
Good life

Climbing up the ladder of the water tower, you can see the city of old off in the distance. Just with one glance you could tell that the city was once a magnificent wonder. Towers that used to touch the sky. They once made the clouds bow before them. Thousands of buildings once covered these lands but now just destruction and waste is all your eyes can fest on.

"One day I would love to see what this world has to offer, don't you think so to Jess??" Said a young man turning to look at a beautiful young lady.

Stunned by the sight of her he could not help but stare at his childhood friend. With the wind flowing through her hair ever so slowly lifting it off and away from her shoulders. The light kissing her body creating a soft glow around her as the sun slowly set she turns to look at Tyler.

"Yes. Yes I would love to see the world with you." She smiles back as she looked into his emerald green eyes.

For a minute Tyler kept staring at her. He loved her long brown hair that flowed pasted her elbows. Her sky blues eyes always seemed to put him in a hypnotic state. They matched so well with her full lips, cherry red cheeks full of freckles and her amazing hourglass figure. To top it all off she was just a bit shorter than he was. She stood at 5'8".

Tyler himself was standing tall at 6'1" and still growing slowly considering he was just 19 years old today. With his bushy blond hair, emerald green eyes and his muscular frame. Tyler was quite the catch.

Seeing Tyler just stare at her for the millionth time since they met she understood that to wake him she would have to say something or slightly tap him.

Jess walks up to Tyler smirking to herself as she sees him still staring at her not even blinking. Raising her hand and brushes it across his face slowly he wakes from his day dream.

"Hehe, sorry about that Jess.. you know that I think your more beautiful than the blazing sunset."

Jess moves her hand away from him as he spoke to her just to get pulled in for a kiss. Standing there locked into each others embrace. They kiss for what seemed like eternity.

Breaking away from his grasp she stands there panting for the breath he stole from her.

"I love you Tyler. I always have and always will."

"I know you do beautiful, just as I have loved you from the moment we locked eyes. They say love at first sight isn't true but for us I know it is."

Smiling at him she couldn't help but think he's such a sweetheart and sweet talker.

"Well Jess I think it's time to climb back down before it gets to dark," Tyler spoke looking at the sun setting. With how beautiful the sky looked he knew if he didn't say anything Jess would stay up there forever if she could.

"Ok, if you say so" she huffs.

Just as Tyler reached the ground the earth shakes just enough for him to lose his balance. Falling to the ground he cursed for the earthquakes were getting more and more frequently or so it seemed.

Hurting to stand up as he thought about Jess who was still climbing down. He looked up just in time to see her foot merely a few inches away from his face. His eyes round as can be right before she landed on his face.


"Ow ow ow."

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry I'm so so sorry Tyler. I didn't mean to fall on you. The water tower shook and threw me off."

Getting up and holding his now broke nose. He stares at her and sighs. "It's fine I understand. The earthquakes are becoming a pain in the butt. It's strange how many we have now days. Wonder why."

Shocked on how well he took that she blushes and pecks his cheek for forgiving her so fast. Blushing a bit because of how his nose looks.

~Meanwhile in his head~

(Ha. Bet I look cool brushing off that fall like it's nothing. No seriously tho. My nose is killing me. Don't cry don't cry please don't cry.) "Okay let's head back home before we can't see the trail anymore." Jogging slightly in front of Jess to their small cabin in the forest. Tyler forces his nose into its right place. If Jess could see his face she would have noticed tears crawling down his cheeks.

Their cabin isn't very fancy. It's something that they had built up over the years. Add onto it when they find the right material. To them tho the wood cabin is just beautiful with its tin covered roof and oak doors.Just a single bedroom and living room as they don't get visitors very often.

Seeing the cabin off in the distance they race there to see who would be first. As Tyler was already ahead of Jess he has a good lead until he trips over the bucket Jess told him to put up before they even left.

"Hahaha" Jess cries out laughing. " Bet next time you might just listen when I tell you to pick up your stuff. Not only did you not get here first with your head start you fell into mud."

Picking himself up out of the mud he looks at her with a red face. Not mad at her but himself because it's true what she said. Plus he just smacked his face on the ground hurting his nose once again.

"Your right your right. I'll get it tomorrow tho. Right now I just want to sleep. My body is a bit sore( he means his face is lol dude can't catch a break can he?)"

"Haha alright, lets go to bed we have to go hunting tomorrow bright and early."

Crawling into the twin size mattress the snuggled up next to one another and kissed good night.

As darkness creeps soon the world the unknown takes action. Those who were awake would have noticed a chill run through their body. It made them feel as if they was being watched by some predator. For those who was asleep. They just thought the night was cold with a touch of a bad dream.

Everywhere across the world beast and humans alike had an unknown energy rush into them. The beast understood that they was given a incredible power because it was originally meant for them anyways.

For humans tho. Those who felt it was scared that something was wrong with them. They felt full and a slight pain. Random as it came it disappeared.


~Welcome to celestial system~

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