
To Keep Your Memory

For nearly a whole school year, Bay was seatmates with someone. But doubt ensures when he suddenly disappears. In a heartbeat, she tries to look for him, finding clues and small traces he left through the people he once knew; that she might keep his memory alive, and maybe even find him.

aynirter · Adolescente
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6 Chs

2 — Twenty Dollars

As Bay continued staring at it, everyone was bumming her out.

Teachers told her to focus on class and her friends told her she's becoming a bit psychotic.

She can't help it, and they don't know or understand anything either! They shouldn't judge her in the first place; they don't know anything. But they don't know anything because Bay never told them anything. If anything, her friends or teachers would do something or anything in order to help Bay in anything that she needed. However, she can't tell them anything because if anything, she was guilty. She wanted to feel something else. Just anything but guilty. Anything.

Bay walked to the cafeteria alone, still clutching that piece of paper. She was still adjusting to the fact that he wasn't there, sitting alone. Bay wondered what it was like to sit alone for an entire school year. She understands him now, a bit. It's so horrible that you feel like everyone is staring at you. (Or maybe he never felt that way because he doesn't care.) She felt worse since she would have used the opportunity to sit next to him. She did not. She simply sat at another table and watched him.

And there, while sitting alone, a woman in her late fifties gets into her view. That woman was handing out pieces of sandwiches and was depositing money into a small container. If Bay looked older than her age, then she appeared to be much younger than hers.

And her name? Ms. Hugh. Sarah Hugh.

Wait, Ms. Hugh?

Bay quickly opened the paper and scanned it. And while reading, this is what she saw:

"Pay back my debt to Ms. Hugh." Unchecked.

Was he able to pay whatever money he owed her? Bay felt the need to get up and ask her. 'But wouldn't you look stupid?' These were the few times Bay was afraid to look like a fool. This girl usually has no shame.

Just ask her, it's fine! She'll understand! Just tell her that he's your friend, Bay. Yet, her feet somehow lost the ability to move. She slapped herself and marched towards Ms. Hugh. She welcomed her with her warmest smile. Bay couldn't help but do the same.

"Hello, Ms. Hugh, I just have a quick question."

"Feel free to ask anything."

"Do you happen to remember a guy? Erm, he used to always buy an apple and.. grape juice from you."

Ms. Hugh suddenly beamed. "Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! I know him!" Then suddenly it looked like she just died inside, "But I don't think he doesn't go to this school anymore…"

"Ah, I see. Well, erm, maybe, perhaps…"

Ms. Hugh's eyes blinked thrice, then Bay's eyes four times.

"Does he maybe have some sort of debt or unpaid.. taxes.. whatever you call it, from you?"

"Debt? I don't think so…"

Ah, she made a fool of herself.

"Well, I don't really treat it as a debt. I gave it to him for free."

Never mind.

"Oh, is that so? Well, he wrote, I mean, he told me he owes you some money. Did he tell you how much it was?"

Hugh began counting with her fingers, then flicked her head. "Let's see. The day before he magically disappeared, he told me that he hoped he would pay back the twenty dollars I owe him—" Hugh thrust her hands at the word "magically." But as soon Bay heard the word "twenty", she quickly opened her wallet. Hugh tried to stop her.

"You don't need to do that!"

Bay looked at her sternly, "Well, I need to do it for him."

"May I know why?"

She wanted to tell her, she can't handle seeing that face again. That face of disappointment.

"Well, he kind of needs my help, but, don't worry, we're close friends." Wow, what a liar. Bay cursed at herself. In the first place, Bay wished they were close friends. So it's somehow there, right? They were seatmates. So, maybe it would look like they were really close before.

Idiot. Bay started telling her stupid things because of him but she didn't hate him for it. Like how she thought he became a superstar or a deportee.

But for her, it was okay to be stupid, if it were for him.


"Yeah, it could really help him."

Bay had her fingers crossed.

"Alright then," Hugh finally put the twenty dollars to a tiny container.

"I hope this helps."

Bay thinks it doesn't, but at least it makes her feel better. She started thinking about thoughts or things she has never done. Like hoping and wishing at that, silly things about being deported, rituals and songs. But she never thought she would begin having a life's work, or maybe you can call it a goal.

'Pay back my debt to Ms. Hugh.' Checked.