Its enough Katy ! Don't even tell your crazy thoughts to a teenager like this ,you are pathetic , keep your haters withing yours ."

Tim can't even respond . He never thought that someone with this civilized manner will ever discriminate people like this .

"Call your friend , and ask him/ her about their locations " .

Reshya gave Tim her phone .

Tim can't find his phone after that incident .Luckily he knows the no.of Kano and Iami .

" ...ring ...ring ...

The no you are calling is currently out of network range " ...

Kano is not picking the phone ,Tim is quite stressed ,it's now better to call Iami ... And then later both of them can find Kano together ....

"Who ?? " - Iami picked up the phone .

"Tim ...Iami listen , I am in the keits mark 3/2 , We had a major accident in subway ..come here quickly please ..I am sharing live location here ."

"Ok ..ok. .I am coming ,I am close to there ..just wait a minute Tim ".

Tim cut the phone .

"Does this brat has any kensan energy ? "

"No he is a comonner ."

Tim particularly is not liking the presence of Katy ,she is quite intimidating for him .

Hope Iami comes here real quick .Reshya is quite a good person as he can assume .

"Have you ever been into DRAGON FEAST boy ? " -Katy asked

"Nope ..I am just 16 ...How can I " .

"Oh ,you don't know then ,many children of age 15 actually participates in DRAGON FEAST illegally,though if they found guilty they were thrown out of city " .

"Oh ... " Tim don't know what to reply ..


Tim saw Iami sprinting towards them .

"Oh it's the the friend of yours ... Here you go ...she's quite beautiful,isn't she ? "

"Knock it off Katy ,he's not having a good time ..not a time for this jokes ." .

" What happened ?? TIM ??"

"Wheres Kano ? ...."

"Dont tell me something Bad happened ?? "

Iami told all of these in a single stance .

"Wait girl ,he is also confused just like you ,just let him calm down ."

"I lost k .a .no...." Tim actually broke into tears. ....

"What actually happened TIM ,I will call my father now itself to start searching for him .. ??

Iami started to dial his father's no .

"Wait , is this Kano boy a xephyrus ? or a commoner ? " - Reshay stopped Iami.

"He is a xephyrus ..sorry but how do you know that actually ?"

"Nothing extraordinary ..if it's a kinne or someone other than xephyrus or Commoner,

The city kensan force would have actually started searching for him by now .."

"Don't call your father assuming you are from a pretty much sophisticated flyer family ,your father may actually ignore it and even can put the charges of that metro incident upon that poor boy ."

Iami just though for a second ,if it's not this situation ,she probably would have argued but she just realised the things Reshya is telling are actually true .

"Ok so what to do ??" .

"For now ....". "Ah .....go

...away from me ....s. E ..s....ah..."

Three of them heard Tim agonizing in pain ....they instantly looked back and saw a gullie .(A evil kensan user who took part in crimes in exchange of money .)

"Wait girl ....it's a gullie ...you don't stand a chance ....let us handle this " ...

Katy and Reshya took their position .

"What do you demand ?" ..

"That container ...that contains the ancient thing ..... It's not here ? " .

"Now you can't move ....wait here,let me ask something ."

Katy used pressing restraint to the gullie ,while he is busy talking .

"Oh! F*ck when that happend ? ... ...."

Katy is an pressan so certainly she has more direct advantage into direct combat .

If it was just Reshya ,all of them would have been cooked .

Flyers generally is better for escaping and pressing down the enemies at sudden attacks .pressans are more of a direct combatist .

The Gullie looks more of like a pressan also .so if it was just Reshya ,she would have escaped with Iami .

"I don't have any such container , ....

Also what you guys had done to my friend .. ....Ah..."

"Release me from this restraint or I will continue to torture this boy ..."

"Like you can. ...."

"What have you done again ...you blonde lady ....(Referring to katy ) .....ah ..my hand ...it can't move in my will " ....

Iami realized that this blonde girl isn't particularly ordinary.,even if she is a pressan, an arsenal of skills of this level e s surely of above grade 1 . Also the decision making skills of her are really commendable .

"Where is that friend of this boy ? "

"Certainly I don't know about anything other than the container..."

"I am asking this one last time ...where is that boy ? I can actually restrain you for weeks and can torture u u like this "

".....ah....no.... Stop it ...


"...The initial plan was to take that boy the the location if the DRAGON FEAST .... I know nothing more ....."

Katy faced Reshya .

"He is telling truth ,stop it here ."

Higher grade flyers have certain abilities to check if the person infront of them is telling truth or not ....though easily higher grade kinnes and kensan users can actually bypass this .

"We must hurry to Haenkang immediately.

I am calling my seniors there for help ."

The four of them with Tim headed towards the DRAGON FEAST.
