
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Cómic
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26 Chs

Small plans

-And why should we tell you?

Touka asks me making a face.

-Because I could help?

I speak curiously and then sit down at one of the tables casually.

-How did you get in here anyway?

Irimi asks also making a slight face at me, the rest just seem curious except for kaneki who already seems to know how I got in.

I get up and show my needles.

-Your security is not good....

I murmur.

-There are only ghouls here, I don't think the security is bad....

Touka grumbles and the woman with long brown hair looks shocked.

-Touka! He is.....

-yes, yes he is human but he knows everything here....

Touka responds with a dismissive nod.

The woman looks surprised again.

-Oh! Beautiful lady, we haven't introduced ourselves yet....

I say rather dramatically approaching the woman and bowing slightly.

-...I'm Ryo konton, ma'am...?

-Ryouko Fueguchi.

She responds a little blurry.

"Some tragedy befell her...."

I look at the child who looks at me curious but also sad, and it is obvious that she has dry tears in her eyes.



I widen my eyes in surprise and cast a look at yoshimura who nods his head.

-bag....it seems that you didn't manage to warn....

I mumble as I sit back down.

-Wasn't there enough time?

I ask softly.

-Complications occurred....

Speak yoshimura.


-We were getting ready to leave here....get away from this area until the dust settles at least...there...

Mrs. Ryouko starts talking while holding back tears and Touka tries to distract the child so that she doesn't hear.

-....then Jason arrived....Asaki told us to hide and there was an argument, a fight....

She pauses and starts to cry a little.

-....and the two doves arrived...they started a fight the other two....and Jason just used asaki as a shield and ran away....and asaki....he...

-Okay ma'am....

I say softly.

-...no need to say anything else.

I smile calmingly at her who nods her head keeping a fixed gaze on her face looking at nothing while the tears fall from her eyes.

The mood in the room is sadly silent and I am thoughtful.

"It doesn't matter if she was seen or not...."

"The CCG is looking for a couple after all, with the husband dead they go after the wife....."

"....but they are looking for couple, not family...."

- Were you seen ma'am?

I ask abruptly.

- Not....

I sigh with relief, the girl will be safe anyway.

-So there are ways to get out of this situation with you two alive...

After I speak everyone looks surprised.

- Jason was seen by the doves?

-yes they even fought.

Ryouko seems to compose herself and looks at me seriously.

-But why these questions?

-So that a plan can be made.

I answer.

-But we have something to do!

She exclaims an irritated touka.

-Kill those damn doves!

She ends and the silence.

I turn to yoshimura.

-Is she an idiot?


Touka gets up and very furious comes towards me.

-What do you think will happen if you kill a dove after everything that happened?

I ask casually and she stops walking.

-Let me tell you what could happen...

I mean seriously.

-...you would kill one and then it would come over, over and over, can you handle all the CCG knocking on the door?

Touka looks embarrassed and retreats into a chair.

The silence returns even heavier than before.

After a while I ask no one in particular.

-What is this Jason like?

-He is a tall, strong, sadistic and extremely dangerous and sadistic.

Fala irimi while Kaneki gives me a cup of coffee for which I appreciate it.

-Anything more relevant about him?

I ask drinking the coffee.

This time it's yoshimura who responds, but staring at me.

-He is part of aogiri.

I spit out the coffee in my surprise and almost choke.

"Fucking Eto...."

I feel everyone's eyes on me again.

"Don't give me any information about anything..."

-this part is interesting but not relevant.

I take a break.

"I'll research everything about aogiri and a  eto after that, I've been in the dark too long"


I clap my hands.

-I thought of some plans...

But before continuing, I'm interrupted by a weak voice saying softly.

-Dad really died....?

The child asks quietly and starts crying after no one answers.

I look around and everyone seems to be too dejected to try to comfort the girl.

"Really what will be left for me?"

I exchange a look with her mother who nods and I walk over to the crying child.

-Hi little girl...what's your name?

I ask softly.

-hi, hinami...

She mutters through her tears.

- You're really a smart girl aren't you? Tell me....

I kneel down in front of her.

-....what was your father like?

She responds looking blurry ahead.

-He was kind... after leaving the office he always played with me....

- His father seemed to be a great person.


-he always helped everyone....

