
C6: UA Exam (Important Author Message)

Author: Important Question and Info-

First of all, as much as some of you might not like this idea, MC will join the straw hats when he goes to One Piece Verse. I have reasons, first of all there's no point in MC getting his own crew if he's eventually going to leave them, second of all, Luffy and the rest of the crew are fun to be around and I would also enjoy it there so I'm making the MC go there, and finally, it allows him to get close to important characters, such as Dragon and Garp, as well as his future Harem Girls. Also, I'm not creative and able to make a completely different story. BUT, don't worry, I will change how MC does things, for example he won't let the villains go, and sound a little 'villainous' when planning things in future.

Second of all, the order of the worlds after MHA are gonna be One Piece, Naruto then Bleach, aka weakest to strongest verse, so that MC can get OP over time and spend more time in one of the worlds.

Important Question: Where will MC Start? Reply in the paragraph comments with one of the letters.

A) The same island as Luffy a few days before he sets off

B) On Alvida's ship

C) Orange Island (Where he fought Buggy)

D) The island where they met Ussopp, forgot what it's called

E) Baratie arc, where they met Sanji

One of these, not any further, so I won't make him start at Alabasta or something, he will join from early. so as I said, please reply in the PARAGRAPH COMMENT, not normal comment, which letter you want him to meet Luffy and join the crew.

It's gonna be a while until MHA is over and one piece starts, so I'll check the results in how ever long it takes too finish MHA


~Timeskip, 3 Years Later~

Today is the final day of our 3rd year at middle school, meaning we start High School soon.

Teacher: "Blah Blah Blah... Katsuki it seems you've decuded to take the UA exam"

Canon fodder 1: "Of course he did, his quirk is strong enough after all"

Canon fodder 2: "Not only that, he's learnt this weird fighting technique"

Canon fodder 3: "Yeah, I think it was Boxing or something"

'I decided that boxing would be the best fighting still for Katsuki, after all, he never used his legs once in the anime, and his quirk Explosion doesn't prioritise on his legs, so I decided boxing would be better for him to learn instead of Karate and Taekwondo/Renewal Taekwondo. I could've taught him the Acupunctures, but I don't want to since it would make me seem less special.

Over these years, I've also thought more about the future and realised I won't need and won't be taking OFA, I'll just leave Midoriya to that, after all, once I leave there won't be a 'symbol of peace' left, unless I help All might but that's a lot of work and I can't be bothered with that.

Katsuki: "Hmph"

Over time, due to me spending time at Katsuki's place and sparring with him, I decided to NICELY change his personality a bit, so now he's not the annoying piece of shit he was in the anime. He's still feisty but he's not as loud and cocky as before.

Teacher: "Oh! Izuku and Toshiro, it seems like you 2 have also decided to take the UA exam"

Canon fodder 4: "Pft, Izuku? Izuku the QUIRKLESS?"

Canon fodder 5: "He must be stupid thinking he can take an exam at a school full of heroes with quirks, something he doesn't have"

Canon fodder 6: "Toshiro taking the UA exam... I've never seen his quirk so I don't know how he'd do"

Canon fodder 7: "Now that I think about it, you're right, I've also never seen his quirk, but he still manages to beat Bakugo every time they fight, maybe he has a speed or strength enhancing quirk"


Canon fodder/s: "WOOOOO, schools over!"

"Katsuki, we're going to yours, let's go"

Katsuki: "Fine fine, but I want a rematch, this time I'm winning!"

"Sure sure, but you can't beat me, and you know it"

"Hey Midoriya, how've you been at the dojo"

Midoriya: "I've been amazing, I managed to beat each Sensei in a 1v1, but any more than that and I can't take it"

"Good... Alright, let's go Katsuki"

Quick side note: Bakugo and MC have gotten way closer over the years obviously, and yes, he taught Bakugo boxing-and a few extra moves- but it doesn't mean he'll constantly be helping everyone. So don't expect him to save a random civilian from a random villain attack.

-At Bakugo's House-

Katsuki rings the door bell and Mitsuki opens the door.

Mitsuki: "Toshiro~! Hello!" She jumps forward and gives me a big hug.

Me and Mitsuki have also gotten a lot closer over these years, for the past few months, every time I come round she gives me a hug, she treats me like her own son (No, he's not getting son-zoned.. for now)

"Good afternoon Mitsuki"

Mitsuki: "How was school Katsuki?"

Katsuki: "It was fine, but that doesn't matter, Toshiro it's time to fight!" As he walks off to the garden

Mitsuki: "Go easy on him like you always do" She whispers

"Don't worry I will, I don't wanna hurt your son too much"

Mitsuki: "Thanks"


Katsuki: "So, you're also taking the UA exam huh?"

"Of course"

Katsuki: "Well.. Don't let your guard down-" He cuts mid way his sentence and sends a quick punch at my face, I side step to dodge and he opens his hand and sets off an explosion.

