
Tolerate Me Mr. Billionaire

Ava Jones is a skillful person who had only one outcome which is having anger issues that caused her so many problems to the point that it even got her fired from the company but surprisingly she got a job in one of the world's top companies whose CEO is a multi-billionaire named Rylan Nichols. Tolerate me Mr. Billionaire

Mehakfatima · Adolescente
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Umbrella

"Why did it have to rain!?," she complained while running as fast as she can through the rain in the hope of some shelter.

Her day was becoming worse and worse since the morning. "What sin I ever did in the past life that my life is full of sorrow. people have up and downs in life but in past few years, I can sense only downs in my life", these were the only thoughts going through her head.

Even after all this, she tried to maintain her mental health. she tried her best not to break down and become depressed.

She kept her mind as busy as possible by completing her studies and getting many qualifications.

Then got a job but during this process, there was only one outcome which is her anger.

Her patience and the power of tolerating something are very low. In anger, she can say someone anything she wants and even sometimes slap or punch them without thinking twice.

This happens nearly every day, no matter how much she tried to control herself but it's really difficult.

You can take today's incident as my level of patience.

Today at work her boss was just spitting shit at her for the mistake she didn't even did and for being short-tempered, she kind of talked back and might have punched him in his face which made him fire her, and from that time it just kept on going worse and worse but to be honest she still didn't regret punching that idiot, he deserved that. He was being complete shit.

He asked for an important file that wasn't prepared and someone just blamed her and said that she was on duty to complete that file. Without listening to her, he started scolding and insulting her, after that he got punched by her at least she thinks that he must have learned his lesson now.

She groaned in annoyance as now she have to find another job, her thoughts were speaking loud "Was this world even for humans!?, then why the hell do we even have to pay for living in this cruel world?" and to ruin her mood, even more, this rain was cherry on the top.

She still remembers how being in rain used to be one of her favorite things to do but now being in rain is just an annoyance as it reminds her of her life's most traumatizing day which is her mother's death.

She still remembers the heavy rain going on when the young fifteen-year-old her was standing in front of her mother's grave who died due to some reasons which were still unknown and mysterious.

Her uncle told her that she died due to an accident but she knew that the cause was something else. She knew that someone else was behind the cause of her mother's death so from that time she promised herself that she will find the cause of her mother's death and will seek her revenge.

Because of this she got many self-defense lessons too and learned many things like karate, judo, boxing, and taekwondo. Now lately she is thinking to learn how to use weapons too although I know some basics.

She has a wild imagination and starts chuckling at herself cause she thought what if there is a mafia or psycho behind her mother's death so for this reason, she wanted to be strong but this rain makes her seem weak which is one of the reasons for her biggest hatred towards it.

Her legs still stomping on water which was filled on the ground due to the street unevenness and here she still finding some shelter, along with all this her mind was all messed up due to today's events.

Getting rid of useless thoughts, she finally saw a small yet neat café which made her smile a little as this was the source for her not getting wet in these droplets.

She could also see how someone else was also sitting inside the café, maybe also waiting for weather without rain but this thought left as this was none of her concern so she shrugged off all the thoughts about him and kept on waiting outside of the café as it also had the roof outside of café.

It's been almost half an hour, she is still standing outside of the café. She didn't go inside as she is just waiting for the droplets of tears from the sky to finish so that she can go home but after passing every second she was just losing hope as mother nature was too much sad that it started crying harder.

She was so tense but still a little relieved that she was not having panic attacks which she sometimes gets during the rain.

Lost in thoughts, she was still standing outside and hoping that the rain will eventually stop.

Hearing the sudden voice of the shop bell made her turn around and saw a man with a mask coming out through the café door.

He was tall, muscular, young, and looked like someone from higher status. He was now standing beside me with an umbrella in his hand.

It was weird that why he was still standing as if he wasn't having an umbrella but suddenly his hand with the umbrella faced her. He didn't speak but it seems that he was offering her the umbrella.

She took the umbrella from his hand but then a sudden feeling of worry came through her mind so she was about to ask him about it to him but then a black luxurious car stopped in front of us and without hearing her out, He went inside and left her alone there.

She again looked towards the umbrella, it had some initials written "RN" which oddly looked familiar to her but she shrugged off the feeling as it also looked like it was the customized one cause of its unique design, and it was none of her business to be curious about it, "I should just be thankful as now I can now go home", she said to herself.

This act of kindness made her smile and distract her from her annoyed mood.

It made her realize that humanity is still alive and kind people still exist, not everyone is like my annoying boss or I mean ex-boss.

The thought of her ex-boss being compared with kindness made her roll her eyes out of disgust and made her feel like vomiting, due to this she start speaking to herself "Ava what are you thinking, think happy thoughts why are ruining your mood by thinking about that annoying man".

Finally, after convincing herself, she happily opened the umbrella and made her way towards the peaceful place which is her home, with a wide grin which now happens once in a blue moon after her mother's death.

Finally, now she can say that she didn't do anything wrong in her past life cause finally, something happened well in her whole day which made her smile.

If her colleagues would be with her they would be shocked that after working with her for whole damn three years, they didn't see her this much satisfied and happy.

They could even make fun of her that this small act made her this much happiness, she was also kind of shocked herself that why she is so much happy.

"I wish my mother was with me then they wouldn't be this shocked to see me happy, they would have happened to see my wide smile every day", she thought to herself.

She kept on thinking things like:

What a pity how my life has turned upside down all of a sudden.

Can anything worse happen than this? Sometimes I feel like crying thinking it will lighten but again I stop myself from breaking down thinking maybe it will just actually make me weak.

I want to be a strong and independent woman who doesn't need anyone else for any help but still again I sometimes I want someone who would be there to comfort me during my rough and helpless times. I miss you mom, I miss you so much, mom.

The mood which was satisfied a few minutes ago turned sour.

On her way home, questions were roaming around her head for her mother.

They were asking questions like why you broke the promise. you said that you will stay with me forever but you broke the promise and left me the next day. why did you break the promise too quickly?

Weren't I your daughter? weren't I your precious gem?, weren't I the light of your eyes? Why did you do this? I only had you in my life. I swear to my life that I will kill that person whoever made you leave me and that's my promise.

I won't show mercy even if it turns out to be someone dear to me.

Lost in her thoughts without caring about anything or her surroundings.

She was just thinking about her promise which she will never break even if it takes her own life. With the small steps, she finally reached the door of her apartment.

She opened the door and said.

"I am back home!", she chuckled cause she lives alone and she is saying like her mum is in here.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mehakfatimacreators' thoughts