She starts crying even harder.

I look at her smiling sympathetically and with the eyes on me again I can even feel that they are thinking.

"Is that what you mean by comforting?!"

-Did he like to see you crying?

- Which ?! Not!

She responds with a slight cry, almost offended.

-Then why are you crying?

She freezes.

-because I won't see him anymore...

-Then honor him...

I exclaim excitedly to the surprise of everyone in the room.

-It's okay to cry for missing, but remember that he would like to see you happy and in the end and that's what matters...smile for him!

I say to hinami who throws herself at me hugging me tightly and crying out loud.

"She should get better after this"

I think lightly stroking her head.

"But it could be faster"

A ghoul, even being a child still has super strength.

"AI Ai Ai Ai Ai"

After she recovers and looks quite embarrassed about everything and keeps muttering.

- sorry Sorry.....

-It's ok, do not worry....

I say soothingly to her.

-...but if you're going to hug me again...do it with a little less force...I'm only human after all...

And with that she turns a beautiful shade of red due to embarrassment and light laughter can be heard in the room.

I go back to where I was sitting seeing the friendliest looks from the people in the room, except touka and kaneki who are openly laughing at me.

-What about your plans, what are the intentions?

Question after a while yoshimura.

-Well, I'll give you a context before....if everything works out, we'll have to thank Rize.

Everyone is silent and kaneki looks the most shocked.

- Calm down, I know Rize is a bic...

I'm silenced by the look of pure hinami curiosity and her mother's deadly gaze.

I shiver slightly, only to have another light chuckle in the room.

-*cough* well, rize was the compulsive eater, but the CCG doesn't know she died....

I take a break.

-....and if we blame this on Jason, the CCG will go after him.

-But that won't take the target off Ryouko-san's back.

Interrupts touka.

-And that's where my plan starts....it  involves a fight, a distraction, a video, a mask and social media!

I exclaim excitedly and get weird looks from all the occupants of the room, except for hinami who looks interested.

-That looks fun.

He speaks hinami shyly.

Kaneki looks horrified by this speech of hers.

I look at her very excited.

-She's my favorite person here right now.

I point to hinami.

-You might want to explain your plan better?

Question yoshimura.

-Not! Don't you trust me?


-no way.

-I met you now.

-I still think we should have killed you.

I pout at the answers and turn to kaneki asking him with my eyes.

-I know that your plans usually work out but no, just not...

He mutters and I shoot him a look of betrayal.

-What does this kon plan involve...

call me ryo at once yoshimura-san

He nods.

-Ryo-san, what this plan involves.


-The CCG thinks Rize was a man, due to female ghouls not being so brutal and due to the number of people killed by the compulsive eater....

I take a break.

-...The CCG thinks he's just a sadistic ghoul who needs to feed a lot besides being strong and who fits in that?


Murmurs enji.

-but how would we do that? And on top of that, how to deal with current investors?

Question yoshimura.

- You would kill people far from this area, that would call the attention of investors and they would realize that the blame for the attacks is not Fueguchi's....

-But we never do anything!

exclaims Ryouko.


-I know, but as far as I know the CCG was already investigating you and due to your actions the blame fell on you. more problems.

And we have a thoughtful silence in the air.

-And why should we trust you with something like that?

Irimi question.

-I'm already tired of this general distrust of love...

His snort of anger.

-If I wanted to betray anyone I would have already revealed it to the CCG about this place, already what? About two weeks since I know about this?

Yoshimura nods in agreement.

-and wasn't I the one who warned about the doves?

People nod and touka looks curious about something.

-Where did you get this information?

I ignore her.

-Come on, let me resolve this, if I fail, resolve it your way.

The people in the room think again and Ryouko speaks.

-I'll trust you.

She responds I surprise everyone including me.

- So far you have been sincere and worth the try, the most that will happen to me and having to run away or...

She omits the dying part.

Hinami hugs her mother tightly.


I thank her sincerely.

"She has put her trust in me, I won't let her down, and it's going to be a lot of fun if everything works out."

I smile and get up, getting ready to leave.

-Well, I'm going to start organizing things, my first step is to find a mask...

-It is not necessary...

Stops yoshimura.

-...touka tomorrow take kaneki and ryo to buy a mask.


Shouts an angry touka.