There's a big smokescreen so I back away from the smoke.

"That was a cheeky one, but you missed, that won't be happening again"

'Even though I purposely let you get the free hit in'

"That was smart using the explosion right up close to deal some damage and cause a smokescreen after-effect, but don't forget, even though it causes the opponent to lose his sight, it doesn't mean you don't lose your sight either"

I stop the tips I'm giving him to give him an advantage in a fight, and [Bo-Bup] behind him

Katsuki: "I was expecting that!" He turns around instantly and goes for an uppercut

I [Bo-Bup] once again, but above his head this time and hit him with an [Axe]

Quick side note: I'll also be using [] when talking about Martial Art techniques so you know when he's using them

Katsuki puts his hands in a cross above his head and blocks my heel.

Katsuki: "Gottcha" He uses his hands to grab my heel, then he does a 180 degree turn and throws me away, boosting me with an explosion so he deals damage and throws me further away.

Due to my tortu-Training, his explosions are way stronger than canon, if Katsuki threw the ball 705m, currently he can throw between 800-1100m (Don't know if that's a lot). If I wasn't who I am, I would have been sent a few houses over, but due to my body which has upgraded over the years, I only flew about 2 metres away from him.

"Not bad, but what about this" I 'trace on' my legs and enhance them to make me go faster, he's expecting me to instantly move some place near him, so I'll use that thought to lead him into a trap

ANOTHER Side note: He's NOT using ANY of his skills and he's NOT going 100% with martial arts alone, if he did he would end it instantly with Immobilization Magic or any of his stronger moves and forms, so if you're thinking about complaining about the MC 'losing' currently, then stfu.

He's not paying full attention to me directly but his surroundings since he thinks I might [Bo-Bup] next to him. I switch to a Gang Daehyeop Original stance, which is now the Toshiro Nishikawa (His original name) stance since I'm the new creator, and pull my left arm, my weak arm, back.

[(Trip to Heaven) KTX Uppercut!]


I connect a clean fully powered uppercut to his gut. He gets sent flying, about 5 metres in the air I'd say, and spits out saliva mixed with a little bit of blood.

'Wow, he's flying high in the sky'

Aaaaaaaaaaaand he's unconscious, honestly I'd be surprised if he wasn't. I wonder how much damage I would've done If I used my right arm, probably would've broken a few ribs and made him cough out more blood.

Mitsuki: "Couldn't you have gone a little bit more easier on him? *Sigh* What am I gonna do with you?"

"Sorry sorry, I just got a bit too into the fight. How about I make some green tea?"

Mitsuki: "Haha, it's fine, this might actually teach him something, thank you" She stares at me with a smile of appreciation

"No problem" I look back with a smile at her

We stay like this for a few seconds before-

Katsuki: "*Cough* *cough* I'm still here you know, and that's my mum you bastard!"

'What a cockblock, smh'

{Agreed, Even though I don't have a head to shake since I'm a system}

'Hey Alesia, it's been a while, show me my status with skills, and my amount of shop coins'


Name: Toshiro Yamasaki (Nishikawa)

Shop Coins: 1,753,513 (typed in a straight up random number, tell me if this is too low or too high in the paragraph comment, keep in mind the shop coins include: Fighting the sensei's over a period of 11 years, changing the history of the world by training Bakugo and helping Midoriya, as well as random little quests he might get once every 6 months)

Age: 15

Level: 30

EXP: 3%

Body: King

Soul: World

Will Power: King


Unlimited Blade Works (King Grade)

Immobilization Magic (King Grade)

Taekwondo (Common Grade)

Boxing (Common Grade)

Karate (Common Grade)

Acupuncture (Uncommon Grade)

Observation Haki (Super Rare Grade - Upgradable)

Armament Haki (King Grade - Upgradable)

Conqueror's Haki (King Grade - Upgradable)

Bullet Magic (High Grade)

Observe (Super Rare Grade - Upgradable)

Gates Of Babylon (King/World Grade) World Grade if full

Eight Inner Gates (King/World Grade) World Grade if all 8 gates open

I've saved up all the Shop Coins I could, I had a lot of Lottery tickets to use so I decided to use half of it and split that to summon twice, meaning I spent a quarter of the tickets for one thing, and managed to get 2 pretty OP skills.

In the Gates Of Babylon, it consists of the weapons from Nasuverse as well as this verse, which isn't that many since they have quirks so many don't use weapons.

As for the Inner Gates, after I got it I got a Manual of what I needed to do to be able to unlock each gate, I'm currently able to open all 8 gates if I wanted to, but just like the anime, as of right now if I were to unlock the Fourth or Fifth gate, I would get injured quite heavily, and get crippled/die if I were to open the eighth gate.

I've improved in all my skills, for my martial arts I've made *Copied* all the forms from The God Of Highschool for each Martial Art other than the Acupuncture. For Unlimited Blade Works I've fully mastered it, so I can trace any weapon that comes to mind instantly, and keep it up for a long period of time, even when tracing multiple. I'm now able to fuse my UBW domain with any other magic I manage to learn, so If I were to fuse GoB with UBW, I can change from cogs and distortions, to my GoB location where all the weapons are, in a golden expensive looking domain.

My haki upgrades along with my Body and will, I have to level up Observation haki myself which is proving to be tricky since I haven't been able to use it recently since I don't get in many fights other than Bakugo, But my Armament Upgrades along with my Body and my Conquerors haki with my Will, so that's good to know.

As for Immobilization Magic, that is the one I'm most happy and excited for. With this I can now freeze time for 3 Minutes in 100m on all directions (Bit much? I don't think so since he has spent over 11 years training it) without getting tired at all, any more than that though and it'll instantly drain my stamina, furthermore, the stronger the opponent the faster it drains. I can now perfectly control everyone within the frozen area meaning I can choose who time has frozen for. Finally, I haven't mastered it yet, but now I can also instead of just stopping time, I can slow time or speed up time for me and other people, but this uses up a lot of stamina also so I need to fully master it to be able to hang on for 3 minutes.

"Anyway Bakugo, we need to go take the UA exam"

Katsuki: "Right, bye mum" And he leaves the house

Mitsuki: "Have fun, and be safe"

"We will, I'll see you later, bye"

Mitsuki: "Bye Toshiro"

-Skip to outside the entrance of UA-

Toshiro: "This place is pretty big, as expected of the number 1 hero school where I'll be staying at for the next few years"

'It looked big in the anime, but being here in person is a whole different experience, this place is massive!'

"We should go in"

-Skip Past Speech-

So far everything's going just like the anime, Present Mic giving his speech and the awkward silences, Iida asking about how only 3 robots are shown instead of 4 like the paper said, but this time, instead of Iida complaining about Midoriya's muttering, that didn't happen.

Anyway these are the rules that remain the same:

During the practical exam, candidates conduct mock battles in replica urban settings. Examinees are given ten minutes to use their Quirks to immobilize robotic villains in order to score points depending on the individual robot's point value. The more points one examinee earns, the higher their chance is to get accepted into U.A. High.

Candidates are not allowed to fight other candidates. Doing so results in disqualification. Students hailing from the same middle school are placed in different testing areas to avoid potential cooperation.

I'm guessing the Rescue Points thing remains the same just like the anime as well, with the UA teachers monitoring the Testing Areas to give out Rescue Points for Heroic actions done.

Me, Katsuki and Midoriya are separated since the rules state that people from the same middle school can't be in the same Testing Area, so I'm in Area 3, while Midoriya and Katsuki are in 1 and 2.

The alarm for the Exam officially starting has gone off, I start with multiple [Bo-Bups] to get a big lead from the other students, I've managed to get a glimpse of some of the people in my Area, and other than a lot of canon fodders, in my Area there's Kirishima the guy who hardens his body, Sado the guy who eats a lot of sugar, and Asui the frog girl.

I decide to just get this over with and try and impress the teachers by tracing Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg and throw it to pierce around 20 robots, until Gae Bolg finally dissipates.

Teacher's Monitoring Area:

??: "Impressive!"

???: "What's his quirk?"

????: "Principle Nezu I want him in my class"

Nezu: "Wow, Aizawa, I never thought you would've asked for a student in your class this quickly"

???: "Principle Nezu, I want him in my class instead"

Aizawa: "Vlad, you know you can't have him, remember our bet before this? That I would get first pick for who's in my class"

Vlad: "Bastard..." he muttered

Nezu: "Alright, both of you calm down, Aizawa, He will be assigned into Class 1-A, As for who he is, let me get the documents real quick..... Ah here we go, he is Toshiro Yamasaki, he is 15 and his quirk is, Quirkless? Maybe he's a late developer, and his parents died a few years ago while on vacation to villains, since then he's been taken in by his aunt"

Aizawa: "Toshiro.. Quirkless huh? Interesting, it does seem he's a late bloomer, and he's perfect for my class, let's just hope he's not as annoying as Present Mic here"

Mic: "HEY!"

-End of Exam-

Well that was easy, not surprised though, after all I can probably... No, I can definitely beat both All might and AFO as I am right now.

Currently me and Katsuki are both walking back to his house to eat and celebrate, since we both definitely made it in.


Bloody hell, over 2800 words written, close to 3000, I've given myself a migraine.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please reply to the question at the top of this chapter.

I return back to school on the 5th, so after that the update schedule will be slower, furthermore on either the 3rd or 4th I probably won't release any chapters since I have things to prepare for before returning to school, I'll try and get one chapter in though at least, hopefully.

Thank you! 2900 words

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